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What would you like to see on Sherlock Forum?

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So, things have been a little quiet around here of late, and as such I am opening the floor to suggestions of fun things to do that will spark a bit of fun here on the forum.


Any practical suggestions will be considered.


Over to you!

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I really wish there was a rp area. Yes, I know there is this. I refer to areas, for example, baker street, St. Bartholomew hospital, ect ect. We can enjoin so much writting with our favorites characters

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I'm not very experienced with role playing, Maria, so I'm not sure that I understand exactly what you're wanting. But any member can start a new thread -- so you can go to The Great Games role-playing area and create whatever kind of area you like. If you have questions, just post them in The Great Games area, and someone more experienced than I can help you.


You mention writing -- there is also The Mind Palace, where you can share your fan fiction and fan art.


Or are you hoping for some sort of virtual-reality site? This forum isn't really set up for anything other than exchanging messages -- but it's possible to do an awful lot of things with just messages!


Added: Oh, just noticed a thread in The Mind Palace called "Sherlock Roleplaying" that may have information on just the sort of thing you're looking for. It hasn't been active for a while, but there are five people subscribed to the thread, so you'll be able to get information there for sure!

Edited by Carol the Dabbler
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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 months later...

I don't know if it's the right place t post but why don't you open a chat box here ? it could be great ?



We did consider adding chat functionality, it would all be down to whether enough people would use it to make it worth the extra money on top of the license for the forum software. It's not out of the realms of possibility if people are interested.



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You might find it to be a disappointing chat experience, in any case, Jamy. There are rarely many members online at any given time, partly because we're spread out over several continents and numerous time zones. (You can see who's online by scrolling down to the bottom of the main index page. Right now, it's just me, Undead Medic, and the Google crawler bot.) That's not a problem with the actual forum, though, because we can carry on a conversation anyhow -- we get our replies, it may just take a while.

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Chat is one of the things we will be considering implementing should user levels increase, especially in the run up to series 3. So tell all your Sherlock loving friends we're here!

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Yes -- and please continue to make suggestions! There are a lot of possibilities that we might never think of unless you mention them. And even things that aren't quite feasible right now may be the beginning of a great idea for the future.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm wondering if all the fanfic recs or fanfic posted is adult? And if by adult you mean expressly Porntacular and probably slash, or if adult inculdes adult themes/mature themes and descriptions of violence, etc? I enjoy reading fanfic but don't read much porn. Is there a section for fic recs that aren't "adult" in the porn fashion? Maybe a fic area that isn't strictly adult? I've read a lot of good fic without sex but somewhat mature in theme.



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I'll refer you to the two fanfic-recommendation threads: "Favourite Fanfic Authors & Stories (General Consumption)" and "Adult Themed Fanfic Recommendations." I'm going to quote your post on the latter thread, and reply to it there. Other members are much more knowledgeable about fan fiction than I, so I'm sure we'll hear from them as well.


There's also "Favourite Fanfic Sites," which you may find useful, and could post additional questions on.

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  • 4 months later...

This is just a thought, only, because it's probably far too difficult to set up, but I was thinking of a section on the Forum, whereby a separate thread was set up for each and every one of the 60 stories of the Canon, so that we could discuss each story separately and at length, including the strengths and weaknesses of the story, etc. Anyway, just a thought.

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Not difficult at all, really!  There's already a section called The Casebooks, which is a "Discussion area for the original stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle."  At present, most of the threads there are more general ("which story is your favorite," etc.), but there is already one thread for a specific story, The Sign of the Four (which I'm happy to see you've recently replied to).


So, any time you (or any member) would like to discuss a specific story, just start a thread for it in that section, and post your first comment!


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  • 6 months later...

A forum I used to belong to had an area called "The cafe" where people could just post about anything - each thread was opened when the previous one got full and just had a name chosen by whoever started it, but it was just a good place to make general comments and chat about things - "I've got a job interview today," "hey everyone, a funny thing happened to me when I was at the bus stop today..." You know, just general comments and chat about lives that aren't related to a certain topic. Does that make sense?? Anyway, I couldn't see anything like that on here (but I only joined yesterday so I may have just missed it!) It was a good way to get to know people and sort of became like a chat room at busy times when lots of people were posting and talking! Just thought I'd suggest it  :)

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You can start a thread on just about anything at all in the Miscellaneous Musings section of the General Musings subforum.  So, please -- have at it!


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  • 2 months later...

Hi! I was wondering... can anyone start a poll on this forum, or is that restricted? I thought it might be fun to make a 'favorite scenes' poll, in which we gradually narrow down to the most well-liked scene from, let's say, 15 scenes. The 15 scenes could be found by checking out the 'favorite Sherlock moments' thread, or by starting a new thread for the purpose.

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I have to admit, good question - I'd say give it a try :smile:. When you start a new topic, there should be a box named "Poll" to the right, with a clickable "Manage Topic Poll" within. To the right of where you enter the Topic Title. If it is, happy polling! If it isn't, start the thread anyway, then write me a PM with the questions you want and I'll set them up for you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is there a thread for John's blog on the forum? I haven't been able to find one, but will happily start one up. I think there's plenty to discuss there. Any suggestions to where I should put it, if it doesn't already exist?

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You know, I thought there had to be a thread but I couldn't find one either (just one for discussing theimprobableone). So please do start one (if a previous thread exists, it's too well hidden anyway :smile:). The General forum would be my suggestion as to where.

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