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Special episode, plus 3 episode series shooting in 2015!


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Well Mofftiss did say that Lestrade had his own show.....he just took time off to visit Sherlock once in a while. I downloaded Season One and Three soundtracks to my phone and I noticed that one of the tracks is called "Lestrade - The Movie". Am going to have to find out just when that played in what episode.

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Well Mofftiss did say that Lestrade had his own show.....he just took time off to visit Sherlock once in a while. I downloaded Season One and Three soundtracks to my phone and I noticed that one of the tracks is called "Lestrade - The Movie". Am going to have to find out just when that played in what episode.


Oh the music from Series 3 is especially good, although I didn't download the whole album - just picked out the stuff i liked the best.  Some of it is a little too synthesized and hard-driving for my taste, but "Addicted to a Certain Lifestyle" is one I have literally listened to hundreds of times.

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Well Mofftiss did say that Lestrade had his own show.....he just took time off to visit Sherlock once in a while. I downloaded Season One and Three soundtracks to my phone and I noticed that one of the tracks is called "Lestrade - The Movie". Am going to have to find out just when that played in what episode.


At the beginning of TSoT when Lestrade is trying to catch the bank robbers :)

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You're welcome :) I'm a bit addicted to the soundtrack. It's probably better than the whole series 3 :D

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No dinosaurs. (worst Sherlock Holmes movie ev-ver)


    No asthmatic blue police box

Good suggestions -- fortunately, I believe I heard that Martin Freeman said he would not participate in any crossovers, so that's presumably out anyhow. 


Hmmm, I guess it is pretty unlikely that either of our boys die permanently, unless the series ends at that point. So I wouldn't put that in the "impossible" section. Improbable, yes. Very much so.


I guess I'm old-fashioned -- when I said "die" I meant the permanent kind.  And Moftiss have stated in no uncertain terms that they would never kill off Sherlock and/or John, because Holmes and Watson are immortal.  So we can all just relax on that score.  :naughty:


Hmmm, more developments that I at least hope are not an option:


- Moriarty turns out to be a really good guy and becomes everybody's best friend

- Sherlock gets married to Janine, retires to Sussex and they raise ten kids

- While Lestrade takes over the detective business single-handedly and the next series is called "Greg, Graham or Gavin?"

I've come across the Moriarty one in more than one fanfic. Could easily do without actually seeing it.  (The fake scene in "Empty Hearse" was cute, but quite sufficient.)


Don't forget about Geoffrey.


(I'm still not quite over the time someone mentioned Shercroft :wacko:)

Ohmigod, incest! Eeeww!

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This was tweeted by Mark Gatiss today:

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thL-2o8W_bigger.jpegMark GatissVerified account‏@Markgatiss

For some reason, people seem to think the #Sherlock special will be about 7 mins long. It’s episode 10, my dears. It’ll be 90!

Edited by Carol the Dabbler
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God (or whoever he prefers) bless the man.


I am looking forward way too much to the next series. I thought I'd learned after series 3 that nothing good comes from having high expectations, but oh well. Wisdom was never my strong suit.

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Well, we've been told it would be an actual episode by Mark Gatiss (some time back), then by Sue Vertue (2 days ago), and now by Mark Gatiss again.  Maybe people will eventually believe someone?


I think I'm gonna do my damnedest to have absolutely no expectations for the Special and/or Series 4 -- just wait and see what happens.  This would in theory mean that I cannot be disappointed, right?


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Yeah, I can feel myself shutting down all (serious) speculation already. My only expectation is that the show retain its originality ... if they seem to have run out of steam, I will be broken-hearted (but still watching. That sentiment thing again.)

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Least expect.. What would I least expect to happen to John and Sherlock:


1.) Die/Get killed off.


2.) Become enemies


3.) They get imprisoned.


4.) They get permanently handicapped


5.) Sherlock marries off & replaces John with her.


Ok... now I'm getting ridiculous, so I'll stop now.

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I don't see them running out of steam. They have a whole novel/book & short stories from Doyle to reference.

I don't mean running out of ideas, actually, just running out of --- whatever it is that keeps shows fresh and original. I agree, tho, I don't expect them to have reached that point yet.

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Amanda Abbington has some things to say about Series 4 - she knows what the story arc is... and one of the words she used is TERRIFYING.



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I hope we see Sherlock's parents again.  After all, mummy has vowed to turn "absolutely monstrous" if she ever finds out who shot her boy!

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No... Abbington said she'd be filming in January for the "episode 10", too. Which means no lovely flashback... I really wanted to have some flashback. Preferably with focus on Sherlock and Lestrade. Sigh... again, thwarted.

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I hope we see Sherlock's parents again. After all, mummy has vowed to turn "absolutely monstrous" if she ever finds out who shot her boy!

Wouldn't it be cool if Sherlocks mom turned out to be some kind of trained fighter. Ha haaaa! She beats Mary to within a breath of her life. Hay maybe that's how Mary will die?.

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No... Abbington said she'd be filming in January for the "episode 10", too. Which means no lovely flashback... I really wanted to have some flashback. Preferably with focus on Sherlock and Lestrade. Sigh... again, thwarted.


There could be flash back. Each episode usually takes on a lot of material. Constantly moving from 1 scene to the other. Mary is on a lot in SO3, it seems they worked in plenty of back story of John & Sherlock. They could do some way back in the past scenes.


