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:D This thread is getting further and further off topic, but I like it anyway....


Hmmmm, swearing.... Well, I have to admit I rather like it. But then, I don't hear it on a daily basis. The people where I live and work are fairly polite. (And while "F***" has found it's place in the German language, it's not used very often - still a foreign expression for most, and I seldom hear it as an adjective, more a rare alternative to the commonly used German word for "shit" when something has gone wrong for a person who sees her- or himself as hip and cosmopolitan). There is lots of comedy I've enjoyed hugely where swearing was kind of taken to the level of an art form, but I didn't like it for the swearing alone, far from it (and I often find that some comedians think expletives are a legitimate substitute for cleverness, which I deeply resent.)


I've never quite understood what the problem is with "bad words". I mean, why people find them so offensive, or why there are "language" warnings on movies. It seems to be an American thing - I've never heard one of my countrymen complain about something like that.

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I find certain words offensive because I know they are MEANT to be offensive. Does that make sense? I don't know anything about the history of language, but for whatever reason, in American culture certain words are considered impolite. So for someone to use those words in my presence indicates they don't find me worth the effort to be polite. That may be a bit of circular reasoning but it's the closest I can come to describing my feelings about it.


I don't really get bent out of shape by it that much, except in some circumstances. Sometimes I even find it funny. It's all context, really.

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I think you're right about intent.  If someone seems to use "certain words" sort of automatically, the way some people say "y'know?" all the time, it doesn't bother me so much.  Or if they use those words because they need to vent, that seems pretty reasonable.  I guess what bothers me is when they're being hostile -- which would bother me regardless of the words they use, but that extra kick feels like adding insult to injury, I guess.


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Well, sort of. But people who act like the f-word is the only adjective in the English language, I find pretty annoying, under any circumstances. Especially since I know they know better.

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thread as proceeded quite a lot since my last visit, so I kind of lost track of the discussion..  :lol:



but when it comes to the F word, I'm not shocked or anything, I can swear in my everyday life (try and restrain at work and in formal occasions).


I'm not raveling into it like some do. of course it's better not to encourage small kids to do it, or even just use vulgar language in front of them.

I try and be good, but I'm not shocked for inappropriate language when it comes as an expression of discomfort or rage, for ex. I am bored by those who like to dwell on it. don't know if I made myself clear.


:D This thread is getting further and further off topic, but I like it anyway....


Hmmmm, swearing.... Well, I have to admit I rather like it. But then, I don't hear it on a daily basis. The people where I live and work are fairly polite. (And while "F***" has found it's place in the German language, it's not used very often - still a foreign expression for most, and I seldom hear it as an adjective, more a rare alternative to the commonly used German word for "shit" when something has gone wrong for a person who sees her- or himself as hip and cosmopolitan). There is lots of comedy I've enjoyed hugely where swearing was kind of taken to the level of an art form, but I didn't like it for the swearing alone, far from it (and I often find that some comedians think expletives are a legitimate substitute for cleverness, which I deeply resent.)


I've never quite understood what the problem is with "bad words". I mean, why people find them so offensive, or why there are "language" warnings on movies. It seems to be an American thing - I've never heard one of my countrymen complain about something like that.


Scheiße  :lol: 


I have to say, as offensive as the f-bomb used to seem to me, I feel like I hear it so frequently and see it typed out so often (hello Tumblr), that it hardly registers for me anymore.


there's to consider that often tumblr members are young; therefore swearing is  seen as self affirmation, a way to be cool, sarcastic and careless. tumblr is also considered, in a way, more edgy and experimental than other social networks.

that said, it's often boring to read and frankly ridiculous, all that F-this and F-that..  :lol2: 

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Okay, okay, sorry to burst all of your bubbles, but I think Series 4's been pushed back to 2017.



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As of receiving this troubling news, my current mood is now John Marshall having a misadventure in the library of Congress.



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I think that that article was published to freak fans out. The Sherlock team would not do that to us. People just are wondering how the cast will be able to pull it off with all of their busy schedules.

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Okay, okay, sorry to burst all of your bubbles, but I think Series 4's been pushed back to 2017.


Please tell me you're making this up.  :watson: Because this is not funny. Not this time.


