Thought I would share some of my favorite quotes from the show, as it is heavy with brilliant dialogue. What are your favorite quotes?
Some of mine are:
"Not much cop, this caring lark" (Sherlock, TGG)
Sherlock's got a valid point here, though it's perhaps a bit disturbing. And if John had chosen to remain angry and not help Sherlock, would that be justifiable in any way?
"I'm Sherlock Holmes, and I always work alone, because no one else can compete with my massive intellect!" (John, TBB)
So true for Sherlock all the way through the series!
"Thank you for smoking" (Sherlock, THoB)
"The wall had it coming" (Sherlock, TGG)
Quite simply two very funny and excentric quotes
"No one can fake being such an annoying dick all the time" (John, TRF)
Awwwww! What else can I say? Tough love!