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What other TV shows do you watch?


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Now, as much as we all love the Consulting Detective, no fan can live on one show alone.

so what other shows do you watch?

What would you recommend if asked to suggest a show?


guess I should go first



Lost Girl


True Blood

Game of Thrones

Silent Witness

Criminal Minds

Upstairs Downstairs

Warehouse 13

Tenth kingdom

The Tribe

Doctor Who

Being human US



Stargate (SG1 and A)

Star Trek (TNG DS9 and V)


to name but a few

Edited by EvigMidnat
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True Blood

Game of Thrones

Law & Order

Big Bang Theory

The Good Wife





Is that a tvshow? I'm asking because i know of an anime with that name...

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My faves are:

Doctor Who

Torchwood (except for Miracle Day :rolleyes: )

Star Trek (I might be in the minority here, but my favourite is Enterprise and also TOS)

Stargate SG-1 & Atlantis

Big Bang Theory


30 Rock

and Granada Television's Sherlock Holmes

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My List - shows I do watch, shows I used to watch and shows I only discovered when I found the DVDs but still absolutely love.


Doctor Who,

Torchwood (pre Miracle Day)


Dresden Files


Being Human UK



Blakes Seven


The Champions

The Tomorrow People (original)

Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

Forever Knight



Star Trek: Voayger


And to a lesser extent (shows I like but don't necessarily LOVE)




Game of Thrones

Dirk Gently

the rest of Trek (except Enterprise)

The IT Crowd

Big Bang Theory



And I'm the one who says I don't watch a lot of telly!

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Since finished series and anime are allowed, I'll update my list:


True Blood

Game of Thrones

Law & Order

Big Bang Theory

The Good Wife




Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

Fullmetal Alchemist

We still don't know the name of the flower we saw that day

Tiger & Bunny


...and there's a lot more but my mind is suddenly blank ;_;


EDIT: I have two questions:

Is merlin really good? I'm thinking of seeing it.

I want to watch Doctor Who but I'm reluctant cause friends told me it's really long...

Edited by Lirael
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I love Moffat's Doctor Who....I also don't watch much current TV, so that's a bit of an issue for anyone reading this. ;) I'm a fan of the first two seasons of Torchwood (and I've apologized to anyone who began watching the show, upon my recommendation, with COE...). Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Star Trek--especially the original series, which I am old enough to have watched, and the reboot film. Harry Potter.... except, based upon my experiences, I wouldn't recommend anyone in the world going anywhere near that fandom. Although, to be fair, I understand that a lot of fandoms have the same issues....which is why I've never, ever gone near TW (read--it's revoltingly ugly), BVS, or ST...........................................There are better ways to spend one's time.

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Doctor Who is only really long if you decide you want to watch *all* previous 10 Doctors to the present one. If you include Classic Who next year will be series 33 (or Series 7 if you only use New Who).


If you didn't grow up with Doctor Who (which I did, my first Doctor was Three) it's kind of a daunting task to try to catch up on the classic stuff. There are quite a few referenced to Classic Who in New Who but you can enjoy it without knowing them - that's what all the new fans are doing after all!


Fandom wise, Torchwood used to be insane in a bad way at times but you could avoid most of that if you wanted (which I managed to do quite happily).

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whats HIMYM?


Whoops yes, How I Met Your Mother. Sorry 'bout that. :P


I've been trying to catch up on Classic Who too, but it's so tricky with many of the older episodes missing, and the DVDs are so expensive!! I've been trying to watch all of the really well known episodes as I can find them.


I miss the Torchwood fandom at it's height. Those were good times. But there were some crazy fandom-war stuff going on. Torchwood fandom mostly survived after COE, but it's just been DEAD it seems since Miracle Day aired. :(

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It´s true the Torchwood forum went through a very rough period with lots of anger and stupidness but now it is totally wonderful again. The troublemakers went away and a lot of newcomers have joined lately so it´s none of that silliness left. And it is certainly far from dead!


And I have a question about classic Doctor Who. As I happen to live in a country where it´s not on any TV-channel I had to buy the box with the first five seasons (of the new series). A couple of times it´s been mentioned that the docktor was a father once upon a time. Can you tell me more about that? Was it before the whole destruction of Galifrey? Before he started to travel? Or do he have living children somewhere out there?


