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Speedy's Cafe - General Chat about anything you like!

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12 hours ago, Van Buren Supernova said:

Some phones are loaded with preinstall apps that can't be uninstalled.

Grrrr!!  Mine's apparently like that.  The phone is complaining that it's nearly full, and I've already deleted all of the downloads (hardly any of which I'd ever intended to download; I thought I was just looking at a web page) and that made enough of a difference that it stopped complaining for a week or so, but now it's irked again.  So I thought I'll get rid of those stupid apps that I never use -- but the best I can do is deactivate them, which is presumably no help with the space issue.  I am thinking of deactivating the news feed, though, mostly because their symbol is the same shape as my text-message alert symbol, which I DO care about.

12 hours ago, besleybean said:

Ooh, came here expecting report of the sad news regarding The original Speedy's cafe.

The owners who worked with the BBC Sherlock team are not renewing their lease.


6 hours ago, J.P. said:

I think changing it would be the stupidest thing for the next "owner" to do. So Speedy's might stay as it is with someone else working there.


I hope you're right!!!  But if they're not fans (and, oddly enough, not everyone in London likes the show) or don't think the fans bring in enough business -- well, legally speaking, whoever leases the space next can do with it more or less as they like.  It'll probably still be some sort of restaurant, though, since it's already got the layout.  Like "Antonio's" (from Study in Pink) is still a restaurant, just not Italian -- though come to think of it, I'm not sure it ever was Italian; maybe they just faked up the exterior for the show.


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Hold the presses!  Just found this on Speedy's Twitter account:

Overwhelmed with the memories everyone has of this place, however to confirm, we are not closing... ... @speedyscafe is for sale! Anyone who's interested call Chris....

So they're apparently selling the business as is, not just the building.  Added: Actually, I don't think the building is for sale, just the business and the remainder of their current lease.


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London city centre? More than anyone of us is ever likely to see in our lifetime. :unsure:

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I misspoke earlier.  I don't think the building is for sale, just the business and the remainder of their lease.


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On 9/27/2020 at 12:33 AM, J.P. said:

They filmed in the actual interior of the place, only shifted the table a bit.
I think changing it would be the stupidest thing for the next "owner" to do. So Speedy's might stay as it is with someone else working there.

My bad! Argh,, why did I think it's about 221B? Because I was pretty sure the interior was filmed somewhere else in Cardiff.

It's Speedy, the one with Mr Chaterjee!

On 9/27/2020 at 7:11 AM, Artemis said:

Okay people, how much money we got?  :D 


The only one I'd successfully extort is my dog's lunch money, I didn't even able to get anything from me.

So what are we at after that tremendous contribution?

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1 hour ago, Van Buren Supernova said:

Argh,, why did I think it's about 221B? Because I was pretty sure the interior was filmed somewhere else in Cardiff.

That's a very understandable mistake, because they do film the interior of Mrs. Hudson's flat and Sherlock's flat in either Cardiff or Bristol (they moved from one to the other, I think).  But Speedy's (never referred to by name, but shown virtually as-is, both inside and out) is on North Gower Street in London, next to the door that they use for the exterior of #221,  They made up Mr. Chatterjee, though.


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2 hours ago, Carol the Dabbler said:

They made up Mr. Chatterjee, though.

Are you sure? :P 

I can throw in a couple bob. Whatever a bob is. Is it time to make a bid?

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On 9/29/2020 at 4:41 PM, Carol the Dabbler said:

They made up Mr. Chatterjee, though.

Mrs. Hudson certainly makes you think so, apparently. We mortals are not Sherlock.

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There's something strange going on with nail files, and I'm hoping y'all can explain it to me.  Used to be, nail files were flat, usually with fine grit on one side and coarse grit on the other, plus a point at one end.  Nail files last a long time, so I'm not sure when this happened, but the last couple times I've bought what are touted as good ones, they aren't flat, they're curved, as though somebody had slit a tube lengthwise into maybe eight segments.  (Everything else seems to be the same, though.)

The new ones work perfectly well, but I haven't discovered any advantages, and the ads never seem to say why they're an improvement.  Well, one catalog did use the word "ergonomic," with no further explanation....  


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  • 2 weeks later...

I dunno, never used those. After I cut my nails, a couple of dog belly rubbing and sand playing, it would be nice, bald and good.