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WE almost didn't have Martin as Bilbo i the Hobbit because of Sherlock.  So I hope schedules can be figured out to make it work for all of them.

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Here's 1 article on the possible delay  http://www.christiantoday.com/article/sherlock.season.4.spoilers.next.season.delayed.2017/42917.htm  But I just checked the BBC and they have nothing on the delay as of yet (that I could find) and nothing on Twitter from Sue Vertue or Hartswood Films.

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I went looking for news and found this. But I can't take this seriously because there is just too much news based on prior rumors/speculations in there - series 4 delayed until 2017, exact date and contents of the Christmas special (!?), Hiddleston as brother Sherrinford (!?!?!)... no way, I can't believe that. Bad joke!

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I went looking for news and found this. But I can't take this seriously because there is just too much news based on prior rumors/speculations in there - series 4 delayed until 2017, exact date and contents of the Christmas special (!?), Hiddleston as brother Sherrinford (!?!?!)... no way, I can't believe that. Bad joke!



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Sounds like a whole bunch of rumor and speculation to me.  Could be true, but at this point even "2016" is merely an estimate.


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I don't believe a thing I have read so far about series 4 in the so called "news" available online, except that the BBC has plans to make a series 4 and a Christmas special. Everything else: plot, characters, third Holmes brother and who might play him, air dates etc. seems to be entirely based on conjecture. It's as if those websites feel the need to write something about the series, and they can't very well put "we know nothing", so they quote someone who quoted someone else who thinks that something may happen. Or not. Or later.


Reminds me of Magnussen: "I don't need to prove it, I just need to print it."

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Last night, I ran across one of those "N Things You Didn't Know About Sherlock" articles. The things in this one seemed pretty evenly divided between things that I jolly well DID know and things that are apparently quite untrue (such as, did you know that Beryl Vertue is one of the writers?).


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Okay, okay, sorry to burst all of your bubbles, but I think Series 4's been pushed back to 2017.


Please tell me you're making this up.  :watson: Because this is not funny. Not this time.

WE almost didn't have Martin as Bilbo i the Hobbit because of Sherlock.  So I hope schedules can be figured out to make it work for all of them.

Here's 1 article on the possible delay  http://www.christiantoday.com/article/sherlock.season.4.spoilers.next.season.delayed.2017/42917.htm  But I just checked the BBC and they have nothing on the delay as of yet (that I could find) and nothing on Twitter from Sue Vertue or Hartswood Films.

I went looking for news and found this. But I can't take this seriously because there is just too much news based on prior rumors/speculations in there - series 4 delayed until 2017, exact date and contents of the Christmas special (!?), Hiddleston as brother Sherrinford (!?!?!)... no way, I can't believe that. Bad joke!



I don't know!! It just blew up on Tumblr and people started freaking out because hiatus's made everybody in the Sherlock fandom loopy! :cry:

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Well, if everyone on Tumblr is quoting someone else on Tumblr -- it could well be just a rumor.  I just Googled sherlock 2017 and got several hits, but none of them were from what I'd consider a major news source.  Just Tumblr, the article that CAMPer posted, and a few others.


This is of course not to say that Series 4 will therefore air in 2016.  Who knows?


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I can't survive hiatus! Who the hell let me watch a show that only comes on three weeks every two years?! :cry:

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You've got us as a support group Bendy. Together we can do this.

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I can't survive hiatus! Who the hell let me watch a show that only comes on three weeks every two years?! :cry:


The only part I mind about the time between seasons is the anxiety that the next series will be no good (for me, at least), and spoil the entire show.


I'm probably the only fan out here who really wishes Sherlock would end soon. With a real ending, of course, not just a stop. I'm just an endings fanatic. I like my stories complete. Usually, I don't go anywhere near unfinished works.


The good thing is that Sherlock could end with series 3. We've discussed elsewhere how His Last Vow in many ways connects to the first episode, and how the story kind of came full circle there. The plane is turning around, John knows Sherlock is alive and on his way back, London knows it will always need him, there's a promising new case on the horizon - it's kind of perfect, actually.


Okay, everybody, stop! Stop now! You're all way too busy anyway! Just call it a day!


Although... I really do want to know about Mary, and somehow, there are a lot of better endings I could imagine, and... oh drat.

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