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Episode 4.3 "The Final Problem"

Undead Medic

What did you think of "The Final Problem?"  

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Oh, Surelock, he didn't fake anything: Dear Jim had been brought to Euros on the Chateau d'If by Mycroft himself five years previously, as one of her treats: they had five minutes of unsupervised conversation and apparently planned everything from SiB to this pathetic excuse of a Sherlock Holmes adaptation! Final Problem, indeed!

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Oh, but I do feel really bad for Molly Hooper... That was horrible. Why write that into the story? Dear Molly


Because of fan service.



really what kind of service is it to see her suffer???

I hope if there is a 5th season, that there will be a BIG sorry from sherlock...



Some shippers will cling to anything. I'm sure that there are some Molly-Sherlock shippers that are now very happy and are claiming that their ship has been confirmed.



as we all know sherlock has some problems with emotions... and i really dont think that he really knew what theese few seconds and 3 words ment to poor molly...



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The actress who played Eurus was wonderful. For me, I probably would have liked a little more action outside the multiple locked rooms. I know, with thinking it may be the last one expectations are too high, but a had a little moment of disappointment when I realised we were doing a locked-in-one-room episode.


Yeah, that bothered me too. I noticed it about 10 minutes before the episode was going to end... It felt like it was all about Eurus' games.




Oh, but I do feel really bad for Molly Hooper... That was horrible. Why write that into the story? Dear Molly



I actually liked the scene, and I love Molly as a character. There was so much going on in it emotionally and it was so complex that I think it is open to interpretation, and if nothing else it showed LB's amazing range as an actor.


Oh, I think the scene is quite beautiful, in its own way - especially in terms of Sherlock's reactions, both while he was speaking with her and afterwards.


Btw,I know that people, including myself, think Eurus is insane (and she is), but she's been trapped in her own mindset, her feelings, and a sort of asylum for ages... No wonder she's gone mad. I really liked how Sherlock treated her.

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Yes they took away from Moriarty. Also I was livestreaming and the stream got cut off. Did they explain how Moriarty returned? How did he fake his death? Or was he a twin, double etc?


Moriary is dead. The scene where he visits Sherrinford is a flashback, everything else where he appears are recordings he made for Euros before he died.


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Likewise, I cannot cope with this all..


Feels like someone has died


Hello HannahEHolmes and welcome to the forum! :wave:


Like I said a few posts up, it's not written in stone that this is the final episode, so don't despair quite yet. Besides, we all know how "ending" Sherlock has worked for ACD himself. :)


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This version had better end before it goes completely downhill! What a shambolic mishmash of emotions and Bond mixture! Not to mention the whole Count of Montecristo sequestration and escape of Euros therefrom! A complete waste of several good actors' time in a bad, self-indulgent script!

I am glad I didn't fall for a cinema viewing this time, because of the weather in the Channel! I would now be bewailing my money wasted on ticket and travel!

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I feel euphoric.


Can't really say how I liked the episode yet because I saw it in such abysmal quality and missed a lot of details, but tomorrow I can rewatch on Amazon and so I don't mind.


An ending! We have an ending! I am so happy about that I can't say!


I am probably the only fan who is happy about this but I am. Even if they should make more some day, this makes a very proper final episode. I don't usually watch series because I hate unfinished stories and the fact that it was a work in progress was always the fly in the ointment for me with Sherlock.


But now... It isn't over. It's complete. It will never be over. Sherlock and John are alive and well, they have proven themselves (and 221B) to be immortal and I can and will turn them whenever I need to. YAY!!!!

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Likewise, I cannot cope with this all..


Feels like someone has died


Hello HannahEHolmes and welcome to the forum! :wave:


Like I said a few posts up, it's not written in stone that this is the final episode, so don't despair quite yet. Besides, we all know how "ending" Sherlock has worked for ACD himself. :)


I'm just glad Moffat and Gatiss didn't "end" it like he did! Thanks for the link :)

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The actress who played Eurus was wonderful. For me, I probably would have liked a little more action outside the multiple locked rooms. I know, with thinking it may be the last one expectations are too high, but a had a little moment of disappointment when I realised we were doing a locked-in-one-room episode.


