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by the sea

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by the sea last won the day on September 18 2014

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About by the sea

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  • Gender
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    Atlantic Canada
  • Favorite series 1 episode
    A Study In Pink
  • Favourite Series 2 Episode
    The Reichenbach Fall
  • Favourite Series 3 Episode
    His Last Vow

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  1. Hello ! Sorry I haven't had the chance to read the previous 20 pages but finally got to see this last night. I was sooooooooo ticked off with PBS .. I catch the Buffalo NY channel for HD as here in Eastern Canada, although we're really close to flagship Boston, we only get a local Maine PBS station and it always seem to have high school sports on it ! Anyway, on Friday night, PBS kept the title off the schedule, kept calling it "To Be Announced" in one hour segments. I prayed it wouldn't interfere with recording and went ahead with it anyway,but, true to form, I got the last bit of New Years in Vienna .. and lovely and rousing it was, too .. and about 35 minutes of TAB. Rats ! Then on Sunday night, there it was in all its amazing completeness. I admit to needing a replay to get it all in perspective. Loved the atmosphere and the scary bride and Molly as a man .. anybody watch Murdoch Mysteries ? .. and Mary always fearless in the face of almost anything. Mycroft trying to kill himself with plum puddings was a bit weird and Sherlock going into drug induced hallucinations when he was only on the plane for 4 minutes was weirder still. But I was happy to see Moriarty again .. I love his Irish lilt. I was unhappy with Lestrade being downtrodden instead of his modern-day harassed. But, as noted, I'll want to watch it again and am sure to get a better understanding the second, third, fourth time. Debbie
  2. Oops ! Off in the wilderness again. I was linking to images in my Photobucket account. It told me the picture was copied but when I got here, it did nothing when I tried to paste it .. it didn't say error .. but there was no response at all. I've attached photos in the past with no problem and can't imagine that I've posted so many that I've run into some kind of limit. I have trouble with the font selection/size now, too, though .. so maybe my settings are wonky. Debbie
  3. Why won't it let me post a picture ?? I think I remember the process. Debbie
  4. I understand that everyone has to make a living, but bomb fishing ?? That's unbelievably disturbing. :o Seems the baby koalas are coming out of their mother's pouches about now. Based on the look of this little guy, it's pretty hard work being a cute, cuddly baby. Never used to feel this way, but thank goodness he's in a zoo. Breaks my heart to think of these native creatures trying to cross a big Aussie highway. Passed a deceased raccoon on the street two doors down from my house when I drove to work this morning. I know they can be a nuisance but flattened by a speeding commuter is a sad, sad end. :(
  5. What cuties ! Of course, this sent me right to Google and .. who knew ??? .. there are even two types of flying squirrels in Japan .. dwarf flying squirrels and giant flying squirrels. I have weird visions of Rocky wielding a samurai sword . Debbie
  6. LOL ! Your horse appears to be giving us the raspberry here, Arcadia. He's probably saying to himself "look at all those silly humans out there waiting years and years for Sherlock to come back on the air. Don't they have anything better to do ??" ;) Debbie
  7. Thanks, Martina ! :D Two of my favourite things .. well-dressed elephants and lazy dogs ! LOL ! I love this thread. Debbie
  8. Awwwww...sniff Oh my! (Insert emoticon jumping clapping with heartshape eyeballs) = love it This is just wonderful ! I've missed the Cute Animals since I've been off the forum .. but thanks to Martina, I'm completely besotted with ZooBorns and check out the new babies every day ! Debbie
  9. Thanks, Carol. I actually watched all 9 Sherlock episodes this summer .. I have a TV in my cave .. and am beginning to get excited about seeing some new stories .. even if it means hurrying on the winter season. And, believe me, I don't WANT to hurry on the winter season if it's anything like last year. Debbie
  10. Hello everyone ! I popped into my cave several months back and forgot to come out. Probably wouldn't have .. ever .. but then I remembered that Mr. Cumberbatch was going to become a father and figured I'd check the internet to see if the joyous event had taken place. (This was in late July, so you know I've been out of touch.) I was delighted to find that he and Mrs. C. had a son and looked around some more to see what they had named him. I've been looking for a while now and just saw the name yesterday. However they arrived at it, I think it is a wonderful name. It has a lovely alliterative flow which actually makes CUMBERBATCH easy to say ! :D I know some very nice Christophers, too .. so I think they chose well. Debbie
  11. LOL ! :lol: Just like people, the littlest one always makes the most noise and takes up the most space. Big guys just stay in the background.
  12. Sounds like quite a cat, Arcadia. Like lots of eccentric people, he'd be fun to be around. I'd love to have seen him running away from the preying mantiss. Remember Buffy The Vampire Slayer's preying mantiss ?? .. the substitute teacher mating with high school boys ? She was scary ! :D Debbie
  13. Ha ! Love it ! Poor baby :( Angus got pretty sick from the bee. We called the vet's emergency line .. of course, it was a Sunday and this was before they opened the 24/7 veterinary clinic in our town .. and our vet told us to give him children's aspirin, so off to the pharmacy to pick these up and try to feed it to the dog who was showing all the signs of a psychotic break at this point. I'm sure his overwrought humans weren't helping. It was one of those life experiences we all could have done without .. but Angus stayed away from most buzzing things after that. Debbie
  14. Ditto with dogs. Moved into a house with an amazingly lovely bed of lily-of-the-valley in the back yard and diligently uprooted as many of the plants as we could 'cause my 11-year-old Cairn Terrier, Angus, had never been turned loose on his own before. In the new house he had the run of the yard and dogs will eat anything and we'd heard that lily-of-the-valley was especially toxic to dogs. Every time he headed in the direction of the old flower bed I was terrified he would find a new plant to munch on. But, you know, he never actually went as far as the previous home of the lily-of-the-valley. Maybe he had a better sense of the toxicity than we thought. He was a smart guy but not smart enough to not eat a bumble bee ! Debbie
  15. That is absolutely fabulous, melys94. Thank you for posting it. Debbie
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