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Episode 3.1, "The Empty Hearse"

Undead Medic

What Did You Think Of "The Empty Hearse"?  

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I could be wrong here, or getting a bit confused, but I was under the impression that Anderson was sort of fantasising that whole scene with Sherlock; I haven't watched it a second time yet so I might have missed something that would suggest otherwise. But there were lots of things that made me think it was all just in his head; the fact that we'd already seen him making up a theory; the fact that, as he himself said, Anderson would probably be the last person Sherlock would reveal all to; the fact that he had what appeared to be a breakdown after Sherlock 'left', and then the fact that the room they were in was like a creepy shrine to Sherlock. It all just made me think Anderson was crazy and was having some sort of episode. Plus (and I think a few other people on this forum have said this) I don't feel that the solution in that scene was satisfying enough; something seems wrong with it somehow, and not quite real. Not to mention it doesn't match up with what Moffatt and Gatiss told us to look out for-- the thing that Sherlock did that was out of character, and the fact that there was apparently something everyone had missed. And there was that scene at the end, when John asked if Sherlock would ever tell him how. Why would that be there if we'd already seen the solution? Why would Sherlock have told Anderson and not John? Nah, it has to be another fake.

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I just have one question: Where are Sherlock's insults???


I hope they return in the next episode! They were very scarce in 'The Empty Hearse'.

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I could be wrong here, or getting a bit confused, but I was under the impression that Anderson was sort of fantasising that whole scene with Sherlock; I haven't watched it a second time yet so I might have missed something that would suggest otherwise. But there were lots of things that made me think it was all just in his head; the fact that we'd already seen him making up a theory; the fact that, as he himself said, Anderson would probably be the last person Sherlock would reveal all to; the fact that he had what appeared to be a breakdown after Sherlock 'left', and then the fact that the room they were in was like a creepy shrine to Sherlock. It all just made me think Anderson was crazy and was having some sort of episode. Plus (and I think a few other people on this forum have said this) I don't feel that the solution in that scene was satisfying enough; something seems wrong with it somehow, and not quite real. Not to mention it doesn't match up with what Moffatt and Gatiss told us to look out for-- the thing that Sherlock did that was out of character, and the fact that there was apparently something everyone had missed. And there was that scene at the end, when John asked if Sherlock would ever tell him how. Why would that be there if we'd already seen the solution? Why would Sherlock have told Anderson and not John? Nah, it has to be another fake.


That is exactly what I think, too. The whole scene seemed so confusing and somehow unreal. And I don't even know when it was supposed to take place. Was it before the train? Or after? Anderson must have been halucinating. In that case though I am really worried about him.

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I could be wrong here, or getting a bit confused, but I was under the impression that Anderson was sort of fantasising that whole scene with Sherlock; I haven't watched it a second time yet so I might have missed something that would suggest otherwise. But there were lots of things that made me think it was all just in his head; the fact that we'd already seen him making up a theory; the fact that, as he himself said, Anderson would probably be the last person Sherlock would reveal all to; the fact that he had what appeared to be a breakdown after Sherlock 'left', and then the fact that the room they were in was like a creepy shrine to Sherlock. It all just made me think Anderson was crazy and was having some sort of episode. Plus (and I think a few other people on this forum have said this) I don't feel that the solution in that scene was satisfying enough; something seems wrong with it somehow, and not quite real. Not to mention it doesn't match up with what Moffatt and Gatiss told us to look out for-- the thing that Sherlock did that was out of character, and the fact that there was apparently something everyone had missed. And there was that scene at the end, when John asked if Sherlock would ever tell him how. Why would that be there if we'd already seen the solution? Why would Sherlock have told Anderson and not John? Nah, it has to be another fake.


It also appeared in a really odd place in the episode...I wonder why they decided to put it right in the middle of the tense bomb disposal section, rather than at the end or just after Sherlock reveals the Ripper skeleton as a fake.  

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I thought the clue that (they thought that) everybody missed was that sound the mobile made - which now was shown as Sherlock texting Mycroft. As for out of character, dunno - Sherlock asking Moriarty for a moment alone (for texting) and using the word please? Not exactly common vocabulary with him.


About why he would explain this all to Anderson, well, that's a poser. Maybe he felt compelled, in his own odd way, to "reward" Anderson's loyalty? The man had had more reasons to dislike him than Donovan, yet he was the one who truly regretted what he'd done and even got fired for his trouble. Sherlock did realize how much Molly had done for him, so it's not entirely out of character.

