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What would you like to see in series 4?


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What I want in season 4:


1. Mary dead, irrevocably. Preferably by the end of 4x01. Don't drag it out. 


2. John back in 221b. 


3. More Mycroft and Lestrade. And a bit more Mr. and Mrs. Holmes, too! 


4. More Anderson and Sherlock in scenes together. 


5. Molly to finally move on and find some happiness.  I don't see Sherlolly ever happening in canon (and -no disrespect to the shippers- but I don't want to), and I'm tired of her pining. Let her get on with her life, she deserves better! And they don't have to bring in another pointless fiance or husband, either. Anderson has a wife we've only ever seen in one episode, we've never seen Lestrade's wife... she can be happy without them wasting screen time on a background character. Just let her keep being awesome and intelligent. 


6. Moriarty to not really be Moriarty. Don't get me wrong, he was awesome and Andrew Scott is amazing, but getting rid of the bad guy will never mean anything if they keep bringing everyone back from the dead. Everyone was speculating and looking forward to Moran, who then turned out to be a random, unimportant terrorist. I'd like it if maybe that wasn't THE Moran. Maybe Moran could be using Jim's image to draw Sherlock out. 


7. Season 4 to pick up immediately where season 3 left off.  No more big time jumps. I know this show routinely skips months in between episodes (or even in a single episode), but I would like to see some of the fallout from what Sherlock did to CAM. We didn't to see any reactions from Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson, Anderson, Molly, the Holmes parents, or anyone but John and Mycroft. How did they react to news that Sherlock killed someone in cold blood? They will never know exactly why he did it, because to tell them would be to give up Mary's secret. So how are they going to act around him now? I feel like if we have a big time jump, all of that will get ignored. 


8. John and Sherlock having an actual honest discussion about the fact that John's wife very nearly killed him, and the fact that Sherlock threw away his whole life and his work for John's happiness.  THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN. But I want it. 


9. More flashbacks and information on Sherlock's past. And some stuff on John would be great, too! 


10. Sherlock buying a motorcycle like the one he commandeered in TEH and he and John ditching the cabs and instead zipping around the city and showing up to all the crime scenes on it.  Imagine how much it would annoy Donovan! And Anderson and Lestrade would keep begging for rides! :wub: 



I'm sure I will think of more as the hiatus drags on. 

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I, actually, see no reason why a show can't go backward - especially if they're returning to what worked (what made Sherlock Holmes so popular in the first place)!  What I want from season 4 is a return to seasons 1 & 2.

* * * * * *

And I DEFINITELY don't want Moriarty back!


You may be (like me) annoyed by Moftiss's recent assertions to the effect that "a show can't go backward."  Among other things, I take this to mean that the current "bigger, faster, louder" movies are an ideal to be emulated.  One reason I fell in love with Sherlock in the first place is that is was NOT like that.  The pace was lively but rarely rushed.  In general, the music complemented the dialog and other intrinsic sounds, rather than overwhelming them.  I rarely felt bombarded with a sensory overload.  All of that seems to be changing now in the name of "excitement."


A fan of Classic Who told me in December that he feared the BBC would pressure Moffat to take Sherlock down the same path as the current Doctor Who.  He said that he liked the Who episodes made during Moffat's early tenure, and felt that the show was returning to its roots, but then they started going "bigger, faster, louder."  If the recent report of Sherlock returning in a year or less is true, then I fear his concerns about Sherlock may be well founded -- that the BBC isn't satisfied with Sherlock being sui generis, they want it to be a "normal" popular program, and they want more of it, quality be damned.


... I would really like just three more episodes to tie up loose ends, put the characters firmly in good places (and whether those are John and Mary with kids in a nice house and working together at the GP's office while Sherlock lives at Baker St and takes John on a murder chase once in a while or John and Sherlock back together in the old flat and Mary somewhere else, I don't care, just as long as everybody is happy and I feel I can leave them there like that for ever and ever).




I won't say that I necessarily want it to end with Series 4, but whenever the time does come, yes.

