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Holiday-Special News ("Abominable Bride")


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So I've just seen this:

Sherlock fans: Okay, writers. You've left too many unanswered questions. You need to go back and explain.

Sherlock writers: In the year 1878...

Sherlock fans: Whoa, whoa...

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This just in - and Mark Gatiss posted it on Twitter.  Not exactly a spoiler, but here's what I can tell you from the slate:  Scene 24 is going to be fairly early on.  Probably within the first 10 minutes or so.  So the costumed thingie is early in the film.



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Sophie Hunter came to set.


In costume? Or just as a certain person's company?


Wouldn't it be fun if she became part of the Sherlock cast as well? I'm just assuming she can act. It doesn't seem entirely unlikely, based on past casting decisions. Which have always been fantastic! Nepotism in that form doesn't bother me. Give families a chance to stay together by all means, and so far, I cannot imagine better people for any of the parts, so... 


I still think she looks like a good Violet. I always imagined her somewhat like that. All that's missing is the freckles, and the makeup department would probably not find adding them a problem.


(And can I just be really superficial and feminine and add that I love the clothes Sophie Hunter has worn to the few public events I've seen photos of her at? They look elegant and dignified. Not too revealing, but not puritan-looking, either. "Ladylike" is how I'd describe the pictures I saw.)


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She just came as herself, wearing the same coat and hat she was wearing when she and Ben landed at Heathrow yesterday.  She's just giving her man some support.

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What do you think? Who is she?


At first glance, I thought  maybe Irene Adler. But that doesn't look like Lara Pulver's face (I think), and I doubt they'd recast the role. So: no idea. New character, maybe? Client?


I am pretty sad about the new hairstyle for Sherlock... It doesn't look right. On the other hand, I am very excited about the prospect of seeing the cast in period clothing. God, will I ever print out those screenshots and paste them over the ugly illustrations in my Complete Sherlock Holmes! :P


I wonder what the women will look like. Molly in a late-1800s dress should be quite a sight.


By the way: The fact that John has that big mustache doesn't quite fit the theory that it's all for a fancy dress occasion, does it? Unless it's supposed to be fake. I mean, who would grow something like that for one evening out?

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What do you think? Who is she?



I've seen some people guess Anna Chancellor.  I think that's a pretty reasonable guess.



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Well, if you watch Ripper Street, you would see Loo in 1800's dress.  I haven't seen it yet, but I do have pics of her in costume from that.

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What do you think? Who is she?



I've seen some people guess Anna Chancellor.  I think that's a pretty reasonable guess.




Yeah, she looks like Chancellor, but I think that she also looks like Natasha O'Keeffe from Misfits

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But where is Loo?  For real.  People have seen her... so photos, please. 


I would also like to point out that I got out of bed before 6 AM today people.  This NEVER happens.  I don't do mornings.  If snoozing was an Olympic sport, like I would win all the medals.

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But where is Loo?  For real.  People have seen her... so photos, please. 


I would also like to point out that I got out of bed before 6 AM today people.  This NEVER happens.  I don't do mornings.  If snoozing was an Olympic sport, like I would win all the medals.

Maybe she is hidden well? Because of this there are no photos, I cant find another explanation

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Part of me wishes I hadn't seen a non-curled Sherlock, but at the same time, I can't not look for info re: filming!! I wish it wasn't so easy to find, but I feel I also now need 11 months to prepare myself for the lack of curls :(

I'm just hoping he will be wearing a hat during the costume scenes. And a wig thereafter!
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I'm supposed to be getting dressed for work right now. Instead I'm here obsessing over Ben's (very strange looking) hair. Aghgghgh!!!! Moftiss, what have you done to my life!!!!!

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I'm supposed to be getting dressed for work right now. Instead I'm here obsessing over Ben's (very strange looking) hair. Aghgghgh!!!! Moftiss, what have you done to my life!!!!!


Life ruiners, that's what they are.  ;)


In happy news, I just discovered that Spotify has the soundtracks for all 3 seasons of Sherlock... so yeah, you can guess what is playing at my desk right now.



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I read Twitter rumors of Andrew Scott for real being seen on set today, but no photos of him yet either, sooo...  also, supposedly the Belstaff was seen today,  But again, no photos...

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Ahh, come on, I want to see Andrew! :D

Also, more photos here (or at least I haven't seen all of these before).  

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What do you think? Who is she?


According to #setlock that is Natasha O'Keefe. either someone there knew or asked.

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