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I'm not sure whether to post that here, since it's a Star Trek fic and not a Sherlock fic, but seeing as it would not even exist without this forum, here goes:


Choices - the fic that grew out of the "Redemption By Vulcan" idea first posted here by Julia Mae (aside: anyone seen her around lately? I hope she's okay).


Anyway, Julia Mae, Fox, Carol, I hope you're proud of what you've wrought :P. The ideas you brought forth in the Star Trek spoiler thread wouldn't let go of me until I wrote them down, and here I thought I'd successfully broken the fanfiction habit more than a decade ago - also, finals time perhaps wasn't the best of times to start this, but never mind :lol:.


Seriously though, thank you for your ideas and inspiration. I don't think I'll ever dare write Sherlock fanfic, but I had a blast doing this one and I owe it all to you :hugz:.

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Wow!  I'm not taking the time to read the whole thing right now (since I'm so far behind on reading forum posts), but the beginning is really good!  And you wrote all 12 chapters in -- what? a few weeks?  (I've been puttering around on a post-Reichenbach fic for months now, and it's still very much a work in progress -- though I flatter myself that the plot is much better than when I started.)


And thanks ever so much for including a forum plug in your introduction!


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It's not a plug, it's the truth :) - this would never have occurred to me on my own.


All told, I spent close to three weeks on it, but I remember taking much longer for my fics back when I wrote HP stories, at least until Susanna talked me into doing timechallenges - which are really fun, we should do some round here, come to think of it :lol:.


My hat's off to you for even attempting a post-Reichenbach fic, however long it takes :sofa2: . I might have written Sherlock fanfic if I'd come into the fandom at a different time, but this topic is waaay too far above my head.

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Oh, it's not one of those complex how-does-it-all-turn-out post-Reichenbach fics, just a little something that might have happened along the way.  And it'll apparently be contradicted by the upcoming series.  But I'm enjoying playing with possibilities.  Heaven knows whether it'll ever see the light of the internet!


Added:  One of my biggest minor challenges is writing credible British dialogue.


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It's never to late to start to write Sherlock fanfic. I hadn't dared put anything down on paper since I was a teenager. Since I started posting on fanfiction.net in 2012, I have worked up 9 different stories and only three are one shots.


Read some of your story and am so looking forward to finishing it. Looks like you did yourself up proud. Love it.

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Wow, that's what I get for not visiting ff.net for so long - who are you over there, Fox? I just checked but the bakerstreetirregular there doesn't have any stories and there are many, many Foxes :).


It might not be too late to start writing Sherlock fanfic, but just for starters, I'd have to get a Britpicker - I've long since lost contact to Sarge, who did that for my HP fics, and I had trouble even with Khan ... and space at least is free of such pitfalls as jumper and telly (and don't get me started on Scotty, there's a reason he only got two lines of dialogue :lol:). Also, it's not so much the coming late aspect or the having to explain the Fall that scares me off but the situation Sherlock and John are left in at this point in time. For them to have a story, they will have to meet again first, and that is one scene that I feel is quite above my writing level.

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Sherlock and John were working and living together for 18 months.  Surely a lot of things happened during that time that we haven't seen on television.


Also, the two of them may be apart for years (as in the canon), with a lot of things going on during that time.


There are a lot of story possibilities other than The Reunion.


Added:  "Britpicker" is a new one on me -- but I'm guessing that's a word for a lovely British person who's willing to read stories written by non-British people, and tell them where they've gone wrong in their dialog.  I need one of those too, or at least I will if my story's ever ready for reading.


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Britpicker is what we called our patient British friends :brit:  in the Harry Potter fandom who went through our stories and told us that, no, Hermione would not call her mother "Mom", and when an English person curses, they have colo(u)rful vocabularies, but "heck" is not among the things they'd say. I have no idea if that's a univeral fandom term, I'm afraid, I kinda thought so but it might not be.


Writing pre-Reichenbach stories now somehow feels, dunno, like a cop-out to me, like ignoring the (not-splattered) elephant in the room - just for me, mind you, I've been reading and enjoying them, so not a general statement. And writing John-solo or Sherlock-solo stories feels too sad.

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I have faith in your writing abilities if your "Choices" is just an example of what you can do. If you can pick up on such a complex character as Khan like that, Sherlock shouldn't be to much of a problem.  I have a Brit-Picker so I can help some or contact sevenpercent in ff.net. He's a good egg and tell him I told you about him. My writer's name is ravenoak21.

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Just because a term is new to me, please don't assume that it's not in common fan usage!  I've never been involved in many fandoms, and though I've enjoyed a number of British programs over the years, Sherlock is my only British-origin fandom to date.


But "Britpicker" is relatively self-explanatory -- based, I assume, on nitpicker.  Sounds like exactly the sort of person who'd be perfect for the job!


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But "Britpicker" is relatively self-explanatory -- based, I assume, on nitpicker.  Sounds like exactly the sort of person who'd be perfect for the job!

Oh definitely. And some of them can get pretty belligerent about it too. But sevenpercent is not at all bad. Seems eager to help out anyone who wants to make a real effort at it.

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I also do duty as a Britpicker for some people on Livejournal and AO3. I don't offer full Beta services as I don't really have time, but Brit picking is much less fraught than being a beta IMO. I'm Aeron Lanart on LJ and a_lanart on AO3.


Caya, I haven't read your fic yet as I need to be more awake for a 25k word story.

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Wow, there are so many writers around here, we have to do some timechallenges soon (trust me, that'll be fun, she said :D)!


