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N. Gower St. filming for TSo3 (& TEH)

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It was our last day in London -- but we were there!


Actually, it started ten days earlier, on Saturday the 11th.  We couldn't be in London without visiting North Gower (several times), of course, and when we rounded the corner for the first time, we were delighted to see these posted up and down the block:





Those notices screamed "Sherlock will be filming here on the 21st!" so when I posted this photo on another thread --




-- I cropped it a bit to omit that bright-yellow notice at the right-hand edge.  (Sue Vertue would be so proud!)


And that's where matters rested (from our point of view) till the 20th, when we decided to have lunch at Speedy's the day before the shoot.  To our delight, the crew was already there, starting the set-up work.  It was fascinating to watch, and Alex took lots of pictures -- but it's supper time now, and Photobucket is ever so much slower on our dial-up than it was on the hotel's lovely wi-fi, so I'll continue another day.


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The first thing we saw as we rounded the corner on Monday the 20th was these trucks:




I briefly wondered what that bench was for, but didn't give it another thought till we were going through these photos yesterday, and I remembered this photo from Sherlockology:




I wasn't at the Tuesday-morning shoot, but I bet I saw their bench!   :)  (And we saw all four of those men at the Tuesday-afternoon shoot.)


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We arrived about 1:30 in the afternoon on Monday.  The crew had apparently gotten there shortly before us, because we didn't notice any changes yet.  (On the other hand, some of the things they did change were such picky little details that we might not have noticed if we hadn't seen them do it.)


Speedy's usually has a neon Cafe / Restaurant sign over the door to "221" (you may have noticed it in the Sherlock pilot, where the cafe belonged to Mrs. Hudson):




It probably used to be hard-wired, but these days they just unplug it, then unbolt it ...




... and remove it ...




... and replace it with a plug-in light!





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I'm at the local library today, using their wi-fi -- let's see how this goes!


The people who actually live in "221B" have some nice simple curtains, but the crew took those down and replaced them with Mrs. Hudson's lacy sheers ...




... and later they also hung the heavy drapes (though those are so dark that they didn't show up in any of our photos).


There wasn't any inner door (at least by the time we got there), so the crew installed the familiar glass-paneled one:




The foyer actually has a hard floor (tile?) with a clever recessed area for the wipe-your-feet mat, but the crew replaced the mat with a piece of plywood ...




... and covered the floor with carpet:




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About this time, I noticed a familiar face -- Beatrice, whom we'd met at St. Bart's a few days before.  She had to return to Italy the next morning, so had stopped by for a last look at "Baker Street" and was delighted to catch some of the set-up.  All three of us were exhausted (as you can see!) and hungry by then, so when a table freed up, we sat down and ordered lunch.  (Alex and I had the Watson Wraps and we all shared a bowl of chips -- everything was delicious!)




There were a couple of potted mini-trees on the balcony next door, but nothing at "221B" until a crew member took a stack of pots upstairs and began arranging them, painstakingly directed by a fellow crew member down on the curb, who appeared to be consulting a photo on his cell phone, presumably making sure the results matched prior arrangements:




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This is the noisiest darn library -- but zowie, is this wi-fi wonderful!


Inside Speedy's, there are a number of Sherlock-related photos on the wall, such as these shots of "Mr. Speedy" with various cast members (and other familiar faces in the background) ...




... but I think my favorite was this shot from the filming of "The Great Game" (apologies for our blurred photo) --




-- revealing that the "exploded building" across the street was a green-screen effect.  I'd been wondering about that!


By mid-afternoon, the crew was done for the day, so we left ...




... and when we stopped back by a couple of hours later, the trucks were gone, and Speedy's was also done for the day:




Note all those lovely (empty!) flower pots, as well as one of the aforementioned mini-trees next door.  I guess neither John nor Sherlock is into horticulture!


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When we returned at 8:00 Tuesday morning, one truck was back and 187 North Gower had officially become 221B Baker Street:




Other fans were starting to show up:




The crew also changed the house numbers on the two neighboring doors.  Number 185 North Gower became 219 Baker (and 189 became 223):




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The crew's biggest project of the day seemed to be the doorbell labels and buttons.  First they removed the real ones (presumably because they have real people's names on them) ...




... leaving just the hole with the wires ...




... then they taped over the hole and painted the tape ...




... and waited for the paint to dry!



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Meanwhile, they put up the "Baker Street" signs -- here goes one ...




... and here's Alma from Mexico (whom we had also met at St. Bart's) holding the other one ...




... before they put it up:




Did you ever notice that little shop at the corner?  Me neither.  Maybe they avoid showing it for some reason.  But please do notice that stack of orange barricades leaning against the building.  They'll come out to play later!


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Here's the scene across the street at about 9:30:




Just wait -- there will be a lot more fans by the time filming begins!


