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Favorite Quotes (All Series)


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"We solve crimes, I blog about it, and he forgets his pants, so I wouldn't hold out too much hope."

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John:" Sherlock's got a plan."


 Sherlock: "Yes."


Henry: "Right"


Sherlock: "We take you back out onto the moor...."


 Henry: "Okay"


 Sherlock: "....and see if anything attacks you."

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John always thinks Sherlock has a plan, doesn't he. Especially in series 3, I think in every episode there is a moment where he turns to him and goes "what do we do now", so to speak. I think he does see Sherlock as his "commanding officer", in a way.

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He sure does. That brings to mind the scene when

John tells Sherlock to use his mind palace in order to figure out how to diffuse the bomb. He's so confident that Sherlock will get them out of trouble, as usual - even though it's usually Sherlock who gets them into it in the first place. It takes some pretty convincing bluff to make John believe that Sherlock has finally done it; he's been over-confident, and now they're going to die!


Don't know if I should still use spoiler boxes for this series 3 stuff, but anyway...

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Here's another one I love and find myself using quite often, even though it is a line of Mycroft's:


"All lives end, all hearts are broken"



I guess I have a liking for the sad ones. For all its humor, Sherlock does have a strong undercurrent of sadness (the show and the character). I like that, I guess.

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Here's another one I love and find myself using quite often, even though it is a line of Mycroft's:


"All lives end, all hearts are broken"



I guess I have a liking for the sad ones. For all its humor, Sherlock does have a strong undercurrent of sadness (the show and the character). I like that, I guess.


Lovely line!

It's one of the more profound quotes, or universal truths, if you will. The same with the 'East Wind' quote.

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Or, should I say: "Plain as day. There for all to see. Plaaaaain as the nose on your ..."  (It's not the lines, it's the delivery!)


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I mentioned 'Many Happy Returns' in another thread, and got to thinking of this great quote:


"Of course I'm gonna miss dinner; there'll be people!"

Haha! And I also love:

"How could John be holding a birthday dinner; all his friends hate him. You only have to look at their faces. I wrote an essay on suppressed hatred in close proximity based entirely on his friends... On reflection it probably wasn't a very good choice of gift."

No shit, Sherlock!



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Awww... that was just like Sherlock as we remember him from before the fall and exile, wasn't it. Made me all teary eyed and sentimental :D

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Indeed! He certainly seems more human now, with slightly more rare forays into his old manners. Like this one: "Lestrade's so easy to kill, it's a miracle no one's succumbed to the temptation."

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And that strangly motion he makes with his hands when he mentions Mycroft .... I know it doesn't qualify as a quote, but it's priceless. Should we have a "favorite gestures" thread?

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The villains have some great lines, too, don't they. Take this one:


"What would I need proof for? I’m in news, you moron. I don’t have to prove it – I just have to print it."

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We thought Sherlock's locking John in the lab was bad?  Now we have this: "Now John, I'd poison. Sloppy eater - dead easy. I've given him chemicals and compounds - that way he's never even noticed. He missed a whole Wednesday once, didn't have a clue."

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My jaw literally dropped at that line the first time, then the lines just kept getting funnier and funnier and I forgot all about it. That whole sequence is soooooo good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Figured I might try writing down one of my favorite quotes from each person on the show... (the most important ones, anyway.) So, here goes:


Mrs. Hudson: "He's Sherlock. How will we ever know what goes on in that funny old head?" (Though I also love: "I think you're a popular choice at the moment, dear.")

Mycroft: "The promise of love, the pain of loss, the joy of redemption. Then give him a puzzle and watch him dance." (Difficult choice, though. He has some very memorable lines.)

Mary: "Six months of bristly kisses for me, and then His Nibs turns up..."

Molly: "You look sad, when you think he can't see you." (Easy choice. This is the point where she first "reaches" Sherlock, and reaches out to him at such a critical time.)

Lestrade: "Sherlock Holmes is a great man. And I think one day, if we're very, very lucky, he might even be a good one."

Moriarty: "I will burn the heart out of you!" (Really hard choice, though! He's got great lines.)

John: "No one can fake being such an annoying dick all the time."

Sherlock (Okay, how do I even choose?? Maybe...): "Don't make people into heroes, John. Heroes don't exist, and if they did I wouldn't be one of them." (That's if I go with something that symbolises Sherlock's personality. But I also love his best man speech, especially this part: "John, I am a ridiculous man, redeemed only by the warmth and constancy of your friendship.")

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