Thanks for your writers' handles, Fox and aely! Fox, I didn't know you were a professional pirate, that must be the coolest thing ever to put on a cv B). I tried to review the first of your stories I read, but it didn't show up for some reason - maybe because I did so anonymously (I once had a ff.net account, but I don't have the faintest what the pw used to be and the email address it was tied to is long gone). Sorry about that, let me repeat that you have the most adorable Mrs. Hudson ever :wub:.


aely, how on earth can one person write one.hundred.and.twenty.six stories? I'm so intimitated I don't know where to start :lol:. Is the "Lanart" in your name related to Darkover, perchance?


Thank you for the Britpicking offers, both of you ... I'll gladly take you up on it if I ever write a Sherlock fic.


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You can leave a comment as a guest. It goes to my e-mail address though and not to the story's own review page, I'm not sure why that is. But I will check my mail for it. Thank you. I love Mrs. H.

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aely, how on earth can one person write one.hundred.and.twenty.six stories? I'm so intimitated I don't know where to start :lol:. Is the "Lanart" in your name related to Darkover, perchance?


I started writing and sharing fanfic in the late 90s, though I did have a gap of about 6 years when I wrote nothing, until Torchwood aired and kicked the muses back into life. I've actually written more like 140 fics, but I've decided against sharing the rest of my older ones on AO3 (though you can still find them in certain usenet archives). I'm not writing anywhere near as much as I was a couple of years ago as I just don't seem to have the time any more.


Well spotted with regards to the name. I was obsessed by Darkover for quite a while and when I wanted a pen name that reflected the me of the time, Lanart was the first surname that came into my head. I have a mostly unwritten Doctor Who/Darkover crossover that has been lurking in my brain for a long time, but I've never managed to get the muses to talk to me long enough to write more than a few lines - it's a Tenth Doctor and Donna story btw.


Aeron is a river in Wales, though I initially picked that from a book and all.


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Another Darkover fan - breda mea :hugz:! You do realize I'm going to hound you now until you write that Doctor Who/Darkover crossfic, don't you :lol:?


And writing 140 fics is an impressive timespan no matter the timeframe :o,

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I'm not sure whether to post that here, since it's a Star Trek fic and not a Sherlock fic, but seeing as it would not even exist without this forum, here goes:


Choices - the fic that grew out of the "Redemption By Vulcan" idea first posted here by Julia Mae (aside: anyone seen her around lately? I hope she's okay).


Mostly she is appalled that somehow there seems to be a whole generation of people who have no knowledge of or respect for intellectual property.


The fact that something is on a forum, doesn't NOT made it public domain.  The site owns the posts, but the posters own the words and ideas.  This went to court almost twenty years ago in a case against AOL when those were pretty much the only forums around. So there is plenty of legal, international precedent.


You want to be writer, get your own ideas, don't steal them from other people.

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Whoa there.


When you wrote me yesterday and indicated you were cross with me for what you considered stealing while I thought of it as inspiration, I was shocked and offered to take my story down if you felt so strongly about it - an offer which still stands, of course.


So no need to publicly rake me over the coals for it. I truly thought that you'd be happy that a story grew from that forum thread (and just for the record, people did use parts of my HP fics both with and without asking and I have always considered this a great honour). Your reaction totally blindsided me and I'll be happy to make whatever amends I can.


Say the word and I'll delete my fic or do whatever else makes this better for you. But don't hang my entire generation's sins around my neck.


eta: If that is any consolation, that plot point of yours only comes into play in the epilogue, the main story runs along a different path. Still, it is very much inspired by the Star Trek Spoiler thread, and I've always attributed it as such.

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Perhaps we'd best say for future reference -- if you do NOT want other people using your ideas, then it would be a good idea to say so very clearly when you post.  Otherwise, people are likely to take your comments as just kicking some ideas around.


Julia Mae, since you were participating in a virtual conversation, and your post mentions no desire to retain ownership of your idea, I can understand why it never occurred to Caya that she was "stealing" it, especially since she gave you credit.


On the other hand -- again, for future reference -- if someone else's idea inspires you with a story idea, it would be polite to ask their permission before using it yourself.


So Caya, I can understand why Julia Mae feels that she has lost something.


Both of you ladies are valued members of this forum, so I hope you'll be able to work this out amicably in your private messages.


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I also do duty as a Britpicker for some people on Livejournal and AO3. I don't offer full Beta services as I don't really have time, but Brit picking is much less fraught than being a beta IMO.

Aely, you may regret saying that! (I just happen to have a story of my own in the works....)

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Thanks for the move, Carol! Makes my original post sound a bit demented, but if the shoe fits :wacko:.


As for asking permission beforehand, no, I did not do so explicitly, and I can see now (hindsight being 20/20) that was a lapse in judgement. However, I did post this:



PS: Your mentioning the Vulcans has given me a small but nagging urge for a fanfic, something that hasn't happened in a dozen years. I hope the two of you are happy :P.


and since neither of them protested I happily started typing.


Nevertheless, I fully accept responsibility for the trouble I caused, and I can only state again that I'll do whatever I can to make amends, be it taking the story down, rewriting the epilogue (where the non-Spock Vulcans are mentioned), adding Julia Mae as co-author, or whatever she feels is most appropriate.

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I awoke this morning to an e-mail by Julia Mae asking me to take the fic down, so I just did. End of story (no pun intended), I hope, and  I can only offer my apologies both to her and to the moderators once more.


My apologies, too, to those of you who wanted to read this but didn't get the chance. I'll see if I can do a re-write, salvage what I can and do a new, my-ideas-only version (pending Julia Mae's veto) ... since the problem mostly seems to be the epilogue it might be possible but I can't promise (I haven't looked into it yet and I'm sure going to err on the side of caution this time, I've left enough blood on the carpet as is). Give me a couple of days, I'll drop a line here if I'm successful.

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