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Did Mycroft knew Mary was a freelancer? Why didn't he try to save her when Sherlock told him Ajay is around?


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9 hours ago, besleybean said:

I was wondering even if new buyers were found, would they get to keep the memorabilia?

Or will the original owners take it, I mean it does really belong to them...

OK, so as far as you or I are aware, the business is still for sale -- or perhaps has quietly found new owners -- or for all we know, Chris may have decided to keep it a while longer.  I haven't found much online -- those two December reviews I mentioned, plus a Merry Christmas tweet -- so my best guess is that Speedy's is still on the market, therefore no news.  Likewise, it's almost certainly still open for business, or there would be cries of bereavement from fans who've been there recently.

As for the memorabilia, what sort of items do you recall?  There were a bunch of photos on the wall when we were there -- cast members at Speedy's, cast members with Chris, etc.  Photos can be reproduced very easily, so both parties could have them (though only one would have the actual autographed copies).


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  • 2 weeks later...

I checked online and I think it was the word "carriages" that I found confusing. In most cities trains and metro are different. In London Overground is the trains that get from city to city and Underground is the metro, for example. it seems I made a confusion with the empty hearse when Sherlock is talking to a youth about disappearing compartments.He's talking about trains and British English there.  I found out that the Tube(metro) passes near Bayswater .

SHERLOCK (over phone): ... the empty houses.
(The camera rises up towards the rooftops of the buildings.)
SHERLOCK (over phone): They were demolished years ago to make way for the London Underground, a vent for the old steam trains.
(The camera lifts over the top of the houses and reveals that behind their front walls there is nothing else of the buildings. The houses on either side are complete but these two have only the front wall remaining, and underneath the houses runs a train line along which a Tube train now passes by.)

As for Speedy's am interested as I don't live in London, so any news anyone?

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according to this the Overground is at no 20-22, not necessarily 23 Leinster Gardens. A hotel called Henry VIII gives the facade as its real address and it's 4 star at least.

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3 hours ago, Kat said:

In most cities trains and metro are different. In London Overground is the trains that get from city to city and Underground is the metro,

Even though it's called the "Underground," some of it runs above ground -- the line to Gatwick Airport, for example, starts out underground in Central London, but then emerges from its tunnel and runs above ground the rest of the way to the airport.  And city-to-city trains tend to go underground in Central London.  The defining difference is that the Underground AKA Tube trains run on their own set of tracks and have their own stations, whereas the city-to-city trains run on other tracks and have their own separate stations.  (Also, stations are further apart for the city-to-city trains, the trains run less often, and the trains themselves are different in a number of ways.)

4 hours ago, Kat said:

I found out that the Tube(metro) passes near Bayswater .

Leinster Gardens is a street in the Bayswater area of London, so yes, when the trains pass under the missing houses, they are in  Bayswater.

4 hours ago, Kat said:


according to this the Overground is at no 20-22, not necessarily 23 Leinster Gardens. A hotel called Henry VIII gives the facade as its real address and it's 4 star at least.

According to one site, the hotel is no longer in business, which may be complicating my attempts to locate it (at #23) in comparison to the facades.  I'll check into this further tomorrow (unless somebody beats me to it).

3 hours ago, Kat said:

As for Speedy's am interested as I don't live in London, so any news anyone?

Yes, please, anyone who has any news since last year, please share!


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8 hours ago, besleybean said:

Wish I could provide news...London is still looking unlikely until next year, now.  

We'll look forward to your Speedy's report next year, then!

9 hours ago, Carol the Dabbler said:

According to one site, the hotel is no longer in business, which may be complicating my attempts to locate it (at #23) in comparison to the facades.

Actually, it seems to be the maps that are being difficult.  I've tried both Google and DuckDuckGo, and neither one is producing consistent results for various addresses in that area.  They can't even seem to agree on whether the hotel's address is/was #23 or #19.  So there's another assignment for you, Bev!  Go to Leinster Gardens and determine which numbers correspond to the fake houses.

By the way, Henry VIII is/was by no means a four-star hotel.  I happened upon a review on Yelp that says "We pretty much knew what we would be getting when we booked this room - cheap, convenient lodging in central London.  However, I didn't expect the room to be quite as small as it was.  There was room for a double bed - only.  The bed touched each wall on either side."  She does, however, go on to say that everything was clean.


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Carol, thanks for telling me about British city to city trains and the metro. As much as I like most things British some issues still confuse me and I bet not only me. I wouldn't expect a 3 star hotel in such an area, but can't check it out myself.

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5 hours ago, Kat said:

As much as I like most things British some issues still confuse me and I bet not only me.

It sure isn't only you!   :blink:




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  • 6 months later...
On 5/31/2021 at 5:02 PM, Carol the Dabbler said:

The photo blog that I linked to a few posts back included a link [here] to some photos taken a bit more recently, in March 2012, by the same person, including this photo of a train passing through that open area:



That is, of course, a London Underground train as seen under the two fake houses on Leinster Gardens.

I have just discovered, though I suppose I should have surmised it all along, that this phenomenon is not unique to London.  According to this article:


A fake townhouse (its just a facade with blacked out windows) in Brooklyn Heights hides a ventilator and emergency exit for the New York City Subway.

Presumably just about any subway system whose original engines were combustion powered would have such vent holes.

Added:  I'm not entirely certain what's behind that NY facade, though.  Seems like there are currently fans involved, though I suppose originally it could have been just an opening.

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  • 1 month later...

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Sorry for the inconvenience!


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On 6/1/2021 at 12:41 PM, Carol the Dabbler said:

OK, so as far as you or I are aware, the business is still for sale -- or perhaps has quietly found new owners -- or for all we know, Chris may have decided to keep it a while longer.  I haven't found much online -- those two December reviews I mentioned, plus a Merry Christmas tweet -- so my best guess is that Speedy's is still on the market, therefore no news.  Likewise, it's almost certainly still open for business, or there would be cries of bereavement from fans who've been there recently.

Some slightly more recent tweets from Speedy's Twitter page [here]:  On June 14, 2021:  "Finally... we are OPEN AGAIN!"  [apparently having been shut down by Covid], and on August 12, their reaction to news of Una Stubbs' death.

Nothing since then, so things are apparently still status quo.  And Tripadvisor has had three (very positive) reviews [here] just since the beginning of this year.


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Ah this explains it!

I am down in London in April and so checked for Speedy's website and yeah...

they seem to be functioning.

If I ever get there in my tight schedule, I will report back.

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