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You're welcome!  I'm having fun putting these up.  And I'm back at the library again today, so here goes with a few more:


The crew not only put up "Baker Street" signs, they also put new signs over the existing ones at the corners of nearby side streets, so that a small section of the real Baker Street was mapped onto that bit of North Gower.  (And note that that section of Baker is south of Marylebone Road, not north of it, where the Sherlock Holmes Museum has somehow acquired the 221 address.)


The real Tolmer's Square sign at the corner ...




... gets covered up with a Crawford Street sign.




And the real Stephenson Way sign across the way ...




... get covered up with a Dorset Street sign.




And likewise Euston Street becomes York Street:



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Real-life advertising also got camouflaged.  The real-estate signs across the street ...




... were covered with fake ones (and by the way, "Rumbelows" has been the Sherlock real-estate agency of choice ever since the pilot):




Even Speedy's telephone number got scraped off the window ...




... and meticulously replaced with a fake one!




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Remember that paint?  Well it must have dried.  So the crew went back to the doorbell project and installed the new buttons (which are oriented up-and-down instead of across, and more importantly presumably don't work, to guarantee that rambunctious fans can't annoy the people upstairs) ...




... and labels (which merely show the flat numbers, no names -- I was disappointed!):




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We had been told that "they" were filming elsewhere that morning (presumably at the park seen in that bench photo in post #2 above) and would be showing up at North Gower sometime in the afternoon.  By now it was past noon, and "Mr. Speedy" had been spotted carrying several loads of presumed comestibles to an undisclosed location on Stephenson Way (alias Dorset Street):
Also, one of the "extras" had shown up (possible spoiler if you're totally unaware of the online buzz for episode 1) ...


... as well as the inevitable London cab, which was then polished to a mellow gleam (and of course proceeded to get a new license plate):
We didn't have much longer to wait! (But Alex's pictures of the actual filming will have to wait a few days till I get back to the library.)

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By the way, if there's a North Gower Street somewhere in the United States, you can safely assume that it's basically the northern half of Gower Street, and that the southern half is called South Gower Street.


Americans may assume that the same applies to North Gower Street in London, but no, the southern part is just called Gower Street.  Apparently just-Gower was there first, and when they put in a northern extension, they called it North Gower.  As to why they didn't simply call it Gower and keep going with the house numbers -- my best guess is that North Gower is on the other side of a political boundary.  Can anyone tell us for sure?


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I am really amazed at the amount of time and effort they put into even the smallest details. I suppose a Brit watching the show might notice, but I know I wouldn't be looking at all the background stuff with "the boys" running around.

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I suspect there are two main reasons for the attention to detail:  1) There are legions of detail-oriented fans with DVDs, and 2) Moffat and Gatiss are self-proclaimed geeks.  These reasons would account for the curtains, carpet, flower pots, house numbers, and street signs.  And the cafe sign over the door to "221" presumably just didn't seem quite right.


Also, some of the details may be motivated by the desire to avoid being a nuisance to others (and may even be legally mandated).  Installing an inner door and changing to non-working doorbell buttons with generic labels avoids nuisance to the actual residents.  Covering the real-estate signs keeps the actual agencies from having to explain that the property went off the market months ago.  And changing Speedy's phone number avoids prank calls (same as the reason for all the "555" numbers on American TV).


But there was one detail yet to be dealt with -- in the taxi photo above, note the round blue historical plaque next to the door (seen at closer range here).  During filming, they cover it with a light fixture.  None of us fans were quite sure why they hadn't done so yet (one of those law things?), but clearly filming could not start until they did.


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I'm back at the library this afternoon, so here goes with more photos!


At 2:15, Alex and I were trying to figure out what director Colm McCarthy and (we think) director of photography Steve Lawes (with his back to us) were doing at the right-hand end of Speedy's canopy, so he took this photo -- which is now of greater interest due to the figure we had not yet noticed, arriving at the far right:




Yes, that's Mark Gatiss, in parka and jeans.  Obviously not going to play Mycroft, then!  He was apparently there as Executive Producer, since we never saw Steven Moffat or either Vertue.  We were told somewhere along the line that they would be filming not only for Episode 2, but also a pick-up scene for Episode 1, so it's possible that he was also wearing his writer hat.


The batteries in Alex's camera chose this moment to die, so we don't have a photo of two more arrivals of note.  Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman walked in from the other direction, and stood chatting amiably just across the street while Alex changed the batteries (and did not take the time to set the camera's clock).  He got this hurried photo of them (at the far left) just before Mr. Cumberbatch wandered off somewhere:




Mr. Freeman then stood chatting with (from left) director Colm McCarthy, director of photography Steve Lawes, Mark Gatiss, and a few as-yet-unidentified-by-us others.  Arwel Jones was also around and about (at far right here):



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Finally, the moment we'd all been waiting for arrived -- steadied by Arwel Jones, a crew member installed the familiar light fixture over the real-life historical plaque:




A cheer went up from the crowd of fans -- and the cast and crew looked around, bewildered.  But we knew this meant that shooting could now commence!


But first, there was more chatting to be done (and a whole lot of hurry-up-and-wait):







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The aforementioned "extra" got some attention from Arwel Jones ...