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Hey guys, this is such an awesome forum. I just finished Sherlock season 3 and can't wait to see whats in store next. I wrote an article about what I'm looking forward to in the next season. Hope this is ok to post here and I look forward to talking with such great fans!




Hello, RedbeardDawson -- welcome to Sherlock Forum!  :welcome:  Thanks for jumping right in with your opinions!


I have moved your post to this thread, where we're already discussing the topic, so more people are likely to see it.

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I second most of your points.

I also prefer Mary to be gone by the end of 4 x 1. I suppose it is too much to ask for a divorce behind the scenes and never dealing with the baby. I just already cringe when thinking about this soap opera trope being realized. Don't get me wrong, I don't wish death on any child/mother/whatever, but I'd prefer even that.

It would be enough for me to have John stand in front of Baker Street and tell Sherlock "that it didn't work out because he was too angry and couldn't stop thinking about the fact that she shot Sherlock." Would be alright with me. Don't mention her, topic closed. Maybe have her phone, discuss how to deal with the baby if the writers don't want to kill it. But keep that off-screen. Will improve the quality a lot. I don't want an entire episode on how Mary loses her child and everybody is sad. Or have it be someone else's child, and let that be the end of their relationship. Whatever works to get this family melodrama out of the series. For once I do not have any high expectations how to deal with that. They don't have to pull something special like Mary  sacrificing herself. Just... be done with her. And fairly quickly. (Nothing against the actress, it's just this horrible family melodrama that bothers me)


I'd actually love for Victor Trevor to get an appearance. Just for the fun of it - I'd be hilarious to have an old friend of Sherlock's there in the flat with him when John returns. If he were a doctor, too, that'd be even greater. And have him be totally cool with Sherlock's experiments, act normally over all those madness. A piece of my head canon. I always like it when John gets slightly jealous and realizes that Sherlock's not just on stand-by while he's gone.


I want to see more of Mycroft. Definitely. And Sherlock. Their interaction always is really great. They have a very special way of communicating, and Gatiss and Cumberbatch are very good at portraying this strangeness.


It also would be nice if season 4 picked up straight after season 3, maybe only two weeks later or so. It's been some time since the shooting, but I want to see somebody talk to Sherlock about it, anyway. Maybe Lestrade, asking whether he's fine or something. Just... show that at least somebody cares enough not to forget about it within days. I mean, it's actually a bit poor for John to not notice when his friend collapses next to him and is sweating and probably has got a fever. Sure, he had other things on his mind, but I would like for somebody to truly show that they care about Sherlock and Sherlock's health (other than his mother). Openly. Can't get that from Mycroft, he needs schemes and underlying messages for that.

I know Sherlock wouldn't appreciate it, but that's not what it is about. It is about... something everybody deserves.


So I don't have many wishes for actual changes, more like bringing season three to a close in season four.

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I know, right? The minute he walked in the door and Mrs. Hudson said,"Oh, Sherlock, you look terrible!" I thought,"Oh, my God, he really does!" He was ashen and sweaty and leaning heavily on the door, and I know John was preoccupied at the moment, but come on, DOCTOR! 


I guess that's something else I want to see in season 4.  The whole John-is-a-Doctor thing is really swept under the rug a lot. We got that one really great scene in TSOT where he saved that kid's life, and that was amazing. I'd like to see some more of him like that. I hate when they go to a crime scene and Sherlock asks him to examine a body and he's just like,"Uhhhh... maybe asphyxiation?" The man's a field surgeon, for goodness sakes, that pretty cool. They should let him shine a bit more. Most of the time it's like he could be a librarian for all the attention that gets paid to his skill. 



I would also like to see Mrs. Holmes make good on her promise to become "absolutely monstrous". That sounded too good to miss out on! 

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You may be (like me) annoyed by Moftiss's recent assertions to the effect that "a show can't go backward."  Among other things, I take this to mean that the current "bigger, faster, louder" movies are an ideal to be emulated.  One reason I fell in love with Sherlock in the first place is that is was NOT like that.  The pace was lively but rarely rushed.  In general, the music complemented the dialog and other intrinsic sounds, rather than overwhelming them.  I rarely felt bombarded with a sensory overload.  All of that seems to be changing now in the name of "excitement."


