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Season 4 - what will happen...?!


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I feel like I've missed something. Did someone theorize that he wasn't on drugs? I find it hard to interpret that sequence in any other way. The bigger question for me is whether he was still under the influence of drugs when he went to confront Magnussen. I've always been inclined to think so; he just seemed off in that episode. Not as sharp as usual.


I think Sherlock uses drugs when he's bored, because when he's got nothing big (like a case) to soak up his attention he goes insane over the tiniest things. So the drugs kind of act as a buffer, keeping him sane by making his senses all fuzzy, thus distracting him from the little stuff.

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I think that's what he tells himself, at any rate. I don't buy it for a second, though.

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I feel like I've missed something. Did someone theorize that he wasn't on drugs? I find it hard to interpret that sequence in any other way. The bigger question for me is whether he was still under the influence of drugs when he went to confront Magnussen. I've always been inclined to think so; he just seemed off in that episode. Not as sharp as usual.


I think Sherlock uses drugs when he's bored, because when he's got nothing big (like a case) to soak up his attention he goes insane over the tiniest things. So the drugs kind of act as a buffer, keeping him sane by making his senses all fuzzy, thus distracting him from the little stuff.




I think that's what he tells himself, at any rate. I don't buy it for a second, though.


Well, lets say it's not realistic. I don't believe people really can do that in real life, and I would strongly advise anyone against trying it out. But in Sherlock's case, yes, I do buy it, because that's how it worked for old Holmes. Or... not. Consider this passage from "The Missing Three Quater":


"Things had indeed been very slow with us, and I had learned to dread such periods of inaction, for I knew by experience that my companion’s brain was so abnormally active that it was dangerous to leave it without material upon which to work. For years I had gradually weaned him from that drug mania which had threatened once to check his remarkable career. Now I knew that under ordinary conditions he no longer craved for this artificial stimulus, but I was well aware that the fiend was not dead, but sleeping; and I have known that the sleep was a light one and the waking near when in periods of idleness I have seen the drawn look upon Holmes’s ascetic face, and the brooding of his deep-set and inscrutable eyes."


In the light of these thoughts by the original Dr Watson, maybe Sherlock's summary: "solves crimes as an alternative to getting high" is the best one. Still, not even the concerned doctor calls Holmes a real addict. It sounds more as if his brain needs something to keep it busy, and when there's nothing else, well, then it's drugs, but drugs are not what he craves primarily.


As I said, not realistic. But this is not a realistic character. He's more like a super hero in many ways, so why not have a super-human ability to deal with addictive substances as well.


To get back to series 4 predictions, I think we've seen the last of Sherlock's drug history. Somehow, I have a feeling that they won't use it again.

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It'll still be there, of course, but if it does ever pop up again, it'll probably be in a minor, negligent fashion.

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Guys, I've just stumbled upon this:


In case you happened to miss it, looking closely at the image that’s reflected on the table in front of Molly reveals that there’s no image of Jim saying ‘Miss Me’ which leads me to deduce that Molly’s not only gasping because of Jim being alive (if she even thought that he was dead in the first place) but because of his actual presence in the room.




What do you think? I don't even think that's a reflection of the telly...

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Hmm, well -- there's a reflection of Molly in the table-top, plus a small reflection of something else.  I doubt that it's a reflection of whatever Molly's gaping at (because angle of incidence = angle of reflection).  Frankly, it looks to me like a bit of Molly and a bit of the table-top, bounced back from somewhere.  What does anyone else see?


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I see Molly's reflection and next to her head in the reflection looks like someone else's head reflecting as if the person were behind her, but obviously isn't.  Maybe it's a clue from Moftiss or it could just be them playing with us.

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Guys, I've just stumbled upon this:


In case you happened to miss it, looking closely at the image that’s reflected on the table in front of Molly reveals that there’s no image of Jim saying ‘Miss Me’ which leads me to deduce that Molly’s not only gasping because of Jim being alive (if she even thought that he was dead in the first place) but because of his actual presence in the room.




What!??!?!? Eeeek!!!!! No, no, don't say things like that!

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Hmm, well -- there's a reflection of Molly in the table-top, plus a small reflection of something else.  I doubt that it's a reflection of whatever Molly's gaping at (because angle of incidence = angle of reflection).  Frankly, it looks to me like a bit of Molly and a bit of the table-top, bounced back from somewhere.  What does anyone else see?


Or, you know, the lack of a Moriarty reflection could mean that they weren't running video playback while they filmed this scene and DRAT IT, MOFTISS, give us some new content we can stop obsessing over this!!!   :)

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I agree with Carol - it cant be a reflection of whatever Molly is gasping at. Also with Boton - that they didnt have to actually play the video to get the shot of Molly...

I dont think that Moftiss would leave any "clues" (especially like reflections on glass) for us or anything...

