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Series 4 (and Special) Speculation


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Hmm -- you could well be right.  Or Sherlock and John could be "playing" themselves, but everyone else represents people involved in a Victorian case that Sherlock is solving in his mind palace -- like Lestrade represents the Scotland Yard detective who handled the case back then.  Or something else entirely!


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I think something like this happened, and that's why there's so much Victorian Setlock:


     FAN: Now, Moffat, Gatiss, I don't understand what the heck happened through Season 3. What the heck, guys. You gotta go back and explain some of this.

     MOFTISS: In the year of our lord circa 1860 or so --


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  • 3 weeks later...

I am nervous about the special (you know your Sherlock obsession is bad when you are nervous about the next episode). My impression so far is that instead of resolving the last cliffhanger and getting on with the plot, they decided on 90 minutes of goofing off in costumes and postponed seriously resuming the series until an indefinite time in the distant future when the actors are less busy.


Part of me is thrilled about the Victorian theme, but a bigger part of me is afraid of "my" show being ruined. What if they really do add a supernatural element, like actual time travel or ghosts or some such nonsense? Ugh.


And will it really turn out we waited two years for Sherlock to return, only to find he hasn't, really, because he's been replaced with a Jeremy Brett lookalike?


Must be less negative, must be less negative...


I do believe they'll address the question of how Moriarty could be alive (or how he couldn't - that's a possibility as well, isn't it), if only by dealing with a parallel case that occurred a hundred years earlier. At least that is something to look forward to. A case!

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Okay, then, time for another dose of Mary Sunshine!


I think there will be at least one modern scene, simply because they filmed John and Mary in their airport clothes. But it may be only one scene! :blink:
And I think they'll explain what's the deal with Moriarty, because they said they would. Yes, I know, Moftiss are lying liars who lie. And yet for some reason I believe them.....


My biggest fear is that it will be all serious-like, but Una Stubbs said it was funny and I'm hoping what she finds funny is the same thing I find funny.


I don't think it will involve time travel, simply because.
I guess my thinking is this: it's a special. A one-shot. If I don't like it (but I'm willing to bet I will) it won't ruin the show for me simply because I don't expect it to have anything to do with Season 4.
Or ... it could end on a cliff hanger, which would be great, because then we'd have something new to speculate about while we wait for Season 4 !
Also I'm just dying of curiousity to find out what they've got in store for us. The suspense is killing me! (I hope it doesn't last! :smile: )



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  • 3 weeks later...

So... learning that the special will allegedly be a one-shot truly set in Victorian times has set me to thinking and speculating again. I hope so fervently that it will not include actual time travel, so I'm just going to assume it is set in a kind of an alternate universe where Holmes and Watson live and have always lived in the times they were originally written in. Which poses the question: What about the others? If they don't have to bother with continuity, will Anderson, Molly, Mary (for example) even have their accustomed roles? Or will they be in completely different walks of life, or in a different relationship with the protagonists?


Who knows, perhaps the shippers will finally get their wish and Molly will be married to Sherlock in this version? Maybe Mary will really be Mary Morstan and not an assassin who borrowed her name? How will Janine fit into a Victorian setting? Will we see Irene Adler again?


Gosh, this might well feel like fan fiction of a TV show that is basically fan fiction already. My head is spinning. I feel as if anything is possible.

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Your alternate-universe idea sounds plausible.  At least it doesn't leave me wondering how certain things we've seen might fit in.  And I kinda like that we might meet the real Mary Morstan.


So this universe would be an alternate to the alternate universe that Sherlock usually takes place in -- which is itself an alternate to the universe that the Conan Doyle stories took place in, which was in turn an alternate to the universe we inhabit?  Or do two alternates make an original, and we're back in the Conan Doyle universe?


I think I have that straight.... :huh:


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On the other hand, I'm still wondering exactly what is the "mouthwatering idea" that Martin Freeman mentioned when he first leaked the idea of a special.  Surely it wouldn't simply be "Let's do a Victorian Holmes story."  Mr. Freeman seems to have far higher standards than that!


