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I hate Photobucket. It's very expensive.


I had an account but not anymore.


Imgur is banned in Turkey (I don't know why!!!)


There is Google picture program and instagram, for now.

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I figure when I have the time and inclination, I'll download all my PhotoBucket pictures to some new folders on my computer, and then decide where to put them for hotlinking purposes.  I might be able to get all of the photos that I've used on this forum into the webhosting space that I still have with our old ISP, but probably not much more than that -- so I'll still need to find a good PB alternative.


I still have the original copies of all those pictures in our main photo folders too.  I'd have to figure out which pictures are which, but that's a good backup.

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Google pricing is a complicated mess. See for yourself: https://cloud.google.com/storage/pricing. Basic storage is free, as I understand, and hotlinking from Google Photos seems to be permissible as well, but then again I'm not gonna risk my gmail account on the off chance I'm wrong (far too much tied into that one). A quick google search (harr harr) just brought some concerns that google seems to penalize sites hotlinking to google in their search ranking, fwiw.

If I'm reading things correctly, they charge for bandwidth -- gahhh!  I mean, it makes perfect sense, but I have no idea how much I'd need, plus I'd have little to no control over that.

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I was just on Photobucket trying to download my albums, and it won't let me.  If the captcha doesn't work, then the download button doesn't work, or if by chance it does, I keep getting the error: "Hmm, something didn't click.  Want to give it another shot?  Try now."


There's absolutely no way I can download all my images individually, especially with the site being so slow and laggy that it takes ages just to navigate to one.  It's album downloads or nothing, so I guess I don't get to download my pictures...


In addition, there's some fine print in the download box that says: "*Includes photos only. Videos and GIFs may be downloaded individually."


So even if I did get the album downloads to work, all of my gifs would be missing.


This is rubbish, Photobucket.



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I hadn't tried downloading an entire album, only one photo (which worked fine), but I do see your point.


I think I'll take the opportunity to sort my pix into meaningful albums -- hadn't done that when I uploaded to PB.

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This sucks. Haven't checked my account for years, but I have precious pictures in there. But too lazy to check...


Since I stopped writing journal, which is also years ago, I only use image hosting website for photos, and it's mostly for here.

Try postimage, it's been good so far.


Imgur, I don't know. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes it works only in desktop. 60% chance I can see images posted on Imgur here, 40% nope. Not sure why.

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  • 4 months later...

As many of you are aware, PhotoBucket was working just fine till late this past June or early July, at which point it announced that if you wanted to keep using your "free" account, you'd need to pay $400 per year.  At which point a whole bunch of their clients said phooey on 'em.


That was just about the last I'd heard from them till October 10, when they suddenly started sending me ads for "special deals" and such.  To date, I've received 32 of them in less than two months, sometimes several in a single day.  It ain't gonna work, guys!  Not unless you actually come up with a halfway reasonable overall policy.

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At the rate of technology and free digital service, I wonder why they think it's a good idea at all.

Predicting that it won't last and will disappear, together with *)*(^#(^@# our pictures we trusted it with.*

But probably not before selling all those to third parties who may have some use for the pictures.*


*another reason I quit social media.

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Somebody recently (though apparently not on this thread) recommended TinyPic as an alternative to PB -- but as someone pointed out in a blog comment (and I verified on Wikipedia), TinyPic is owned and operated by PB.  :(


I just read that the Better Business Bureau in Denver, Colorado, where PB is headquartered, has issued them a warning and also assigned them its worst rating, F.  PB is not a member of the BBB and has not responded to its recent actions.  One might guess that they don't too much care.

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  • 2 months later...

The saga continues to unfold.

I just got an email from PhotoBucket, saying this:


We have exciting changes on the horizon including a new plan for 2018. As a sneak peak, we are offering a preview of our latest plan that has increased benefits at a much lower price.

Check Out Our New Plans

You asked and we listened: Photobucket is launching a brand new website from the ground up with increased features, ease of use, and unrivaled performance.

Sounds like they may have noticed that their customers are pissed off, and that not many of them have signed up to pay $400/year for what they'd been getting for free.  That part about "increased benefits at a much lower price" got my attention.  We'll see how this pans out.




Added: See their actual offer here.  It's basically $100/year for what used to be free, but then jumped to $400/year.  Still not great, but I'm at least considering it.  It's "only" about twice what other sites are charging, and they've got my pictures.  On the other hand, there's the principle of the thing.  Maybe sign up for one year, during which I could gradually port my pictures over to another site?