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I thought the clue that (they thought that) everybody missed was that sound the mobile made - which now was shown as Sherlock texting Mycroft.


I agree with you that the clue everybody missed could be the mobile, but I wouldn't necessarily say it was the text to Mycroft. The sound (if we're talking about the same one) sounded more like the click of a call being answered, and then it was followed by a woman's voice saying hello (though no one seems to be able to hear that but me and a few other people I've seen mention it over the internet).


Also, I thought there was something weird about the texting too... Mycroft never texts if he can talk, remember? There could be an argument for the fact that he didn't really have the time to have a phone conversation with Sherlock, but still.....

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Must admit I never heard that woman's voice. About texting, Mycroft did text before when he knew Sherlock was in a knotty situation. Think Baskerville for instance.

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Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear... This was... I don't even know. :) Think I need some recovery time, really. It was different than what I expected, and different from the other episodes so far in several ways. I loved it to pieces, and yet there's a part of me - I suspect the sensitive part - that's not satisfied with Sherlock's response to John's anger. I honestly thought I had expected something like the reactions I've just seen, but... I don't know, I feel slightly exasperated. Like I want to rip Sherlock's hair out myself, because I think he got off the hook too easily :D Hehe! But, wow, this was awesome, too! So much great stuff. Don't know how I'm going to sleep now, what with all this excitement :P I think this episode is just more wacky than any so far. Will need to see it again very soon!



I agree! I thought Sherlock definitely got off too easily with John, especially when he played that little "joke" on the train. I really wanted him to get punched again there. And speaking of which... it was dissatisfying to me that the scene kept cutting away with John lunging at Sherlock and we never actually saw a punch. That was anticlimactic for me since I really felt John deserved more of an apology, and that his anger was warranted and not properly appreciated by Sherlock, and I wanted to see him rough Sherlock up a bit. Especially when Sherlock kept making jokes like it was no big deal. I did love the bit with John strangling Sherlock on the floor, though.  :P


I wholeheartedly agree! To me the episode could've done with more of Sherlock trying to get back into John's life, John giving him the cold-shoulder, and finally Sherlock giving him a sincere apology. Sherlock was pushing his luck at the start of the episode with the big reveal, but towards the end I was downright livid with him!  -_-

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I think the acting is superb in this episode. So, acting-wise, which scenes from 'The Empty Hearse' are your favorites?


Cumberbatch is amazing in the reunion scene, portraying a slightly insecure, nervous Sherlock. He nails that pivotal scene, neither tipping it to the side of too comical nor too sentimental.


And on that note, Abbington does a very good job in the reunion, supporting both John and Sherlock. Her initial reaction of freaking out a bit heightens the tension. Even when we only hear her voice, and the cameras are on the boys.


I love Freeman's imitation of his patient, just because it's so not-John that it becomes brilliant!

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I think they're all superb throughout - Benedict and Martin always impress me with their acting. They bring so much to the characters - every look, every syllable uttered is just perfect. I loved Sherlock's scenes with Molly and thought Benedict was fantastic in the way he thanked her, smiled at her, told her she deserved to be happy. Wonderful  :)

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I have to say this was by far one of the best episodes and congratulations Mark on writing such a beautiful episode with Moffat...

Ok so the episode itself was pretty great..

Loved all the comical elements and the introduction of a new character...

The editing that went on in the background... Especially the whole pupil dilatation in the end....

It was so touching that Benedict's parents play Sherlock's parents....

Thank heavens John shaved that moustache off...

And John's headbutt was a beauty..

I'm slightly concerned about Mary... mean I'm happy she's there and everything but that one more character whose life they're going to put in danger and I also think she's going to be involved in something bad because they can't ruin the whole 'Johnlock' team for long..

And I think he told Anderson everything as a way of saying thank you for believing and so that Anderson could get his life back in order and not feel guilty and obsess about Sherlock. 

Molly is eventually going to leave her fiance because she clearly hasn't moved on from Sherlock..

Mark Gatiss/ Mycroft will be appearing less because he's now also the writer of the show... 