Yeah, that bothered me too. I noticed it about 10 minutes before the episode was going to end... It felt like it was all about Eurus' games.



That would be my main criticism of the season as a whole- a Mary heavy episode at the start, a Eurus heavy (and arguably Mycroft heavy too, and he was so, so wonderful in this), and the middle episode, TLD had a lot of the character development and emotional meat for Sherlock himself, and John too in it- but it would have been nice to have a bit more in all three. 



Oh, I think the scene is quite beautiful, in its own way - especially in terms of Sherlock's reactions, both while he was speaking with her and afterwards.


Btw,I know that people, including myself, think Eurus is insane (and she is), but she's been trapped in her own mindset, her feelings, and a sort of asylum for ages... No wonder she's gone mad. I really liked how Sherlock treated her.



It's interesting to me that Eurus had a main observation about him that emotions would always let him down- because she herself is, as you deftly put it, insane, and seemingly totally emotionally tone deaf- though very fond of causing pain. Sherlock has gotten the emotions right a lot this season- especially with John. I know what happened seemed cruel to Molly, but she has an inner strength too, and I think she's bigger than what happened, especially once she learns the truth. The fact all that emotional/romantic stuff goes over his head is something she's been learning pretty bitterly for the past few years, never mind mean Eurus rubbing her face in it.
Yes I really like how they show the way he is getting to grips with his humanity, through the music. Its a metaphor to me  for that certain extra something he has that the other Holmes siblings don't- a sort of creative genius, perhaps, and definitely some emotional instinct too (which it would be nice to see him work on further).
If he wasn't already the golden child, he most certainly is now in his parents' eyes. Mycroft must be jealous.
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I feel euphoric.


Can't really say how I liked the episode yet because I saw it in such abysmal quality and missed a lot of details, but tomorrow I can rewatch on Amazon and so I don't mind.


An ending! We have an ending! I am so happy about that I can't say!


I am probably the only fan who is happy about this but I am. Even if they should make more some day, this makes a very proper final episode. I don't usually watch series because I hate unfinished stories and the fact that it was a work in progress was always the fly in the ointment for me with Sherlock.


But now... It isn't over. It's complete. It will never be over. Sherlock and John are alive and well, they have proven themselves (and 221B) to be immortal and I can and will turn them whenever I need to. YAY!!!!




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The first thought:



I disliked the most of this story, (despite laughing my butt off about Mycroft's umbrella) - it reminded me too much of Ep.1 But then they got me by emotions and dragged under water.

I kind of like how they "docked" their story to the canon Sherlock Holmes, telling how the guys became what they are. I like that it's an opend end, but it feels like an end anyway. At least an end to Sherlock that I loved from the first sight.


And yes, it felt like fulfilling the most fan theories out there, but maybe it's because there are so many, some had to be right.


But indeed, that's what I missed - they didn't manage to suprise me into stupor.



But now... It isn't over. It's complete. It will never be over. Sherlock and John are alive and well, they have proven themselves (and 221B) to be immortal and I can and will turn them whenever I need to. YAY!!!!

Complete, that's the word. But it still makes me so incredibly sad.


Sorry, need to go and get my emotions under controll.

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I'm still processing the episode, I can't deal with this. I'm a bit confused and I agree it felt like somebody died at the end because it felt like the end of the series. I really hope it isn't the last episode because I feel so heartbroken right now. Also when Mary started talking at the end I thought she was for sure going in the direction of telling them that they should be together. She didn't explicitly say it but I feel like what she said at the end was said in the way it was so that Johnlockers wouldnt be totally disappointed and have something to hold on to still. 


but also, it wasn't enough. 




Reeling with emotion and confusion rn- I'm re-watching it tomorrow night in theaters so hopefully I will be able to process it after a second time of watching.

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Oh, so disappointed that Jim wasn't alive!  I was so pleased to see him back, and looking forward to a convoluted explanation of how he pretended to shoot himself in the head....


