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Everything posted by J.P.

  1. I may sound like a conspiracy theorist, but I think the underlying purpose of bots is to train the AI behind them. I'm almost sure about the ones on FB. But they are taking them back AFAIK.
  2. To me, it's describing an impossible task, often driven by greed or selfishness. If you eat a cake, you "destroy it", so you won't have it anymore, if you want to keep it, you can't eat it. It's physics. "I want to spend my money on stupid expensive stuff, but I also want to save for a new car." … things like that.
  3. It's solely to prove what you are NOT - a bot trying to interact with the website. Sometimes it's pictures (their bad quality ensures that only humans will recognize the elements), some simple mathematical calculations, or re-typing very distorted letters/numbers. However, with the development of AI, this method might become useless very soon.
  4. Also the chair-maker in While You Were Sleeping, the President in Independence Day, he was also in Lost Highway, Spaceballs… has quite a range and the part in The Sinner is quite dark and earnest. And very good.
  5. I saw Ripley in the fall. And while I have to say it was the most beautifully shot show since maybe Shindler's List (the second isn't a show, I know ) I definitely found it too long-winded. The whole story could be done in 2 or 3 Episodes IMO. 3 Body Problem… Not really impressed. I've seen two first episodes of the original and it's a totally different show, probably more interesting. Into The Night? That one with the plane? What I remember (aka enjoyed) were The Sinner with Bill Pullman (a crime show with a bit of a Scandinavian mood to it), Punisher (hard stuff, questionable message, but I really enjoyed Jon Bernthal) and Yellowstone (so far). Still on the TWD trip though. Surprisingly to myself, I even started drawing again (after like 15+ years of hiatus) and spending too much money on stuff. There is a Con in Germany next year, which is unfortunate - I can't help thinking whether I should go.
  6. Sherlock star awarded Honorary Degree https://www.leeds.ac.uk/news-university/news/article/5707/sherlock-star-awarded-honorary-degree
  7. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ It might be some British crime channel imo. No idea when, or if it gets a broader distribution. As for the streaming platforms - check if you have to pay for longer periods. I just do platform hopping. I'm registered on several of them, Sky, Amazon, Disney, Netflix. What I do though - I watch one of them, like for a month, and then cancel. Then I go to another one and do the same. All those services allow you to come back and renew the subscription, at least here.
  8. Mark Gatiss and Daniel Mays in first look at new British crime drama The duo are starring in Bookish. https://www.digitalspy.com/tv/a62672908/mark-gatiss-bookish-first-look-photos/
  9. This looks delicious…
  10. Benedict and Sofie at the The Earthshot Prize Innovation Summit. I'm afraid, Ben's Sherlock hair starts to resemble Mycroft's. O_O
  11. We shouldn't start to hyperventilate, but… https://deadline.com/2024/10/sherlock-has-future-sue-vertue-mark-gatiss-film-benedict-cumberbatch-1236104260/
  12. So young, so new to the topic. I'm jealous.
  13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grok_(chatbot) As if we wouldn't have enough bots on Twitter already. 😕 It's new to me - we don't have it in the EU.
  14. This! Thousand time this! I never thought I would feel Mycroft's goldfish quote THAT MUCH. That's a longer story actually and it started with Putin's war. Belarus is his ally and AFAIK they have invited migrants, flown them in by planes, and then sent them to the Polish border on feet. Apart from this being a humanitarian catastrophe, it was an additional burden for Poland, especially as they were dealing with a flood of Ukrainian refugees at the beginning of the war already and they had never before dealt with immigrants on that scale. The former government has chosen the US way of dealing with it and built a fence. Which of course doesn't solve the problem of people being stuck in the woods and getting desperate. I'm afraid I don't have a full picture of the situation, it's only things I catch on the radio and it's not that much. Anyway, just going back "home" isn't too tempting right now, even if there is hardly anything keeping me here besides the job. (And of course, the prospect of the move itself I hardly have energy for, but that's another story) The world became such an uninviting place.
  15. Yes, I've seen The Last of Us, mostly because of Bella Ramsay. It was okay-ish. Still, it got me surprisingly emotional in the last episode, as they told Joel about the the operation. The whole show is carried by the actors' performances imo. The story itself is quite standard - they just exchanged a virus with a fungus, that's all. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Yes, they are both based on the same book. ETA: this is an article in German, maybe you can let Google translate it. It made me curious. I'm waiting for more interesting stuff to go back to Netflix, but it will be on my list. https://www.ndr.de/kultur/film/Netflix-Serie-Ripley-Andrew-Scott-als-talentierter-Hochstapler,ripleyserie100.html
  16. But does it have what you might call the "soul" of a genuine XYZ piece? I'm afraid it doesn't matter - yet. When I see what people are gushing over on FB, I doubt most of them even know what the reality looks like. They don't want a "soul" - they want "fast" and "cheap". But it won't go well for very long imo. Here is an article Brands Are Beginning to Turn Against AI After lots of hype from big tech and a rush to integrate trendy new tools into every aspect of our lives, the backlash seems inevitable https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/ai-image-brand-backlash-1235040371/
  17. The problem is: why should anyone buy anything from you when they can let AI make it? Everyone can create an image "in the style of XYZ", without XYZ knowing or agreeing to this. Renowned artists have problems with that and I understand it. It's literally flooding the "market" with falsificates.
