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The best scene in Sherlock  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Vote for your 5 favorite moments in 'Sherlock'!

    • Sherlock and John meet (ASiP)
    • The drugs bust scene (ASiP)
    • Sherlock realises that John shot the cabbie (ASiP)
    • Sherlock doesn’t know the solar system (TGG)
    • John and Sherlock’s “Will caring about them help save them” argument (TGG)
    • The pool scene (TGG)
    • Buckingham Palace (ASiB)
    • Sherlock’s apology to Molly (ASiB)
    • Sherlock crudely blows Irene’s cover (ASiB)
    • Sherlock’s nervous breakdown in the pub (HoB)
    • "I don’t have friends. I’ve just got one.” (HoB)
    • Sherlock helps Henry at Dewer’s Hollow (HoB)
    • Molly offers Sherlock her help (TRF)
    • Sherlock is afraid John has been “taken in” by Moriarty’s schemes (TRF)
    • The rooftop – Sherlock / Moriarty (TRF)
    • The rooftop – Sherlock / John (TRF)
    • John’s graveside speech (TRF)
    • The reunion (TEH)
    • John asks Sherlock to be his best man (TSo3)
    • Sherlock’s best man speech takes an emotional, heartfelt turn (TSo3)
    • The stag night (TSo3)
    • Sherlock fights his way back to life for John (HLV)
    • The John/Mary/Sherlock confrontation in 221b (HLV)
    • Sherlock shoots Magnussen to John and Mycroft’s shock and horror (HLV)
    • The goodbye at the airport (HLV)

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Hi everyone,

Vote for your 5 top moments in Sherlock, and gradually we will narrow it down from 25 to 1. I have picked the scenes by browsing the 'favorite Sherlock moments' thread on this forum and from my general knowledge of which scenes are popular. If you don't like the 25 scenes I've started with, all I can say is that it's hard to pick. These are not all the 25 scenes I would have started out with, but obviously many of them are my favorites too :)


I'll start out. Oooh, this is hard!

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Ehrmagerd.... I can only vote for five? I don't know if this is humanly possible but I'll give it a whirl.......!

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Yeah, it's tough!  I went for seminal and/or gut-clenching moments -- and then blindly punched the Vote button.


If you'd had the Mary-Sherlock-John confrontation in Leinster Gardens, I'd probably have voted for that.


What scene are you referring to with "Sherlock crudely blows Irene's cover:"?


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I found it impossible to chose only five, so I narrowed it down to only two, both from The Great Game, of course.

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Yeah, it's tough!  I went for seminal and/or gut-clenching moments -- and then blindly punched the Vote button.


If you'd had the Mary-Sherlock-John confrontation in Leinster Gardens, I'd probably have voted for that.


What scene are you referring to with "Sherlock crudely blows Irene's cover:"?


I'm referring to the 'Love is a dangerous disadvantage' scene, including when Sherlock punches in SHER on Irene's phone and says "Thank you for the final proof."


Yes, Leinster Gardens is a great scene, too. I like the way in which Sherlock talks to Mary. He is quite crude and smug, yet also shows concern when he says "why didn't you come to me in the first place?"


By the way, I did the same (choose the most defining and emotionally compelling moments for me), even though some of the funny scenes are certainly worth mentioning.

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I know that some shows do have "funny scenes" and "serious scenes" and never the twain shall meet, but thank goodness Sherlock isn't that way!  One of my votes went to the "will you be my best man" scene, which is funny and touching and character-defining all at once.

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 One of my votes went to the "will you be my best man" scene, which is funny and touching and character-defining all at once.


Yes, I love that one too. And it works all the better because of The Fall and how we saw John drive home the effects of that to Sherlock in the previous episode. I guess that is what people mean by "bromance". Their friendship is given the space and attention usually reserved for love affairs in fiction, with all the ups and downs and emotional turmoil. While the idea of a very close friendship, of "brothers from different mothers" being at the heart of a story (especially an adventure story) is old as the hills, this treatment of it seems fairly novel to me - at least I've never come across anything like it before. I love it because it's true to real life; there is plenty of drama and romance between close friends sometimes and it can be just as heartwrenching and heartwarming as what goes on between people who have sex and get married.

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Wow, I really wanted to check off more boxes....but anyway....I behaved....if I had to. But yeah, the "John asking Sherlock to be his best man" is classic. Sherlock being so clueless and John being so patient with him.

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So hard to choose.....I finally went with the pool scene, the breakdown in the pub, the rooftop scene with John, the best man's speech and, finally, Sherlock fights back to life for John. Could have chosen so many others as well!

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You definitely choose some iconic scenes.


I went with a lot of TRF stuff, mostly: Sherlock being afrad that John has been 'taken in' by Moriarty's schemes, the rooftop phone call, John's graveside speech. Then the reunion, and Sherlock's best man speech.

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I fully agree with your choice of the "nobody could be such an annoying dick" scene.  It was so intense and so beautifully acted.


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I chose John and Sherlock's first meeting at Bart's. That to me is always the magical moment...even i canon.  Sherlock's breakdown in the pub during "HoB". Sherlock saving Henry in Dewer's Hollow. John asking Sherlock to be his best man, then the speech itself.

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I fully agree with your choice of the "nobody could be such an annoying dick" scene.  It was so intense and so beautifully acted.



Exactly. And of course it's not the only intense, brilliant scene in the show, so why this scene for me? Because it happens at a moment when Sherlock is, apparently, at his most vulnerable. The police are coming to arrest him, people are doubting his credibility, he's basically being torn down, and now he's afraid that John has been taken in as well. But in that hour of need, in that life-changing episode for them both, John sticks by him and doesn't doubt him.


It's for the same reason I chose the rooftop scene with S & J, and John's graveside speech. However, this scene with Sherlock's fear of standing alone, is for me the most mutually emotional scene - in which Sherlock reveals how much John's friendship means to him, and John reveals how strongly he believes in Sherlock.


It might just be my favorite scene altogether. Or possibly that's the reunion scene in TEH. Another very intense, emotional moment. I just don't think it can get more dramatic between these two friends than the events of TRF and TEH. We have to fastforward to the airport scene in HLV (which I also considered voting for) in order to find an equally life-changing moment in their friendship.

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  • 3 months later...

Yeah.. 5 was hard... I needed @ least 10.


1. Definitely Sherlock stair scene.

2. Sherlocked... Come on.

3. I absolutely love that john came across the table on Sherlock after faking his death.

4.Sherlocks best man speach. I loved a lot in SO3. Little Archie, Mary's xboyfriend... That was just an all around funny episode.

5. I forget what else I voted for.


-That scene in TBB when Sherlock & Razz left John hanging with graffiti paint... "Quite an enthusiast are we" I rewinded that a couple of times. I laughed and laughed.


-I loved when Sherlock fell down drunk with his butt in the air.


-I love their exchange in the hallway..."that's the most ridiculous thing I ever did"..." You invaded Afghanistan " then they have a good laugh.


-The truth behind U.M.Q.R.A. that was quite funny.


-"Your clearly back from your holiday, your brown as a nut"


I could go on & on...


-The bomb scene.. When John gets all intense... " use your miiiind palacccce" I laughed so hard @ that!


-When Anderson says to that Goth girl "are you out of your mind!" Then points for her to leave if she's not going to take their meetings seriously... Meanwhile there are "theorists" amongst them doning deer stalkers.


-Oh & that part where Lestrade had been chasing those bank robbers for over a year & he's about to finally nab them... Then Hurry's off to Sherlocks aide, only to find out that he needed help making a speach..Ha!


Ok I'm really stopping now.

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