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The Final Problem - how do we actually enjoy this episode? SPOILERS AHEAD :-)


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Another good thing about TFP, is that when you watch TGG, you can see the difference in how Sherlock now handles these phone calls.


I thought one of their better throwbacks to Moriarty was having Sherlock once again on the phone to prospective Murder victims- even if both cases were illusions of a kind.


He is so much more careful of these people now than he was in TGG. He was so cavalier with leaving that poor old blind woman to dangle in TGG. I know the outcome was out of his hands, but he still could have done so much better. Molly probably isn't a fair comparison, because he knows her, but with the little girl, he is kind, and he is interested, and he is trying to diffuse things, not to aggravate the situation or prove that he is clever.

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We've been seeing this coming, right?


And now everything is unicorns and rainbows, and glitters. whoopdedoo.gif




Awwwww :P :D  I can't help it; I'm a sucker for happy endings! Or happy beginnings...


As you said:



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We've been seeing this coming, right?


Actually, no. I've been thinking all along that Sherlock's fate was to end up alone and lonely. Now he texts a domin8trix and plays with babies, and just might have turned soft enough to be with Molly. No, really didn't see that coming at all, to be honest. What I expected was the Sherlock we saw facing down Ajay, declaring Mary was under his protection and acting like he could do it all, alone. Although I suspect that man is still there.


I wanted to see this. After HLV, when the first rumors started to spread that series 4 could be the last, and we all started talking about what we wanted from it, I said I wanted a) for Mary to be out of the picture, as she was too large a character, b} for John to move back into Baker Street, and c) for the show to end with Sherlock and John going off on another case together, so that it would feel like the story was never really finished.


Certain people on this forum claimed that would never happen... :P ;) and I believed them :nope_sad::smile:

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Unicorn - check

Rainbow - check

Glitter - wait, where's the glitter? ;)


:D I knew I had that one coming. Here we go:



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I think I got diabetes from just looking at those pictures .... :p

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I think it was the combination of rainbows and glitter that did it, actually.


SherlockX2 I could look at all day. :d



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I think it was the combination of rainbows and glitter that did it, actually.


SherlockX2 I could look at all day. :D


Sorry I can't help it but I saw the picure and immediately tried to picture John, Mycroft or Sherlock's reaction. Sherlock would propabably just look at it very confused as he wouldn't know what a unicorn is as there is probably no space in his hard drive of a mind palace for such a thing. Then he'd try to deduce why the horse has a horn on it's face and something about the physics of the rainbow and maybe trying to figure out how that relates to a reaction involving glitter (not that refraction of prisms into rainbow colours usually involve that, but I'm sure he'd try to find a logical conclusion). Mycroft would give it a disapproving smirk/ frown reaction and ask why someone would bother him with such childish nonsense when he has real problems to to deal with like the latest national security crisis. And John might quite like it and put it up as a poster in his little girl's bedroom.


Someone please stop my brain, I'm sorry, I really am, but I just couldn't stop it! :embarrassed:

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Bwahahhahaah, we have successfully converted another one to the crazy side! *high fives Eurus* :evilinside:

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Bwahahhahaah, we have successfully converted another one to the crazy side! *high fives Eurus* :evilinside:


Haha, that wouldn't take that much, maybe you just tipped me over the edge ^_^ And don't high five Eurus, she might eat your hand, or do something worse :P

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The casting choice for the kids is superb.


What is really weird to me: Mycroft's personality reminded me of a certain friend I had in school. Now the kid looks quite a bit like this guy, when he was a kid, even if he doesn't look like Mark/Mycroft now.



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Young Mycroft is so well cast! He doesn't have much in the way of dialogue but we get this perfect picture of Mycroft's not always easy childhood.

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Yes, it's amazing how much he looks like a younger, heavier Mark Gatiss. But there's one point where we see just a brief glimpse of his face without much context, and I thought for a moment that Steven Moffat had a cameo.

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Young Mycroft is so well cast! He doesn't have much in the way of dialogue but we get this perfect picture of Mycroft's not always easy childhood.


Indeed! I laughed when I saw him and realized that Mycroft actually was fat once. Well, heavy. No wonder Sherlock cast him that way in his Victorian Mind Palace. That was another little in-joke only fans could appreciate.


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I thought the child actors were both very well cast. As was everybody. The actors are a big factor in keeping this show enjoyable for me. Take Amanda Abbington, for example - I don't really like Mary much and I consider many things they did with her character a big mistake, but Ms Abbington plays her so well that she becomes kind of endearing at times even for me. Also Euros - if somebody had just told me about her role in the story or even given me the script of The Final Problem to read, I would have probably thrown up my hands in despair. But Sian Brooke is so amazing it hardly matters what lines she's given or what scenes she's put in, she makes more of it all, somehow.


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Well, the wish list is growing daily. I wonder how long it will be by the time Series 4 actually airs! [....] I would still really like to see a "Sherlock" version of Victor Trevor[....]


Be careful what you wish for! ;)

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Another good thing about TFP, is that when you watch TGG, you can see the difference in how Sherlock now handles these phone calls.


I thought one of their better throwbacks to Moriarty was having Sherlock once again on the phone to prospective Murder victims- even if both cases were illusions of a kind.


He is so much more careful of these people now than he was in TGG. He was so cavalier with leaving that poor old blind woman to dangle in TGG. I know the outcome was out of his hands, but he still could have done so much better. Molly probably isn't a fair comparison, because he knows her, but with the little girl, he is kind, and he is interested, and he is trying to diffuse things, not to aggravate the situation or prove that he is clever.

Yes! I actually can't wait to discuss S4 in regular threads.


As you said:




BUT.. but that is a candy floss with upside down ice cream cone! :p

I don't know what is the fuss guys. I see unicorns all the time. The most common one is the fat (sorry) unicorn, although some people insist of calling them Rhino. :)


Andddddd... a very stupid question that I tried not to ask since long time ago.

What the heck is Ao3?

I know it's something to do with fan fics, but what is it exactly?





Ow.. I haven't gone there since my last posting. Can I not go? At all????

I can't now. So maybe if I never go again, it will go away...?


I'm still too chicken.  Maybe we should start a "TFP Discussion for Cowards" thread?



Ekk...holy macaroni, I thought I want to give it a try, but saw it's on 40+ pages and my last visit was about 10. So.. nope! Still need my sleep.

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Andddddd... a very stupid question that I tried not to ask since long time ago.

What the heck is Ao3?

I know it's something to do with fan fics, but what is it exactly?

Archive Of Our Own, a site where you can post fanfics. http://archiveofourown.org/




Ow.. I haven't gone there since my last posting. Can I not go? At all????

I can't now. So maybe if I never go again, it will go away...?


I'm still too chicken.  Maybe we should start a "TFP Discussion for Cowards" thread?


Ekk...holy macaroni, I thought I want to give it a try, but saw it's on 40+ pages and my last visit was about 10. So.. nope! Still need my sleep.


It's a lot quieter in there now, if you want to start catching up. The feeding frenzy has dispersed. :smile: Watch out for snapping turtles, though.

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But not sure when I can catch up with 30+ pages. I, however, had upgraded my phone add-in capacity and now I can cramp in Sherlock episodes again, including S4! So soon I'd be able to rewatch and hopefully participate in your threads.

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The casting choice for the kids is superb.


What is really weird to me: Mycroft's personality reminded me of a certain friend I had in school. Now the kid looks quite a bit like this guy, when he was a kid, even if he doesn't look like Mark/Mycroft now.




Where are you getting these pictures from?


Also do you have a picture like this of Sian Brooke and Euros' child actress?

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