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Holiday-Special News ("Abominable Bride")


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So I've been back over the BSB's podcast and taken notes and there are a surprising amount of Easter egg references they found, and I took notes and will incorporate them into my final findings along with notes from other podcasts.  There are a bunch of podcasts to hear from free by just searching THE ABOMINABLE BRIDE on Itunes, including the BSB one.

Thanks sfmpco, from all of us who would love to listen but can't seem to find the time. Looking forward to seeing it! I'm sure I for one have missed nearly all of them. (Oooooo, this is getting fun! :bouncy: )

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This was my first long wait too ... I found the show about 6 months before S3 came out, I think. I'm sort of thinking that the long wait is one of the (many many) things that makes the show so special, I'm finding I don't really mind .... although thank heavens they decided to make TAB when they did, THREE years was going to be a bit much.......... !!!

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Because it is my first "premiere" of a new Sherlock episode/season - was the anticipation always so huge?


Supposedly the anticipation was worse for the start of S3.  People had had 2 years to speculate how he survived the fall, and the number of watchers in Britain for TEH, at least, was even higher than TAB.  I think TAB had 11.6 million viewers and TEH had 12.7 million.  There was a bit of hysteria that started after TRF.  Not sure exactly when Many Happy Returns came out in relation to TEH.  Anyone know?


Yes, I'd say the anticipation was more intense for S3, simply because we were expecting answers to the questions raised in "Reichenbach" (and there's a moral there somewhere).  What with "Abominable Bride" being billed as a standalone episode, the anticipation this time was more generic -- like "Oh, goodie, another Sherlock episode!"


"Many Happy Returns" premiered on the internet on Christmas Day 2013, just one week before "The Empty Hearse" premiered on the BBC.

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Sherlock: The Abominable Bride is out now in the UK and USA on DVD and Blu Ray!

Don’t be alarmed that the UK has a ‘2 Disc Special Edition’ while the USA has a 1 disc - the extra features are identical in content (if not description), as you can see below!

UK release - DVD (Region 2), Blu Ray & Blu Ray Steelbook (Region B)

  • ‘Mark Gatiss: A Study in Sherlock’
  • 'Mark Gatiss: Production Diary’
  • 'Creating the Look - 8 inside looks at how this unique Specialwas created’
  • 'Writers’ Interview’
  • 'The creators of Sherlock answer questions from Sherlock’s #1fan site’
USA release - DVD (Region 1) & Blu Ray (Region A)
  • Mark Gatiss: A Study in Sherlock - 30-minute “making of” documentary
  • Mark Gatiss: Production Diary
  • Creating the Look - Eight inside looks into how different scenes were created in the Sherlock Special
  • Interview with writers Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss
  • Sherlockology Q&A


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Amazon handed over our order to UPS yesterday evening (the 11th) for delivery on the actual release date (today).  It's on our local UPS truck right now!


That excitement is tempered by the thought that I'd better go shovel!


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Amazon handed over our order to UPS yesterday evening (the 11th) for delivery on the actual release date (today).  It's on our local UPS truck right now!


That excitement is tempered by the thought that I'd better go shovel!


Oh, wow!  I thought it would just ship today.  I think I'm getting the blu-ray?   Nobody said anything to me about buying it for me for Christmas, but when I went to order it off my wish list it said someone already purchased it for me... so I guess I'll see!

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Amazon handed over our order to UPS yesterday evening (the 11th) for delivery on the actual release date (today).  It's on our local UPS truck right now!


Oh, wow!  I thought it would just ship today.  I think I'm getting the blu-ray?   Nobody said anything to me about buying it for me for Christmas, but when I went to order it off my wish list it said someone already purchased it for me... so I guess I'll see!


Seems like sometimes they ship pre-orders ahead of time so it'll be delivered on the release date, but other times they don't ship till the release date or even later.  I've given up guessing.  Maybe it depends on how many pre-orders they had, and sometimes they have to ship on a first-come, first-served basis till they get everybody's order out the door.

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Bought mine from Target this afternoon. :P


Buying a Sherlock DVD at Target -- five years ago, who'd a thunk it?  The Moftisses better watch out -- pretty soon their quirky little show may be considered mainstream!

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Here's just a snippet of the the DVD extras, for those who don't have their copy yet:

Watch an exclusive clip from the Sherlock: The Abominable Bride DVD
Mark Gatiss interviews Benedict Cumberbatch where they discuss Mary’s role in Sherlock and how she is the glue that holds Sherlock and Watson together and complements their relationship.

Seems like my ability to embed videos has evaporated again, so if the above doesn't show up for you, just follow the link at the beginning of this post.

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Welp, no disc for me today.  I'll give it a couple days and then if nothing, I guess I'll go buy it and hope my wish list was lying to me.

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Amazon handed over our order to UPS yesterday evening (the 11th) for delivery on the actual release date (today).  It's on our local UPS truck right now!


That excitement is tempered by the thought that I'd better go shovel!


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I just want to know why the UK has a 2-disc special edition and why the UK seems to have the steelbooks but not the USA.


According to Sherlockology:


Don’t be alarmed that the UK has a ‘2 Disc Special Edition’ while the USA has a 1 disc - the extra features are identical in content (if not description)....

You can see more details by clicking on that link.


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What's all the fuss about the colouring extra? Going to give it to the little ones, so that they can leave the *ahem* grown-ups alone to watch the DVD and all the other goodies!

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  • 9 months later...


Richly deserved.

These awards have been all over Scottish TV, but I had to read about this one on Twitter!

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