A fan of Classic Who told me in December that he feared the BBC would pressure Moffat to take Sherlock down the same path as the current Doctor Who.  He said that he liked the Who episodes made during Moffat's early tenure, and felt that the show was returning to its roots, but then they started going "bigger, faster, louder."  If the recent report of Sherlock returning in a year or less is true, then I fear his concerns about Sherlock may be well founded -- that the BBC isn't satisfied with Sherlock being sui generis, they want it to be a "normal" popular program, and they want more of it, quality be damned.


Oh, no, I hope they don't do this to Sherlock... but odds are they will.  :(   Do all shows have to be the same??  It seems as if there's a real disconnect with the audience, too, because with regards to movies, anyway, audiences - in general - complain that there are far too many special effects and that that's all movies amount to anymore.  Sherlock was an off the charts wild success BEFORE they changed it this season. 


A few years ago, there was a BBC show called "Lark Rise to Candleford" (completely different, I know), which brought in ratings of 8 million - in the UK!  That's between what Sherlock season 2 & Sherlock season 3 did, and it ended in 2011 (they said they wanted to quit while they were ahead).  My point being, this show, taking place in 1895, had no violence, special effects, profanity, sex, nudity, etc., and it was hugely popular.  Why?  Because it had characters and a plot!  This is very irksome to me - especially when a show I love - Sherlock - gets ruined.


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Oooh, lookit who's come to join the forum - welcome, Mr Magnussen :wave:. Please disregard anything I've opined about you in that other thread, it's certainly not worth making any of my secrects public over, isn't it? :unsure:



Hmm I shall investigate that



I actually forgot that the MP from TEH was a Lord Moran, and I rewatched it last night and realised. I do hope they bring someone of that nature back, or have a different Moran.

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7. Season 4 to pick up immediately where season 3 left off.  No more big time jumps. I know this show routinely skips months in between episodes (or even in a single episode), but I would like to see some of the fallout from what Sherlock did to CAM. We didn't to see any reactions from Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson, Anderson, Molly, the Holmes parents, or anyone but John and Mycroft. How did they react to news that Sherlock killed someone in cold blood? They will never know exactly why he did it, because to tell them would be to give up Mary's secret. So how are they going to act around him now? I feel like if we have a big time jump, all of that will get ignored. 


I seriously doubt that one of them knows about this ... well maybe the Holmes parents. But this has probably been swept under a monstrously thick rug. The media fallout would've been enourmous otherwise (and I don't recall seeing any reporters at the airstrip).

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I am afraid I am appalled by the thought of the series ending. Partly because I think there are lots of directions they can take, and lots of ways to subvert our expectations. A story does not have to become stale if the writers are sufficiently creative. There are plenty of series of novels which manage to stay fresh and interesting, particularly in detective fiction, and there is no reason why a tv series cannot do the same.


And partly.... Well, I would watch anything that keeps Benedict Cumberbatch on our screens. Frankly, I would watch if he just stood there and read aloud from the phone book, because he is an exceptionally beautiful man with an exceptionally beautiful voice. (And a fine actor, it goes without saying.)


Sorry. I know I'm shallow.

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The whole John-is-a-Doctor thing is really swept under the rug a lot. We got that one really great scene in TSOT where he saved that kid's life, and that was amazing. I'd like to see some more of him like that. I hate when they go to a crime scene and Sherlock asks him to examine a body and he's just like,"Uhhhh... maybe asphyxiation?" The man's a field surgeon, for goodness sakes, that pretty cool. They should let him shine a bit more. Most of the time it's like he could be a librarian for all the attention that gets paid to his skill.