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One of my favorite TV shows, Black Mirror, has an episode with this guy


Could be spoiler!!: it never offers information in the episode of what when how why, but this thing seems to be murderous and hunt human. The world seems empty, abandoned, with post apocalyptic feels. This thing called metalhead (or so it seems, it's the tittle of the episode).

They are powerful, has tracking ability like what a mechanic dog would have. My interpretation it could be something created to help human that turns wrong, very wrong. The whole episode is in black and white.


I have read a couple of current creations that look very similar to it, and here is one of the latest one:


This is a robot dog in Singapore, launched (May) at public park to remind park goers about social distancing. 


It's harmless (for now?), human controlled. The movement is very similar to Metalhead that makes me link them.

To be fair, I also call my dog Metalhead, I like to play hide and seek with him, and when I managed to run faster than him and hiding in a room, I could hear him out there pacing back and forth, with his nails knocking on the floor, trying to hold my breath in fear, of losing the game again.

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Looks like the ones from the new "War of the Worlds" reboot series too.



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The latest one (as far as I know) that premiered in February this year.  They’re filming S2 now.


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I pondered this on my other forum, so thought I would bring it here, too.

I guess it kind of comes under the heading The Celebrity Effect.

Do you think many Cumber fans will have turned Vegan, mainly because of him?!

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4 hours ago, besleybean said:

Do you think many Cumber fans will have turned Vegan, mainly because of him?!

If I heard at the time (2 years ago) that he was vegan, I had forgotten all about it.  Do you happen to know if he still is?

As for fans turning vegan due to his influence, I wouldn't be surprised if some of the more enthusiastic ones did.  If being a vegan also resonates with their personal view of life, then they'll probably stay vegan.  But if they do it just because of him, then -- once they've moved on to another actor -- it probably won't last.


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Yes, Benedict is famously vegan...

I suppose if people adopt a healthy lifestyle, it possibly doesn't matter why.

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I'm not vegan, but I enjoy trying vegan recipes, it's very tasty. I buy a lot of vegan products, milk, yogurt, cream, butter, cookies... 

Well, I'm hungry right now!! 😂 

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2 hours ago, Jen said:

I'm not vegan, but I enjoy trying vegan recipes, it's very tasty. I buy a lot of vegan products, milk, yogurt, cream, butter, cookies...

The word "vegan" is confusing.  It's derived from VEGetariAN, of course, but a lot of people don't realize that it doesn't mean the same thing.  Not all vegetarians are vegans.

Vegetarians do not eat meat.  They do eat vegetables, fruit, nuts, grains, beans, fungi, and other plant products.  Many vegetarians also eat milk and milk products, eggs, and honey -- those who do not eat such things are called vegans.

I have no idea what the corresponding terms would be in other languages.


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It's the same in french. Vegans ( the word for 'vegan' in both in French or English) doesn't eat products of animal origins. Vegetarians ( 'végétariens' in french ) doesn't eat meat or fish, but they can consume dairy products, eggs and honey. 

For my part, I consume meat, fish, eggs , honey and cheese, but I don't eat cream, milk, butter, yogurt... I eat them in a vegan version... So, I'm not vegan or vegetarian. But I often eat vegan products. 


Indeed, could be confusing ! 😂 

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36 minutes ago, Jen said:

It's the same in french. Vegans ( the word for 'vegan' in both in French or English) doesn't eat products of animal origins. Vegetarians ( 'végétariens' in french ) doesn't eat meat or fish, but they can consume dairy products, eggs and honey. 

I'm glad those words are the same in both languages.  All too often, they aren't -- even between British English and American English -- which can lead to all sorts of misunderstandings.

36 minutes ago, Jen said:

I don't eat cream, milk, butter, yogurt... I eat them in a vegan version

Ah, now I understand!   :facepalm:   When you mentioned eating vegan products such as milk and yogurt, I thought you meant to say vegetarian.  Thanks for unconfusing me!

I don't eat cow-milk products myself, not because I'm a vegan either, but rather because I'm allergic to cows.  I use goat milk, yogurt, and cheese instead.  I like them better than the vegan versions, both for flavor and because I think they're more nutritious.  But a friend is allergic to casein, so she can't use any animal milk, and says some of the vegan versions are quite good these days.


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