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  1. I've thought about this for awhile and decided we needed a story that is told in sections as can happen at camp or sleepovers where 1 person starts then another continues where the 1st left off. I'll start the story then the next person will continue where I left off and so on and so forth. There are no specific character roles that a person will play (hence not being in the RPG area). We cover all of them as we write the story together. You can contribute a little or a lot. (And with the occasional 2+ people posting at the same time, the story could be very interesting rather quickly. Also there is no need to apologize if that happens. The story will just be more interesting even if it does seem confusing at times. We will make it work and have fun doing so. Because having fun is mandatory :D) Starter summary: Story: This comes from the If John and Sherlock parented Baby Watson at 221B thread. The story will start right after Mary leaves and before John moves back into 221B. Sherlock and John will have cases both from NSY as well as private clients & John will have his medical practice. Cast of Characters= Everyone that has been in an Episode of Sherlock and is alive is fair game (Sorry to anyone who liked CAM, he's dead and gone & so is Jeff the Cabby. However, Moriarty is an option because he's in limbo [all debate on how he survived/not survived can be found in the Series 4 threads elsewhere on here] & I kind of want him back in some way, shape, or form on the actual show.) as well as Baby Watson (who will be named Sheralyn in this story as I like that middle name from sfmpco's fanfic The Blackbird series) and obviously they will have clients like old times. So yes Mary can somehow be an option even though she left for some yet to be known reason. So on to the start of the story in the next post.
  2. Inspired by the great "baby name debate" over in ... well, that other thread. Be as serious or silly as you like. Feel free to make fun of each other's choices. We've still got months to go, we have to kill the time somehow. :p Hopefully after the baby's actual name is revealed our beloved moderator will delete this thread to save us all a lifetime of embarrassment at how far off we were.
  3. Okay, I'm starting this thread to continue on with some fun musings regarding what would happen IF Sherlock and John had to rear Baby Watson by themselves. Madness would ensue! Mrs. Hudson would take on a grandmotherly role and end up babysitting A LOT. Sherlock being completely inept and changing diapers while wearing full safety gear - even picking up the soil diapers with kitchen tongs to transfer them to the garbage Sherlock visiting Lestrade over a murder and Sherlock having a bit of baby vomit on his shoulder that he forgot to clean off. John pacing all night with a crying baby and Sherlock yelling "shut up!" and the baby shutting up. Sherlock trying to calm the crying baby in all sorts of unusual ways that no normal parent would ever consider. John coming back from an errand to find Sherlock asleep on the sofa with the baby on his chest Sherlock sitting at his computer looking at the same types of crime scene pictures he showed Archie but with Baby Watson in his lap Sherlock reading bedtime stories to baby Watson that are murder mysteries Baby Watson's first word is "murder" Okay.... keep going
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