Actually, the whole John-is-a-Doctor thing has hardly ever been on top of the rug.  Near as I recall, Series 3 is the first time we've ever seen him do anything beyond minor first-aid.  And even that very nice "Sign of Three" scene starts off badly, with John blindly following the lead of a layman in assuming the guardsman is dead, until he sort of happens to notice that he isn't.  We also get a few glimpses of him dealing with patients in "Empty Hearse" -- it's there for the humor, of course, but at least he's shown as a doctor, which is a step in the right direction.


Yes, please, more Doctor John!


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Actually, the whole John-is-a-Doctor thing has hardly ever been on top of the rug.  Near as I recall, Series 3 is the first time we've ever seen him do anything beyond minor first-aid.  And even that very nice "Sign of Three" scene starts off badly, with John blindly following the lead of a layman in assuming the guardsman is dead, until he sort of happens to notice that he isn't.  We also get a few glimpses of him dealing with patients in "Empty Hearse" -- it's there for the humor, of course, but at least he's shown as a doctor, which is a step in the right direction.


Yes, please, more Doctor John!


Well, the fact that he is a doctor certainly is totally unimportant in Doyle's world and he eventually gave up his profession and became a full-time (assistant) crime solver (and bodyguard), at least for a while. It think this is pretty funny, considering that Doyle was a doctor himself. Maybe he didn't like his job and / or was not successful in it. Didn't I read somewhere that he started writing detective stories while waiting for patients who never came?


Speaking of the original, I do wonder whether they will tackle "The Valley of Fear" next. Because not only does it mention Moriarty, but the case also revolves around a(nother) fake death (there were so many of those in the Doyle stories, it's almost hard to blame the show for it's many resurrections).


I would love it if they did a "Sherlock versus Lestrade" case, like "The Norwood Builder". I am sure many viewers would like to see more of Lestrade and what happens between them in that story should be a great foundation for the "Sherlock" writers (plus, the case has yet another fake death in it!)

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What I want in series 4:


- I don't want Mary or the baby dead. Not necessarily just because fans don't like her. And I don't want to see John crying at another gravestone.

- more Mycroft

- more Lestrade

- more detective work

- I don't want Moriarty back. He was great but he's dead and I don't want it to change. 

- a new interesting villain


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I would not have wanted the original Dr Watson as my GP. It would have been impossible to get an appointment. He was constantly going away with Holmes and leaving his locum in charge.

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I would not have wanted the original Dr Watson as my GP. It would have been impossible to get an appointment. He was constantly going away with Holmes and leaving his locum in charge.


Sounds like our GP's surgery, you never know who's on staff from one month to the next!  :rofl:

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To be honest, I kind of agree with T.o.b.y. Series 4 should perhaps be the last. The reason I think so is that Sherlock's character development has been taken so far; he's been 'humanised' a lot, and you can't really go back from that - nor should you. It does, however, mean that we've lost some of the eccentricity to Sherlock, and the fun, quirky nature of his friendship with John, and as much as I've enjoyed seeing Sherlock's more human traits, I so deeply love the "sociopath" that I'm worried about losing more of that guy if they continue with the show for too long.


I admit I would be sad to see the show end, especially since I only watched it for the first time 8 months ago - not nearly long enough to be a fan of such a great show - but I am also concerned with the direction the show has taken. I absolutely loved the first two series, and would have loved more detective stories in series 3. The writers should probably have held off some of the emotional drama and character development if they want to do a series 5.

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And of course I hope for three really, really great episodes in series 4 that could wrap up on a more fun, exciting note than HLV did for series 3. I'm fine with emotional drama, but let it be more subtle, please, than it was in this series!


Is it too sad to talk about the ending of the show? Well, I would really love to see an ending (whenever it comes) that echoes the ending of A Study in Pink, in which Sherlock and John has solved a great case, share a few laughs, and walk off together. That way, it will feel like their adventures are still ongoing, even though the show has ended.

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 Well, I would really love to see an ending (whenever it comes) that echoes the ending of A Study in Pink, in which Sherlock and John has solved a great case, share a few laughs, and walk off together. That way, it will feel like their adventures are still ongoing, even though the show has ended.


Yes, that would be perfect. But it's not going to happen, I'm afraid. Oh well, in a pinch I'll take the ending of The Sign of Three and stop there. Would be good enough.