Nope, there's gotta be more to it.


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...So this universe would be an alternate to the alternate universe that Sherlock usually takes place in -- which is itself an alternate to the universe that the Conan Doyle stories took place in, which was in turn an alternate to the universe we inhabit? Or do two alternates make an original, and we're back in the Conan Doyle universe?...


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  • 1 month later...

So, apparently the special takes place in 1895?


Someone's take on it and what this means for what the special might include:  http://loudest-subtext-in-television.tumblr.com/post/117032680019/mark-gatiss-sherlock-goes-back-to-1895



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I had this thought on the whole Moriarty thing (because I'm reading a fanfic that is post-HLV) and don't know if it has been brought up before (not going to check now as it is late for me) but Tom could be behind it in some way, shape, or form.  We have no idea what Sherlock deduced on him back in TEH, maybe he has a dark, non-psychopathic side that Sherlock figured out.

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  • 2 weeks later...


That one links to this one from January 2014 -- not new, but I don't recall reading it before (and certainly not recently):


Sherlock series 4 predictions

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I like that; well reasoned and reasonable. :)


One thing struck me: "It's not really clear at this point why the pregnancy was introduced at all, other than to make Mary's betrayal sting more."


I was thinking the other day that maybe the pregnancy was to make it even more imperative that Sherlock save Mary ... since as has been so amply demonstrated :smile: not everyone agrees she was worth saving. But I haven't seen too many suggestions (thankfully) that the child deserves to die, too. So, save Mary to save the child?


It's still weird that they would introduce a child, though, isn't it? Even someone who is as indifferent to "canon" as I am finds it odd!

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We do know that Dr. Watson was married at least once.....perhaps....twice more. They were never ever truly fleshed out. No names even.....maybe they are thinking, since in Victorian times, children were paramount to keeping a couple together, they are thinking that he must have had a least one? Another example of Victorianization?

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Ah, so that's why Mary wasn't on the Pill! :D

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Oh dear, they uploaded that thing on youtube? Won't be there long, I guess - didn't George Lucas once state that he'd destroy every single tape of it if he could?


Moftiss would have to work really, really hard to be worse than that :P.

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Nice to know I missed this probably. I was an infant when it aired. And from Caya's comment that is probably a good thing. Also, can anyone translate Wookie?

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Han Solo can! :P


Ok, besides Han, George (I'm assuming he knew what he was writing for the Wookie lines), C3PO, and I believe Luke figured out as well.

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I hope the Christmas Special will be better than THIS Chrismas Special




Oh dear, they uploaded that thing on youtube? Won't be there long, I guess - didn't George Lucas once state that he'd destroy every single tape of it if he could?


Moftiss would have to work really, really hard to be worse than that :P.


Agreed Moftiss would have to work really hard to mess up the Special.  Technology in the film industry is beyond better than it was 37 years ago so that alone with make the Sherlock special better.




(working on getting us back on track before we go too far to the Galaxy Far, Far Away)

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I'm willing to bet that it's entirely possible to make a dreadful "special" even with advanced technology.  Perhaps especially with advanced technology, if the producers think that's all it takes to make their show good.


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There is the possibility of making a special absolutely cheesy because of how the technology is used.  However, the blue/green screen technology will make a better picture quality than even 20 years ago that will get rid of 1 area of what were they thinking.

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Han Solo can! :P


Ok, besides Han, George (I'm assuming he knew what he was writing for the Wookie lines), C3PO, and I believe Luke figured out as well.


R2D2! :p

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Oh no, now you guys have made we want to watch the old Star Wars films so so badly! (I had a big crush on Han Solo once. When I was too young to find his costume ridiculous).


I'm pretty nervous about the Sherlock Special (what TF is up with the Victorian theme?), and I do believe it is entirely possible to mess up a story with the best technology available. On the other hand, I can't really imagine the team who made the 9 best episodes of television that I know messing up anything very badly.

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