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Series 4 Leaks and Spoilers

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We're starting to get some "real" spoilers -- not just speculation and setlock stuff, but actual leaks.  This is the thread for discussion of actual leak-type spoilers.  When in doubt, bring it here.  Thank you!
For example:

A part of BC's script for episode 2 has been leaked by a pap photo. Contains something spoilary about Culverton Smith's role in the episode. 

And let the discussion begin!  :D

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I like the title Carol.

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Okay, someone read that and tell me whether or not I should read it. :p

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Great title.


I can't read a thing on that bit of script and I can't say I really want to. I don't think this was meant to be seen. I'd much rather read over "The Dying Detective" and "Silver Blaze" for the gazillionth time and speculate on which elements of these stories we will find in the next series.

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  • 1 month later...

Just a reminder to use this thread if you have any big honkin' spoilers to post.


And whatever you do, DO NOT start a new thread with the spoiler right in the title!


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Just a reminder to use this thread if you have any big honkin' spoilers to post.


And whatever you do, DO NOT start a new thread with the spoiler right in the title!


But that's no fun ;) 

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If it's been made readily available to the public -- e.g., in a publicly filmed scene, or in an interview, or in a trailer, etc., then it's merely the sort of spoiler that the "I don't want to know anything" crowd would like to avoid, so it goes in the Setlock thread (even if it's not technically Setlock), since that's our only mild-spoiler thread.  On the other hand, if it's an actual leak of a significant plot point, it belongs here in the Spoilery Spoilers thread.

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Did you have any of those before? From the other seasons, I mean? I don't remember anything from TAB, which is the only setlock I've been around for. (This one is so much more exciting! :smile: ) Just curious.

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We seem to be handling things a bit differently this time.  Though I frankly don't recall exactly how/if we handled the pre-S3 rumors -- I think we mostly worried about spoilers only after the episodes aired in the UK.  There was a few-week gap before they aired even in the US, and several months in some cases till other countries got them.  Hopefully that'll be shortened considerably this time, as it was for TAB (at least in the US).

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Well, but what I meant was, were there any "spoilery spoilers" before any of the seasons? Well, not S1, obviously. :smile: For example, was Andrew Scott spotted on set in a straight jacket before S3? That sort of thing.

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Ah -- I see.  Well, I wouldn't know for Series 2, because I wasn't plugged into the fandom at that point.  It hadn't occurred to me that there might even be a fandom till just after that series, and in fact maybe there wasn't much of one yet -- both this forum and "the other one" were founded shortly after Series 2.  In fact, the first time I went looking for a Sherlock forum, there weren't any.


Before Series 3, yes, there were some spoilers, though there was no way to be sure which were actual spoilers (e.g., Big Blue), which were merely part of the stuntwork or the special effects (which is what Big Blue appeared to be), and which were out-and-out red herrings (e.g., Mycroft shaking hands with Moriarty) -- and it never even occurred to us that there might be some pink herrings used in the actual episode (e.g., Derren Brown).  Those Moftisses are sly!


There were also some mild spoilers from casting-agency people (e.g., the bonfire scene).  Oh, and also some intriguing information from fans who had been extras (e.g., at the same bonfire scene).  But those were kinda like the trailers -- we had no idea how it all fit together, any more than what the fans had seen filmed on North Gower.


But really, what could have constituted a Major Spoiler if it had been leaked before S3?  Offhand, all I can think of would be Mary shooting Sherlock or Sherlock shooting Magnussen, and of course those were filmed on a soundstage and in the middle of a private estate, respectively.  They seem to be playing things even closer to their collective vest this time (e.g., far fewer scenes filmed on North Gower), so barring any traitors within the Hartswood ranks, I doubt there could be a revelation that would "spoil" an episode for me -- though of course YMMV.

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No worries, it stumped me the first time I encountered it too. :smile: It's for "Your Mileage May Vary."

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I'm stumped. YMMV?


Sorry -- I thought I was the only one who hadn't known that abbreviation (or the figurative meanings for Your Mileage May Vary) until recently!

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  • 4 months later...
Thanks for the warning ... I'm finding that I'm pulling away from learning anything else about the new series, I already know as much as I want. Akkk, it's getting nerve-wracking!!!!
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I glanced at that just long enough to see that it's apparently a review of the actual first episode, presumably from a member of the press who attended the screening that's been mentioned, and presumably intended for publication at a *later* date, because it apparently gives away the ending.  Fortunately the typeface was so small that I had a bit of trouble just reading that much, and didn't accidentally flash on any of the actual review.  I don't intend to go back with a magnifying glass!

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