  18. You have to define "belonging". It's not like they resell those works and make money from that. They feed their AI with it to make money from the AI. I think we need a whole new category of laws here. It is. But it's also scary as hell if you consider that some kinds of AI (not necessarily visual ones) are practically everywhere. We might get a Terminator scenario, but not because AI is so clever, but because it grows dumber. It kind of happened already. https://edition.cnn.com/2024/06/14/style/flamingo-photograph-ai-1839-awards/index.html Soon we'll have two groups of ppl: Those who believe anything as soon as it's in a picture (and don't care about the actual source) and those who doubt everything. The second situation is especially sad for artists and photographers, who now have to provide proof their art is not… art-ificial. Finally, we started to develop an AI to detect AI. 🫣
  19. I was fascinated by the AI possibilities, I even played with Midjourney for a while. My greatest concern was fakes and I was right so far. I'm not completely on the "art theft" bandwagon yet, but I'm getting there fairly quickly, and I fully understand the concerns of artists fearing for their jobs. You can theoretically opt out of AI using your images on Meta - but it's so ridiculously complicated and seems not to work in many cases. So I was happy about Nightshade. But hardly it's out, there comes Adobe and claims everything you made with their software is free for them to use. No opting out. In the meantime, I've read somewhere that the net is so flooded with those bad fakes, that AI starts to learn from AI and therefore the mistakes cumulate and the pics' quality worsens.🤪
  20. It started long before the attack in Gaza. It's the old antisemitism that was never gone. Things like this: https://www-rbb24-de.translate.goog/panorama/beitrag/2023/10/berlin-davidstern-schmierereien-polizei-zunahme-israel-.html?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en-US&_x_tr_pto=wapp Many people think about this development as being similar to 1933 when Hitler started his "career". In the meantime, the far right openly talk about deporting non-Germans - and people supporting them, about bringing old order, showing women their place… etc, etc. And they are winning, especially in the former East Germany. The same happens around Europe, in Italy, France, Netherlands, Sweden, Spain, Slovakia… it's unsettling. In Poland, surprisingly, the conservatives lost by a close vote last year, so at least the religious indoctrination and their taking over media and education have been stopped - yet. Still, it's not a place I would like to go back to right now, esp. with the war over the border and ongoing Bielarussian provocations, reliving old national resentments and attempts to leave the EU.
  21. It has nothing to do with the recent situation.
  22. VBS, <- but with my owl coffee mug. I'm afraid it is. Actually, it's not scary THAT way. It's gory/macabre, but the Zombies are actually rather a part of the scenery. Once I got used to them, I didn't even notice them. BUT: the real horror lies in things people are doing to each other, and it's not the human gore that's most difficult to watch sometimes. I've had a moment when I considered breaking it up because it was so depressing (knowing that people actually can be even worse in RL, didn't help). It still has good/engaging characters, an interesting story and some great moments. It "got me" while I was watching it as a background for knitting, not paying 100% attention - so it was a bit of a surprise. Unfortunately, it suffers from the same problem all long shows have - they start to be written for money, so the quality decreases in favour of length and to me, it is really visible. Fear The Walking Dead is a kind of sister show. It's the same universe and a similar timeline, but different locations and characters. To me, it was much less engaging. The same for other spin-offs and there are… wait… four more of them. Haven't seen Ripley, but I can hardly remember the movie version, which meant I wasn't that impressed by the story. BTW, have anyone of you seen Eric with Ben?
  23. Yeah, it becomes "them vs. us" too much and you have to "buy the whole package". Sometimes I've had the impression the Civil War has never ended - and that was on IMDB movie discussions! On the other hand, our system is going south too. You have the impression ALL of them are liars or idiots or both. The rise of radical right/fascists is scary and that shows in the EU parliament as well. Don't know if it's true, but I've read about (mostly) Jewish people literally packing already and many more are considering emigration. …which also crossed my mind, but well… actually there is nowhere to go.
  24. I still somehow remember the old one and I'm amazed how different they look regarding costumes. Of course the style of making movies/shows changed a lot, but they look as if they were placed in two different timeframes.
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