... an orange-balloon head!





Then it was time for more waiting ...




... and last-minute planning:




Then Martin Freeman wandered off, and the base of operations moved to Speedy's ...




... and the yellow no-parking signs came down!




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I'm back at the library, and yes, fans, it's show time -- interspersed with a whole lot more hurry-up-and-wait!  If the latter weren't also interesting, then watching a location shoot would be about as exciting as a rousing game of baseball (though mercifully without the crotch-scratching).


A pleasant man with an admirably-audible voice had already explained to us that once they were ready to begin filming, we would be moved up the street, so that we wouldn't be reflected in the windows along the supposedly-empty "Baker Street."  Here's an ever-so-cool satellite view that may help with my explanations (if that comes up as a regular map, just click on "Satellite" at the upper right).  So anyhow, we had been just across North Gower from Speedy's (the red"pin" at #187), but now they herded us up to the corner of Euston Street (the sometimes-unlabeled street that runs off to the upper right).  Alex and I ended up on the Euston Street side of the building labeled "Hodge Jones & Allen," getting a good view by standing on their steps.  Here's the crowd in transit:




We estimated that there were between 100 and 500 fans present by this time, probably about 300.  A few days later, we read a comment by either Gatiss or Mofatt, mentioning 250 fans on North Gower, so we assume that was our bunch.


It didn't take long for the crew to get the camera set up:




Note Steve Lawes at the left, headed in our direction (where they set up the camera for a later shot), and Mark Gatiss under Speedy's canopy.


This dog was lead through several times during the afternoon.  We believe that it's a guide dog in training, being taught to ignore crowds.




Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman reappeared, in costume (here, they're standing with the director, just to the left of the historical-plaque light fixture):




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The first scene filmed was a pretty unremarkable Sherlock-and-John-come-out-the-door-and-hail-a-cab bit.  (Alex commented, "Don't they have stock footage for this?")  But it was interesting to see them filming it, and hey, it's not a spoiler!


First, they seemed to be thinking everything through:




Note the guy lying on the balcony, who appears to have a camera -- maybe he's photographing us!  And we're guessing that those people near us on the left (with all the camera equipment) are the press.


Then I think they did a run-through with no camera, followed by three or four takes.  Basically, Sherlock comes out the door, followed by John ...




... Sherlock calls out a very authoritative "Taxi!"




... and they ride off:




Actually, the cab would go maybe a hundred feet, then come to an abrupt halt to avoid plowing into several hundred fans.  We couldn't see very much through the cab windows (due to the aforementioned reflections), but every time the cab got to our end of its jaunt, a waving hand would appear just the other side of the glass (which unfortunately doesn't seem to show in any of our photos).  TURNS OUT THAT WAS A LIE!  SEE THE SECOND PHOTO IN POST #25 BELOW.  We weren't sure whose hand it was, but we kind of assume they were both waving at us -- and of course we all waved back!


Due to the distance and all the assorted people and activities between us and the action, it was a little hard to tell when they were actually filming (though we could sometimes hear "action!").  We fans were reminded several times to please refrain from talking out loud and (especially!) from flash photography.


It's time for me to go home how, but I'll be back to the library in just a few days.


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One thing I've been meaning to mention:  On another thread, someone was assuming that this row of brick houses comprises one single apartment building, under one ownership.  Actually, I believe that each doorway leads into what was originally a single-family dwelling, like the brownstones of New York City.  Many of them have since been divided into flats (again, like many of the brownstones), but I suspect that in general, the houses are still individually owned, just as Mrs. Hudson owns #221.


If you look at the photos above, you can see the differences in color of brick, style of windows, etc.


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Between takes, the cast and crew would talk (but we have no idea about what):




(Benedict Cumberbatch is under the middle of the Speedy's canopy, talking with Colm McCarthy, Martin Freeman is between the sign post and the "221" doorway, and I believe Mark Gatiss is seated just behind and to the right of the camera cart.)


Then they'd do another take.  The people standing out of shot to the right (below) appeared to be extras, particularly the woman in gray and black at the far right -- though we never did figure out which scene(s) they were in, due to all the crew people moving around behind the camera.




Added:  If you look closely at the photo above (it helps to left-click on it, to enlarge it -- then click ESC when you're done looking), just at the rear edge of the middle cab window, you'll see the waving hand that I mentioned above.  Anyone care to deduce whose it is?  And as you can easily see, the fans are waving back (which is what prompted me to look more closely at the cab window).


As it turned out, that was the only scene being filmed for Episode 2, so once they were done with it, there were some apparent photo ops.  We've heard rumors that Freeman and Cumberbatch hugged, but the closest we have to that is an arm around the shoulder:




Can anyone identify the dark-haired woman in glasses who's standing in front of them?  She's in a lot of our photos, but we have no idea who she is.


Then Mark Gatiss joined the photo op.  (And here's a clearer shot of the mystery woman.)




Here's an official "John and Sherlock" pose (and note that they're dismantling the camera set-up):




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