And this may sound bad but I want Moriarty back :evilinside:


No, no. You're not the only one. I want him back too. XD

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Posted 18 November 2013 - 02:33 PM

I think the person who fell, was the dead body of Moriarty, kept upstanding from behind. Upon the roof, Sherlock held his face above the body of Moriarty. When falling, the face was a replacement of Sherlock, made by Molly.


They used my solution! :)  :)  :)


I think we get some more explanations, for instance about the fairytales.

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First of all: I liked this episode very much. It got me through nearly all emotions.

Unfortunately, I'm no native speaker, so I didn't understand everything... But somehow it left me with some contradictory thoughts.


First, I was quite happy with the "last" version of "how Sherlock faked his death" because it fits my thoughts quite well.

But after one day of rethinking, I really have doubts if this is really the solution.

Like someone has already said: since when does Sherlock know Anderson's first name? And since when are they that close to use this first name in conversation?

But I'm much more troubled by the explanation that Mycroft only needed a call to make the sniper disappear. For me it doesn't fit the events of TRF. There wasn't a call or something like this. There he packed his things after the fall - like I remember. I don't see a reason why they should have "lied" in TRF.

(And I've always seen the lorry in my theory. That cushion really seems to be too noticeable for me...)


Did I miss something?

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I've just seen it for the second time and I have to admit that I was able to enjoy it a thousand times better. There are still some minor issues (Mrs Hudson's reaction to John's girlfriend and Sherlock explaining the fall to Anderson) but they didn't bother me that much this time. I thought that every scene had to be my favourite. 


I think the acting is superb in this episode. So, acting-wise, which scenes from 'The Empty Hearse' are your favorites?



Yes, the acting is brilliant. But it always is in this show. I loved the scene in the restaurant. It shows Cumberbatch's talent for comedy and the range of emotions on Freeman's face is priceless :D

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Popping in here again with my eyes closed, just in case no one has posted this yet -- Sherlockology has a new blog entry with their (spoilery!) thoughts on "The Empty Hearse."


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Popping in here again with my eyes closed, just in case no one has posted this yet -- Sherlockology has a new blog entry with their (spoilery!) thoughts on "The Empty Hearse."


Just read this article! It sums up my impressions of "The Empty Hearse" in a good way and you can feel in every line how much it's author likes the show! Can't wait until sunday  :sherlock: (I know, thats silly after having waited for two years but still...)

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BTW: I just re-watched the episode (with french subtitles so my boyfriend can follow it too...)


He always tries to deduce things before even Sherlock can - and he very often fails :lol: So there were two people bouncing on the sofa - don't want to know what the neighbours thought  :unsure:


 It was really fun watching it a second time and I noticed some things I haven't understood before (but that other more clever members of this forum already pointed out!) I think it's a bit of a shame that we didn't saw a little longer version of Mrs Hudson's reaction to the return of Sherlock! I mean after screaming her lungs out, next time we see her, she seems perfectly happy with the situation :huh:



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Yes, I think that's one of the scenes where they left out the most interesting part. I also wish that Sherlock's deductions about Mary had been made a bit more of - where did he get which idea from and so on. I miss being able to "think along" with him. That was one of my favorite aspects in the older episodes. 


But I am reconsidering my disappointment with the solution to The Fall. I have to admit it makes a lot of sense (except for the body switch, but maybe I'm just too dense to get that) and it's a lot more realistic than the heroic, spur of the moment feat I had liked to imagine. After all, Sherlock told us quite early on that he didn't believe in heroes and did not want to be considered one. It's kind of cool how he continues to disappoint my hopes in that area.


Another great canon reference was Sherlock pointing out toward the end of the episode, just before he goes out to meet the press, that John's portrayal of his abilities in the blog is glorified. There are lots of remarks along those lines from the original, for example: “That one word, my dear Watson, should have told me the whole story had I been the ideal reasoner which you are so fond of depicting."


Pausing to consider who and what Sherlock Holmes actually is (supposed to be) and how that can be possible for a human being really appeals to me. I hope they continue to play with that.



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Popping in here again with my eyes closed, just in case no one has posted this yet -- Sherlockology has a new blog entry with their (spoilery!) thoughts on "The Empty Hearse."


Great little insight - but can anyone tell me how they deduced who the new enemy is?



Apparently it is "Charles Augustus Magnussen"



[ninja edit]


Which also begs the questions, 



Who is being blackmailed?


And how does that relate to Sherlock, John or Mary?



[/ninja edit]

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