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Episode 4.3 "The Final Problem"

Undead Medic

What did you think of "The Final Problem?"  

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What did you think of Series 4 episode 3 "The Final Problem"?



Holmes and Watson travel to Europe to escape Moriarty's vengeance.



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This topic will unlock automatically on Sun 15th January 2017.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This was a great night out in the cinema. I think the middle episode is still my favourite of the season, but MG absolutely shone in this one. LB was fantastic too, even if she only had one scene. Not sure what to make of the ending, in terms of where we may go next.


The moment when we first saw Moriarty land- that was electric too.


Still processing everything else.


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This episode was underwhelming. The fan predictions weren't far off and once again the mysteries weren't that intriguing. 


How Euros could control people with her voice is so convulsed.


The whole episode felt more like a tribute to the fans kind of episode. The kind of episode that happens when all the main storylines are wrapped up and the writers just want to confirm shippings etc to make it a warm sendoff to their fans.

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Well... that was really crazy.


Okay, this one I need to process!


But... I am nearly crying from happiness at the ending :applause: John Watson back in Baker Street! Didn't think it would happen.


On that note, this certainly seems like there won't be any more Sherlock. But who knows? Maybe a special somewhere in the future?

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my first post... at the last episode. how pathetic ^^)


What a clever sister... to take over her own prison.


poor molly hooper :cry:


It was a kind of saw... but sherlock solved it unbelievable clever... he was the only playstone she never wanted to be lost.


@last, i would not have forgive her that she killed my bf. and she was a kind more moriaty ...


and btw what happend to the woman that played the psychiatrist? wasnt she important anymore?

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Sherlock FINALLY remembers the name! :D That surely must mean that we have come to an end. Hehe!


Was fricking scared for a moment that Sherlock would shoot Mycroft, but I kept telling myself, no, he will find another way.


I find it funny how fans on this forum had seen so many things coming ;) Look at you clever lot! Sherlock would be proud :D

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What is there to process? As a final episode, it doesn't even approach HLV, and I am not particularly fond of THAT one! Giving Mary's ghost the last word assured that they went out with a whimper, not a bang. TLD was good, TST was acceptable, this was pure self-indulgence of the most inexcusable kind!

Victor Trevor as Sherlock's best childhood friend and Redbeard into the bargain, from The Gloria Scott, which was Sherlock Holmes first adventure, NOT the Musgrave Riutal (are they mixing up the ACD canon in their overblown self-satisfied Flight of the Dead redux?), Mycroft protective as ever, Lestrade just a footnote, and the whole Chateau d'If Count of Montecristo treasure hunt and unlawful incarceration replayed as Sherlock's choice.

Molly had one meaningful scene, and the awesome Mrs Hudson of the previous episode is back to her supervisory duties as their landlady-not-housekeeper!

We got at least one thing right with Rosie: they will play two men and a baby/toddler/kindergartener if there's ever a fifth series! Pity about pre-ordering the DVDs, but ex-fans still need to watch!

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Sherlock FINALLY remembers the name! :D That surely must mean that we have come to an end. Hehe!


Lestrade also says Sherlock is a 'good man' after one of his officers says he's a 'great man'.


In the first episode Lestrade told John 'Sherlock is a great man and one day he may even be a good one'.


So it looks like all Sherlock had to do in order to become a good man was to express concern for Mycroft's welfare.

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Just thought of something else that made me laugh!


Johnlockers will insist that Mary's message to the boys mean that they are now free to be a couple. Non-Johnlockers will insist that they are, as always, best friends, because nothing else has happened. And so the game continues :D :D :D Mofftiss are brilliant!

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my first post... at the last episode. how pathetic ^^)



Hello pasjags and welcome to the forum! :wave:


Diving right into the discussion after the episode, that's the spirit, not pathetic! :applause:


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Sherlock FINALLY remembers the name! :D That surely must mean that we have come to an end. Hehe!


Lestrade also says Sherlock is a 'good man' after one of his officers says he's a 'great man'.


In the first episode Lestrade told John 'Sherlock is a great man and one day he may even be a good one'.


So it looks like all Sherlock had to do in order to become a good man was to express fnor Mycroft's welfare.



Loved that bit, it made me cheer!

I just think Lestrade, over time, has come to see Sherlock as a good man - just like many others have :)

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Please, define 'brilliant' in light of this muddled mess of emotions and maudlin, sheer bad writing! This time the critics will have a field day, especially after all the hype! It will be ripped to shreds!