Yeah, sitty, you are not helping... :D

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Everyday we are 1 day closer to the special even if we don't have the exact date yet for the US or the UK.

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I dont think that Moftiss would leave any "clues" (especially like reflections on glass) for us or anything...


... and when they DO leave clues, they actually tend to be red herrings.  I've never seen such a subtle red herring as that laundry truck in "Reichenbach"!

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I dont think that Moftiss would leave any "clues" (especially like reflections on glass) for us or anything...


... and when they DO leave clues, they actually tend to be red herrings.  I've never seen such a subtle red herring as that laundry truck in "Reichenbach"!



One of the few that may not have been a red herring (depending on your view of the reveal in TEH) was the squash ball from Reichenbach.  Moftiss tend to be subtle in their clue approach, red herring or not.

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I dont think that Moftiss would leave any "clues" (especially like reflections on glass) for us or anything...


... and when they DO leave clues, they actually tend to be red herrings.  I've never seen such a subtle red herring as that laundry truck in "Reichenbach"!



One of the few that may not have been a red herring (depending on your view of the reveal in TEH) was the squash ball from Reichenbach.  Moftiss tend to be subtle in their clue approach, red herring or not.


Ah yes, I noticed the squash ball when re-watching the show for the 2nd time. But one would have to know what it can be used for in order to name it "a clue" - I doubt that anybody thought the ball was of some importance when they saw Sherlock playing with it... :)


Actually, I never really noticed the truck in "The Reichenbach Fall"...

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I dont think that Moftiss would leave any "clues" (especially like reflections on glass) for us or anything...


... and when they DO leave clues, they actually tend to be red herrings.  I've never seen such a subtle red herring as that laundry truck in "Reichenbach"!


One of the few that may not have been a red herring (depending on your view of the reveal in TEH) was the squash ball from Reichenbach.  Moftiss tend to be subtle in their clue approach, red herring or not.


Yeah, they are. In TEH, Sherlock hears voices (well, just John's) while he's investigating that mysterious skeleton. It's not that much of a stretch to assume that it's from drugs -- auditory hallucinations are common when you're high.

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Ah yes, I noticed the squash ball when re-watching the show for the 2nd time. But one would have to know what it can be used for in order to name it "a clue" - I doubt that anybody thought the ball was of some importance when they saw Sherlock playing with it... :)


Actually, I never really noticed the truck in "The Reichenbach Fall"...

Somebody either already knew what that type of ball could be used for, or else figured it out pretty quick, because the idea was on the internet within a month or two -- it was first mentioned on this forum on March 5th, and I'd heard about it before that.  But, as you say, that certainly wasn't the first thing that popped into my head when I watched the episode.


I assume you mean that the truck didn't seem important to you either, something like the ball?  I didn't notice it at first either, because I was looking for a different kind of truck.  Escape by garbage truck had been quite a cliche on American television in the 80's.


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Ah yes, I noticed the squash ball when re-watching the show for the 2nd time. But one would have to know what it can be used for in order to name it "a clue" - I doubt that anybody thought the ball was of some importance when they saw Sherlock playing with it... :)


Actually, I never really noticed the truck in "The Reichenbach Fall"...

Somebody either already knew what that type of ball could be used for, or else figured it out pretty quick, because the idea was on the internet within a month or two -- it was first mentioned on this forum on March 5th, and I'd heard about it before that.  But, as you say, that certainly wasn't the first thing that popped into my head when I watched the episode.


I assume you mean that the truck didn't seem important to you either, something like the ball?  I didn't notice it at first either, because I was looking for a different kind of truck.  Escape by garbage truck had been quite a cliche on American television in the 80's.


Wow, okay...


Yes, I re-watched the scene carefully again and - yeah - I get that people thought the truck was involved. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am trying my best to keep an open mind about the next series, seeing as series 3 really took me by surprise (and shock). I'd rather not be as shocked next time around - and I don't think I will be. TEH and HLV served as eye-openers for me that most anything could happen.


I really cannot, or don't dare to, predict whether or not Mary will die. I do predict, however, that it won't happen in the special. Maybe in the last episode of series 4, but no sooner than that. I think there is to be more development on her character first, and I wonder if her past might catch up with her somehow.


I think there might be more casework again. The last series we had an episode revolving around Sherlock's return and reunion with John, and one revolving around John and Mary's wedding. With that out of the way, there should be plenty of opportunity for a more case-oriented (if not case-based) series.

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  • 2 years later...

Well hello, Harpo!!!!! :welcome:


You were in it? Maybe once we've all had a chance to see it, you'd be willing to tell us a little bit what it was like to be there? No pressure! xd

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Gentle reminder to go to the Six Thatchers thread with episode content, as per forum rules. :wave:


eta: *Real* episode content, that is. If you haven't seen it yet, feel free to keep speculating here, of course. :smile:

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