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Sherlock Holmes's Birthday

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"Coincidentally not, it's both of my favourite character's birthday! These two black haired, emotionally withdrawn geniuses with their blonde counterparts.

Happy Birthday Sherlock and Spock!"





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I'm trying to think if there are any other fictional characters with a January 6th birthday, besides Sherlock and Spock.  Is Severus Snape's birthday the 6th?


Edit: Just looked it up, Snape's birthday is the 9th.  (Happy Birthday, Snape!  :P )


Second Edit: All their names start with 'S'.



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"Coincidentally not, it's both of my favourite character's birthday! These two black haired, emotionally withdrawn geniuses with their blonde counterparts.


Happy Birthday Sherlock and Spock!"






When was Spock's birthday ever established?  :huh:

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I have no idea, but apparently it was! January 6, 2230. I wouldn’t be surprised if they gave him the January 6th birthdate because his character was modeled a bit after Sherlock Holmes.


Edit: Just read this article, which was kinda interesting (unrelated to the birthday discussion). 10 Facts You Didn’t Know About Mr. Spock

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Regarding Spock's birthday, I found an article (sorry, don't recall where, but it came up readily enough on Google) that said his birthday had first been mentioned in the first reboot movie, and since it occurred before the timelines diverged, that should be the same as in the original-cast movies -- BUT that scene was deleted, which takes it down to pseudo-canon.  It was, however, mentioned (or rather shown) again in the third reboot movie (and he was presumably born before the timelines diverged, even if the mention of his birth occurred after).  So yeah, it's ST canon.  Added:  Here it is.


Haven't seen any "why."  If Nicholas Meyer had been involved (which I don't believe he was) then I would assume it was a definite Holmes hommage.  As it is -- hey, everybody's gotta be born sometime!  :D

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For no other reason than because I was bored and watching clips on YouTube and that some great little videos had been posted on this thread by Artemis I thought that I’d add this late little clip. You will all of seen this but it’s always worth a look )in my opinion) So I give you, without a shadow of a doubt (again, in my opinion [but I’m right

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For no other reason than because I was bored and watching clips on YouTube and that some great little videos had been posted on this thread by Artemis I thought that I’d add this late little clip. You will all of seen this but it’s always worth a look )in my opinion) So I give you, without a shadow of a doubt (again, in my opinion [but I’m right

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For no other reason than because I was bored and watching clips on YouTube and that some great little videos had been posted on this thread by Artemis I thought that I’d add this late little clip. You will all of seen this but it’s always worth a look )in my opinion) So I give you, without a shadow of a doubt (again, in my opinion [but I’m right

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For no other reason than because I was bored and watching clips on YouTube and that some great little videos had been posted on this thread by Artemis I thought that I’d add this late little clip. You will all of seen this but it’s always worth a look )in my opinion) So I give you, without a shadow of a doubt (again, in my opinion [but I’m right

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I have no idea, but apparently it was! January 6, 2230. I wouldn’t be surprised if they gave him the January 6th birthdate because his character was modeled a bit after Sherlock Holmes.


Edit: Just read this article, which was kinda interesting (unrelated to the birthday discussion). 10 Facts You Didn’t Know About Mr. Spock


I blush to admit I knew all of those but #3.

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I didn't know that one either -- and I'm glad they dropped it.  He was called a "machine" often enough without it being literally half-true.  Much more relatable to make him a vegetarian.


In fact, there were several of those that I'd never heard before (or had forgotten).  Some of them run counter to what Roddenberry claimed, so I'm not sure whether to believe them or not.  (Not that I believe everything that GR ever said!)

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Well, to the best of my recollection:


1.  GR said that the first time he saw LN, he thought "someday I'm gonna do a science fiction show, and put pointed ears on that guy."  While I would not take that literally, I don't recall ever hearing that anyone else was offered the role first.  Kelley was apparently GR's first choice for McCoy, but the Powers That Were didn't think he could hack it, so a couple of other actors played the Chief Medical Officer before him (one in each pilot).  I heard that Landau was on a list of Other Actors Who Could Play Vulcans that they drew up when LN was wanting a pay raise or something.  And I'm not too sure how seriously to take the article (especially that paragraph) if they can't even spell "Ahuru."


3.  As discussed already.  Yeesh!


5.  Not sure if I'd heard that one or not.  (But it does sound like Shatner, so I'm perfectly willing to believe it.)


7.  While it does seem to be true that Nimoy was uncertain about playing Spock again, and also that they talked him into it by offering him a juicy death scene, it is (according to Nimoy) most emphatically *not* true that he insisted on dying, or that it was in his contract.  Not that the article said that it was; just thought I'd mention that because it was a popular rumor (and to keep the odd numbered pattern going).


9.  They're contradicting themselves here.  The headline has *Spock* dying in SF, whereas the paragraph explains that they filmed the scene where Spock dies on the Genesis Planet in Golden Gate Park.  Let's not confuse fiction with reality, folks!


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