Thankful for answers. :)

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The first Doctor's initial companion, Susan, called him grandfather. To be a graendfather he had to be a dad first.

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And there was Jenny, the girl made from his DNA, so technically he was her dad. She's not dead either and I wish they'd bring her back. Tennant's doctor is quoted as saying "I was a dad, once" in the 11th episode of the second series, "Fear Her".

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I don't really watch a great deal of TV, so I'll just provide you with a list of things that I actually watch religiously:


Doctor Who is my all time favourite tv programme. I have watched it pretty much my whole life.

Torchwood (And I quite enjoyed miracle day - well, for the first couple of episodes anyway)


(basically anything the BBC/Moffat is involved in ;) )

Scott and Bailey

90210 (Yes, I know it is so trashy, but I love it so much!)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmm, in terms of shows with their fandoms, one of the top ones that comes to mind would definitely be ReBoot. Although, it seems to have quieted down a bit in the past couple of years. I still find it's a fandom with mostly warm people that can share their love of an awesome cartoon.


Other shows I'm currently invested in (ie. new episodes are/will be made):


Big Bang Theory


Mythbusters (they're still making new ones, right?)

Game of Thrones (fan of the books, actually)


And... um... hmm. While I have my little anime collection, I don't think I'm actually watching a current show at the moment. I watched the first couple of episodes of Tiger and Bunny but then life got busy all of a sudden and I kept forgetting to pick it back up. I'll need to do that. Although it's probably been licensed in North America by now...?

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Current stuff:

CSI (Vegas and NY). I like crime drama, and I'm quite fond of some of the characters.

NCIS. Because they are a lovely dysfunctional bunch.

Being Human. Series 4 was a bit disappointing (I miss the old bunch!) but still interesting, I'm curious to see where it goes from here.

Fringe. Because it's weird and intriguing and has great characters.

The Mentalist. Funny.

Castle. Hilarious and very true at times.

Game of Thrones. Series 1 hooked me, now I'm reading the books... Curious to see how they'll squeeze the second book into series 2.

Merlin. Because, funny and good characters, despite being just about very loosely based on something that once resembled Arthurian legend.


Not current stuff:

Torchwood. Series 1 and 2. I do admire the production values of CoE, but I don't like my universes being destroyed just because, so I stay away from that one.

Stargate. At least Atlantis and SG-1. Can't comment on Universe yet cos I've not seen it.

Star Trek. All flavours thereof.

Highlander (The series). I prefer Duncan McLeod. So sue me.

Buffy. Because, Spike.

Lost. Currently rewatching the first five series so we can watch series 6. Spoil me and I will main and kill. You have been warned.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Doctor Who



Ao No Exorcist



Parks and Recreation

30 Rock

Brave 10 (Anime)


The Walking Dead (prefer the comics)

- I watch a lot of anime so I can't really list it here, but this is what I'm into at the moment. I also want to start Game of Thrones but I've only read the first book so far. XD

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  • 5 months later...

Aside from Sherlock, the only current tv show I am watching is Elementary (which I really like, but am not involved in the fandom of).


Again aside from Sherlock, the only shows whose fandom I've been involved in are Star Trek (original) and Magnum, PI.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I watch so many good shows that I am afraid to miss some in this list, however I shall try.

These are most of the shows I have enjoyed, past and present:

BBC Sherlock
666 Park Avenue
Big Bang Theory
True Blood
Vampire Diaries
Kyle XY
Warehouse 13
Lost Girl
Law and Order-Criminal Intent
Law and Order-SUV
Law and Order-UK
Stargate SG1
Stargate Atlantis
Stargate Universe
Being Human UK
Wire in the Blood
Touching Evil
Touching Evil US
Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman
Franklin and Bash
Conspiracy 365
Once Upon a Time
The Beast
Level Up
Falling Skies
Dirk Gently
Dresden Files
The Fades
The Walking Dead
The B*tch in Apartment 23
Hart of Dixie
Tin Man

I'll probably end up adding more to this list but at the moment that’s all I can think of.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm.. I like the old stuff..


Fawlty Towers

The Vicar of Dibley

Father Ted

French and Saunders



I just love british TV-Series :)


I also like The Golden Girls and I've just started watching Monk. :)

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