I think that I may have liked this episode least of all we've seen so far, because it was a bit too close to the premise of a horror film and I don't watch horror as a rule.  Eurus was very good but it was all rather creepy and nasty.  Some excellent acting, of course, as one would expect but I prefer dashing-about-detection to locked-room-horror.  And poor little Victor Trevor down the well was a bit ghastly.


Clearly they could be rounding off the whole thing by showing Sherlock becoming a good man as well as a great one, John back at 221b and both of them having adventures.  On the other hand, all the people involved have apparently said they'd be ok with a 5th series.  The writers say that Sherlock would finally have learned that it was his own emotional intelligence which made him smarter than Mycroft, having learned a lesson from Eurus who was a brilliant mind with no emotional attachments. That would be interesting but I hope they don't wait years and years.  I'm too old to hang about!



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I feel like it's the end of a relationship, i'm heartbroken that it's all over...


The part when Moriarty got off the helicopter was ridicolous, don't think i've been so excited since I lost my virginity...


AGREED. I was literally screaming in excitement until I realized it was from 5 years ago...still exciting as he's such an amazing actor and my favorite villain. I liked that they incorporated him into the last episode somehow.

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I'm still processing the episode, I can't deal with this.


Hello Sherlockedd and welcome to the forum! :wave:


Your reaction seems pretty common tonight. *hands out warm, comfy shock blanket* Welcome to the support group. :)

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First post here so here we go:


I didn't think it was a bad episode and I see what they were trying to do. I can forgive a lot of flaws for the amazing amount of Holmes brother interaction and relationship development going on as I'm a massive Mycroft fan. But the thing that did annoy me a little was the end of Eurus seeking Sherlocks love, after basically being portrait as a cold completely emotionless person. Not as in Mycroft cold, but as in intelligence having completely taken over emotion and left her literally void of any humanity just like a computer trying to make sense of the world without any moral compass. So her emotional breakdown at the end, for a lack of a better word, seemed like a complete break im character and didn't really work for me to be honest.


But there was so much to love for any Mycroft fan. I mean who would have thought there is a sword and gun hidden in that umbrella. I also somehow had him down as somehow less squeamish I guess, but it's nice to see his and everyone elses more fragile side for a change.

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Hello MycroftsUmbrella and welcome to the forum! :wave:


What a very fitting nick after tonight's episode! :lol:

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Oh, so disappointed that Jim wasn't alive!  I was so pleased to see him back, and looking forward to a convoluted explanation of how he pretended to shoot himself in the head....


Moriarty... I was so excited when he turned up, a new tune playing (instead of 'Staying Alive')... and then I read 'five years ago'. Bummer!

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I feel like it's the end of a relationship, i'm heartbroken that it's all over...

Hello Papcroft and welcome to the forum! :wave:


Don't be so sure that it's all over, the bbc posted only yesterday that "Creator Steven Moffat has suggested another series of the detective drama "was possible" and he and fellow creator Mark Gatiss were not planning for the latest episode to be the final ever instalment.", after all.

This is the best thing I've heard all day

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A hearty welcome to all new forum members, returning members and old acquaintances!


I wish I could stay up all night and discuss the madness with you all but I have to get up and go to work in five hours and my job isn't the kind where you can safely fall asleep, so I need to turn in fairly soon.


Looking forward to all your posts tomorrow!


Until then... :)



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Oh, by the way, I think they just have shown us a nice, suitable place for us all. Only the walls need a bit of paint. And good padding.


And we'd have so many TVs to watch Sherlock on!

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Hello MycroftsUmbrella and welcome to the forum! :wave:


What a very fitting nick after tonight's episode! :lol:

Thanks, I actually had that nick name in mind before the episode, but how could I not now. I'd really like to have an umbrella like that if someone wants to invent one ;)


I also wanted to add that regardless of if people liked the story or not, I think most people will agree that there was some seriously superb acting from eveyone involved. Not that I'd expect any less from the show!

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