Think about Sherlocks flashback as a child with his dog Redbeard.. Mary was in HLV too. So don't lose hope.

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One thing they did between series 2 and 3 was to fill in some of the time gap.  TRF was mostly a flashback over many months.  Sherlock was already "dead" at the beginning, or so John believed.  How long had he been dead for?  18 months.  Something like that.  


Then there's a 6 month gap before SH returns in TEH to give us the two years - accounting for the 2 years between when we get new episodes.


At the start of TEH it is early November - Guy Fawkes Day (Nov. 4).  TSoT supposedly has a May wedding - so six months later, and during that six months we know that he had two cases of note - "The Bloody Guardsman" and "The Mayfly Man"


At the start of HLV, it is one month after the wedding, so that puts it in June.  He escapes hospital one week after being shot, and then he goes back into hospital, and the next time reference we get is Christmas Day where his mother says that they are having Christmas because "Sherlock is home from hospital" meaning he's only just gotten out.


So basically, from the start of TEH to Christmas in HLV, we have a time period of about 13-1/2 months.  And of course there's a little time afterwards before he takes off in the plane (and seriously, why isn't Mary ready to pop in that final scene by the plane?)


So....if they try to fill in a time gap from HLV to the Christmas special.... how much time will they allow for? Even though it's supposed to be a one-off, or at least that's what they were calling it at the start, will it connect to the Moriarty "did you miss me?" taunt.  It's hard to imagine that they would let that hang until we got the official series 4 sometime in spring/summer 2016.  Oh yeah, it'll be that long.  They won't start shooting the three until after BC's 3-month run of HAMLET at the end of next summer.

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Well, then -- maybe autumn!

One thing they did between series 2 and 3 was to fill in some of the time gap.  TRF was mostly a flashback over many months.  Sherlock was already "dead" at the beginning, or so John believed.  How long had he been dead for?  18 months.  Something like that.  
Then there's a 6 month gap before SH returns in TEH to give us the two years - accounting for the 2 years between when we get new episodes.

There are other ways to interpret that 18 months, though.  As you say, TRF was basically a series of flashbacks.  We see John talking to his therapist at the beginning, and she says it's been 18 months since he last bothered coming in.  I take that to mean it's been 18 months since he met Sherlock, during which time he's been too busy to feel a need for her help -- but he's back now, because Sherlock just died.  So the 18 months basically covers the real-time 18 months from near the beginning of Series 1 to near the end of Series 2.
By my calculation, the two years takes up where the 18  months left off, from the end of TRF to the beginning of TEH -- the time when John believed Sherlock was dead, and "coincidentally" the real-time gap between Series 2 and 3.

At the start of HLV, it is one month after the wedding, so that puts it in June.

Are you saying it's a month after the wedding because John tells Kate that he hasn't seen Sherlock for a month? I'll agree that means it's been at least a month since the wedding. But I think it's also possible that it's been longer, and they have seen each other since the wedding, just not for the past month.  It'd sure be nice if they were more precise, wouldn't it?

They won't start shooting the three until after BC's 3-month run of HAMLET at the end of next summer.

I know they said the Special would be filmed in January, with the other three episodes coming along "later." But I've been hoping they meant more like spring-into-summer.  Has there been an announcement that they'll postpone all three episodes till after Hamlet?  Or are you basing that on some other commitments?


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At the start of HLV, it is one month after the wedding, so that puts it in June.

Are you saying it's a month after the wedding because John tells Kate that he hasn't seen Sherlock for a month? I'll agree that means it's been at least a month since the wedding. But I think it's also possible that it's been longer, and they have seen each other since the wedding, just not for the past month.  It'd sure be nice if they were more precise, wouldn't it?

They won't start shooting the three until after BC's 3-month run of HAMLET at the end of next summer.

I know they said the Special would be filmed in January, with the other three episodes coming along "later." But I've been hoping they meant more like spring-into-summer.  Has there been an announcement that they'll postpone all three episodes till after Hamlet?  Or are you basing that on some other commitments?





1.  John says to Sherlock as they're coming out of the drug den - "A month!  A month is all it took!"  - which seems to imply that Sherlock has been without John for a month - presumably honeymoon time included (the "sex holiday") as Sherlock called it in the comment sections of one of the blogs. LOL.  So that's what I'm basing it on.


2.  I don't have any insider information, but it just feels like they'll film the special in January/Feb, then do the others after BC is done with Hamlet in October.  Seems logical.  I could be wrong.  Often am.  

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1.  John says to Sherlock as they're coming out of the drug den - "A month!  A month is all it took!"  - which seems to imply that Sherlock has been without John for a month - presumably honeymoon time included (the "sex holiday") as Sherlock called it in the comment sections of one of the blogs. LOL.  So that's what I'm basing it on.


2.  I don't have any insider information, but it just feels like they'll film the special in January/Feb, then do the others after BC is done with Hamlet in October.  Seems logical.  I could be wrong.  Often am.

1. Then it's been just a month since they've seen each other. And it may well have been just a month since the wedding. But I believe Sherlock told Mrs. Hudson that John & Mary were planning a "brief" honeymoon, so they apparently weren't gone all that long, and for all we know they might have seen Sherlock a few times since they got back -- and then not seen him for a month.  Not sure what I think, just saying I don't think we can rule that out.


2.  No offense, but I do hope you're wrong this time!  Maybe they could do the others in, say, April - July.


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