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I wouldn't touch them with a 40,000 foot pole after the stunt they pulled. I predict they are going dowwwwwnnnnnnnnnn.....

Carol, there's something really wonky about your post. Since we can't get into plain text mode anymore,  though, I can't think how to fix it. I'm going to take a look at it anyway, and see if I notice anything that would cause it to look like it does.

ETA: Okay, I looked. It seems to me the only way to fix it would be to start over from scratch. I can't figure out the presence of the "here" link at all. Very odd. I'm really surprised there's no way to get at the code anymore.

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Oh geez, I just now realized that the "here" is part of a longer sentence; but the rest of the text is in black, so I didn't see it until now. So the code really is messed up!

Isn't there a law against them stealing your photos and then charging you to get them back? Sounds like ransom to me....

ETA ... okay, never mind, I see you've already reported this to Tim. Natch. :-)

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I think a lot of the oddities we're seeing have to do with incompatibilities between themes. My post *looks* fine to me, other than my reaction to the quote getting moved into the box followed by a bunch of extra space.  But then I use, ehh what's it called now, Light.  I've seen invisible text a few times lately, presumably white-on-white.

I should probably also mention that I typed the quote code in by hand. 

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PB again? Hmmm… nope.
I have 50 GB webspace for 4€ / month and Flickr for 24 $ a year.
And there are all the tinypic&co as an alternative - they are not that much worse than the later PB.

Sadly Twitter disabled hotlinking of their images. As did Google. But we will find our ways. :D

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Yep. You'll see I've been experimenting in the "Help with the new look" thread. I don't recall that being an issue before; seems like anything you pasted from another source was converted to the default font/color for whatever theme you were using .... ?

Wonder what happens if you use the quote icon instead of typing it by hand ... 

Olympic star Ledecka emerges from shadow of rock star dad

Hm. Different font, and it's black. I'm in the Light theme right now, but I'll bet when I switch back to Blue Boh, that quote will be invisible ... unless the background is lighter.

ETA: and sure enough, that's what happens; The color of the quote box is lighter, so the black text is still visible. 

So let's see what happens if I cut and paste colored text! Upcoming Events & Programs

If I paste it and choose plain text: Upcoming Events & Programs

And if I paste it into a quote box: 

Upcoming Events & Programs

Interestinger and interestinger.....

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Okay, switched back to Light -- and that large text I pasted first looks black to me! It looks reddish brown in Blue Boh (and on the website I copied it from). But maybe it's just the contrast with the white screen that makes it look so dark.

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Looks a bit reddish to me on Light, now that you mention it.  Lemme see what some homemade big text looks like -- darn, don't seem to have that button in the mobile version. Hang on, lemme try my laptop.

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OK, here's some big text:

Nope, looks like the editor doesn't allow bigger than size 14.  (Wish I could remember the code, to see if it'll still do bigger.)

But here's some BOLD FACE TEXT IN ALL CAPS.  How does that look to you?

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It looks like bold face all caps. :smile: 

The font size goes all the way up to 72 point on the drop down menu, let's see what happens ... Now is the time for all good men.... okay, that's 28 point, which is plenty big enough. What method did you try?

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15 hours ago, Arcadia said:

It looks like bold face all caps. :smile: 

The font size goes all the way up to 72 point on the drop down menu, let's see what happens ... Now is the time for all good men.... okay, that's 28 point, which is plenty big enough. What method did you try?

But what does the color look like, compared to your erstwhile reddish-brown quote?

Oh, shoot -- didn't notice that the drop-down font menu has multiple pages.  Whee!  I will save those biggies for really special occasions.  So OK, what color does this look:


... compared to this:

15 hours ago, Arcadia said:

... let's see what happens if I cut and paste colored text! Upcoming Events & Programs


15 hours ago, Arcadia said:

... that large text I pasted first looks black to me! It looks reddish brown in Blue Boh (and on the website I copied it from). But maybe it's just the contrast with the white screen that makes it look so dark.

Yup, apparently.  By contrast with my bold type, it looks reddish to me.

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It looks pale grey to me.

In Blue Boh. :P When I switch to Light, it looks really dark grey, definitely a different color than the text I pasted.

Let's try a more obvious color. Here's some text that looks blue on the website I copied it from: 2.49

Looks blue to me. OMG! I just found a "remove format" button! Was that there before? The Tx just to the right of the font button. Please tell me that wasn't there before or I'm going to feel really stupid......

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