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Oh, but I do feel really bad for Molly Hooper... That was horrible. Why write that into the story? Dear Molly

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About Mary, the fact that they used her in every episode, and the intro, in my opinion shows that it was a mistake to kill her. They could have made good use of her in the flesh, in the last episode, and not focused so much on her story in episode one. You could tell they felt the character brought something really special by the fact they kept bringing her back, which to me would have been better achieved by not killing her! 


The actress who played Eurus was wonderful. For me, I probably would have liked a little more action outside the multiple locked rooms. I know, with thinking it may be the last one expectations are too high, but a had a little moment of disappointment when I realised we were doing a locked-in-one-room episode.



Oh, but I do feel really bad for Molly Hooper... That was horrible. Why write that into the story? Dear Molly



I actually liked the scene, and I love Molly as a character. There was so much going on in it emotionally and it was so complex that I think it is open to interpretation, and if nothing else it showed LB's amazing range as an actor. 


I would have liked more scenes with her this season.

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Oh, but I do feel really bad for Molly Hooper... That was horrible. Why write that into the story? Dear Molly


Because of fan service.

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So, did I miss it because of the buffering or didn't they explain how John wasn't shot?


How did Molly and Sherlock become okay again? We didn't get any dialog between them explaining to Molly what happend...


And making Moriaty just a puppet of Eurus in this episode is sad in my eyes. I loved him being that one special villan.

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Oh, but I do feel really bad for Molly Hooper... That was horrible. Why write that into the story? Dear Molly


Because of fan service.



really what kind of service is it to see her suffer???

I hope if there is a 5th season, that there will be a BIG sorry from sherlock...

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Am I the only one that hates the ending?


It's just another person who's angry because they're not loved story. It can't get more cliche than that. 


I almost predicted this ending a few days ago: http://www.sherlockforum.com/forum/topic/3548-episode-42-the-lying-detective/?p=114092


Euros wants Sherlock to help her enact her vengeance on her big bad brother Mycroft. In the climax, Euros does a lot of bad stuff. She has Mycroft at gunpoint. Mycroft tells Euros that he loves her. Euros then accepts his apology and willingly gives herself up to the authorities.


Euros became insane and a criminal master mind because all along she just wanted Mycroft to tell her that he loved her the same way he loved Sherlock.


The End


The only difference is that it's Mycroft rather than Sherlock who told Euros that he loves her.

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Please, define 'brilliant' in light of this muddled mess of emotions and maudlin, sheer bad writing!


I don't mean that the episode as a whole is brilliant... I too think it was ridiculous, in the sense that all of the "ships" seemed to need a closure... That's just fan service. It just made me laugh to think that Mofftiss "threw a bone" to the Johnlockers and to the rest of us as well, leaving it open. And I did like the ending! It was like coming full circle.


As a whole, though, this episode comes nowhere near my favorites.

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So, did I miss it because of the buffering or didn't they explain how John wasn't shot?


How did Molly and Sherlock become okay again? We didn't get any dialog between them explaining to Molly what happend...


And making Moriaty just a puppet of Eurus in this episode is sad in my eyes. I loved him being that one special villan.


John was shot with a tranquiliser.


I don't know about Molly.


Yes they took away from Moriarty. Also I was livestreaming and the stream got cut off. Did they explain how Moriarty returned? How did he fake his death? Or was he a twin, double etc?

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Oh, but I do feel really bad for Molly Hooper... That was horrible. Why write that into the story? Dear Molly


Because of fan service.



really what kind of service is it to see her suffer???

I hope if there is a 5th season, that there will be a BIG sorry from sherlock...



Some shippers will cling to anything. I'm sure that there are some Molly-Sherlock shippers that are now very happy and are claiming that their ship has been confirmed.

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Yes they took away from Moriarty. Also I was livestreaming and the stream got cut off. Did they explain how Moriarty returned? How did he fake his death? Or was he a twin, double etc?



mycroft gave, 5 years ago, moriaty as a (christmas) present to his sister... they got 5 min unwatched... and there all this "moriaty is comming back thing" were planned...

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I feel like it's the end of a relationship, i'm heartbroken that it's all over...


Hello Papcroft and welcome to the forum! :wave:


Don't be so sure that it's all over, the bbc posted only yesterday that "Creator Steven Moffat has suggested another series of the detective drama "was possible" and he and fellow creator Mark Gatiss were not planning for the latest episode to be the final ever instalment.", after all.


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