At least they got "His Last Bow" out of the way and we know the series won't end like that. Whew.

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No, no, no..... Please, Mr Moffat and Mr Gattiss, don't listen to them! Don't take Sherlock away from us....


There is so much that they can do, in so many ways, to explore the characters, limited only by the imagination and invention of the writers. If fiction writers can maintain their creativity over a long series - and the best of them can - then screenwriters can do the same. When you are writing about complex, three-dimensional characters, you shouldn't hit a wall where creativity is concerned. A human being doesn't have limits to their development and a fictional human being should be able to continue to grow, providing the creators are prepared to stretch themselves and challenge their own and other people's preconceptions. I'm interested to see what they can do as these characters age and alter and as life changes them. I hope we get the chance to see that happen.

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Well, you could be right there :) I'm sure there are lots of situations the characters could be thrown into, but if it means making Sherlock more and more humanised, then I'd personally rather have it end, before the wonderful, fun madness of his character is overshadowed by either a dark, sinister person, or a too sentimental side of him.

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I mind neither the darkness nor the humanizing (and hey, as long as he refers to love as the "human error" and offers girls engagement rings just so he can break into their bosses' offices, I doubt there's anything for us to worry about). What I mind is the tendency I have noticed lately to favor dramatic moments over a good story and then devalue those moments later just to make new "shockers" happen. It means I can't whole-heartedly enjoy my favorite scenes any more, because I have to reckon with them being led ad absurdum the next episode. If I were sure the show would continue to be as good as it has been in the past, I wouldn't want it to ever end. But right now, I am worried that it will be spoiled (for me).



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I love the chemistry between Benedict and Louise.  Him asking her for help is one of my favorite scenes.  And the beginning of TEH.  :D  So in theory I would love to see more interactions like that and Sherlock having to deal with new feelings.  In practice, though, I don't think that would work.  I like a little dark.  I like the flashes of it that we see now, such as when Sherlock tells Moriarity that he is not one of the angels.  But I don't want it to get overbearing.


Honestly, I'm not sure where I want the story to go.  I want more thinking, more deducing, more solving. This, to me, is the essence of Sherlock Holmes.  But I don't know if I'll get that since we apparently can't go back.

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I am afraid I am appalled by the thought of the series ending. Partly because I think there are lots of directions they can take, and lots of ways to subvert our expectations. A story does not have to become stale if the writers are sufficiently creative. There are plenty of series of novels which manage to stay fresh and interesting, particularly in detective fiction, and there is no reason why a tv series cannot do the same.


And partly.... Well, I would watch anything that keeps Benedict Cumberbatch on our screens. Frankly, I would watch if he just stood there and read aloud from the phone book, because he is an exceptionally beautiful man with an exceptionally beautiful voice. (And a fine actor, it goes without saying.)


Sorry. I know I'm shallow.


You're shallow? You've obviously never heard me wax poetic about the column of Benedict's throat.  :lol:


That's something else I'd love in season 4, if we're just totally embracing the shallow now.  More sexy, unbuttoned shirts to show off the throat! I was so pleased by the addition of that lovely green one this season.  :wub:  :sherlock:

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Normally I prefer white shirts on men but he just looks lovely in colours. The green shirt, the purple one.... Must be the contrast against that lovely pale skin.


Yes, you are right. That is what we want in Series 4. More tight, silky shirts, artfully unbuttoned.... Let's concentrate on the important issues! I would like to see him in red or maybe a dark blue....

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I wonder what aspects of Sherlock's character they will explore next. They've done so much with him lately and it all worked, so I'm not terribly worried about future experiments, just curious.


Oh, I just remembered, the original Holmes suffered eventually suffered from rheumatism. I wonder whether, as the show and the character grow older, they will make some sly, funny reference to that. And generally honor the idea that while his mind grew and grew, his body became continually weaker. The late stories often feature him ill or "wan" / "pale" / "spent". Our Sherlock, quite to the contrary, has been getting more and more hunky.

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