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I got mine through iTunes, so it works for both laptop and iPhone, but I expect the Android version works for any Android-enabled device.

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  • 3 months later...

I'm watching Foyle's War and who pops up but Andrew Scott. What's weird is ... I never watch Foyle's War.

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Well, if you mean for free, I'm afraid it depends on your PBS station. I have several in my area, two of which show Foyle's War ... but that doesn't mean they all do.


Although you might be surprised at what you find if you just perform a little google-fu, hint hint... :smile:

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  • 3 weeks later...

A new film with him goes to the cinema in May here. He'll play along with Daniel Radcliffe in 'Victor Frankenstein'.

Recently saw a film poster in the cinema, and as I love (classic) Horror films, I checked the cast and the date when it comes in our theatres and saw his name in it. :)

So another film for May on my cinematic wishlist then! :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I saw Victor Frankenstein today, and I was actually the ONLY (!) visitor....well, so I made the theatre my living room :popcorn:, and watched. Brilliantly played by all the actors, Andrew did absolutely fabulous as christian policeman who mourns his wife and goes nuts about Frankensteins scientific ideas. :thumbsup:

Loo was only there for a few lines sitting on a table drinking wine and looking disgusted as Frankenstein told her about the new ways for women to have babies. :giggle: Also, I was watching out for Mark all the time, but could not see him - until the end of the film as sort of assistant to the crazy rich dude, I don't even remember if he said something, maybe shortly, but he had a really really short appearance. And he seemed to have sort of a wig and a bit Watson-like moustache (?), so he looked different. Or I confused him and he was hidden somewhere else? But he was the only one who looked like Mark (and most of his part possibly made a stunt double anyway :D) , and he was definitely listed in the end credits as 'Dettweiler', while Loo was only 'Sexy Society Girl' or something. (??? Could have at least have given her a name, too...)

Andrew was the one who had a main part from all our Sherlock cast.

I am still a bit shocked nobody apart from me went to see the film on the first day. Possible explanation: No advertisement except only one poster in another cinema, which I coincidentally saw and then googled for the film, because there was no info on the poster. Also - who has the opportunity to make time for an afternoon showing only once a day for a horror film?? If it keeps going like this, the film will be gone after the next week. :( Shame, because it's good. Nothing new, but hey - people still love classic horror, right? And as I said, it's a cool cast and well played.


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It didn't last very long here. Mostly poor reviews, I'm afraid.

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It didn't last very long here. Mostly poor reviews, I'm afraid.


Maybe that's one reason why it did not have a lot of advertisement in Germany/Europe (?) - I just wonder why they put it in a cinema at all and not right out on DVD, like many other films these days. I mean it's cool they put it out in the cinema but what's the deal when nobody knows, or show it during times most people still have to work and even if they would go see it, not have the chance to watch??? Stupid marketing policy, really... :(

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The gentleman was seen in a road scene for S4 in the company of our favourite detective! Good God above, there are so many other stories in ACD canon, these two are stuck in a loop over The Final Problem and the Empty House!

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  • 1 month later...



I don't know if you have seen this before, but in this ad are three children with Mickey Mouse enjoying a refreshing Fanta. One of the children is an actor of Sherlock.
Guess who...  :)
Edited by Caya
moved post to the actor's thread
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Can anyone tell which one? (Not me! :smile: )

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Apparently September 30th is the release date in the US.  So about 3.5 months to go.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

For the people living in or close to Bonn / Ruhrgebiet, Andrew Scott will be attending the MAGICCON in April (formerly HobbitCon/RingCon, whatever....)



Would love to go, but it's pretty expensive and I probably would not get a rabbit-sitter that time.  :mellow:


I hope for the next Comic Con in Berlin.  :) September/October 2017... :moriarty: Please?  :lol4:

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  • 3 months later...


Are there any spoilers?  :P

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