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About miltk

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Favorite series 1 episode
    A Study In Pink
  • Favourite Series 2 Episode
    A Scandal In Belgravia
  • Favourite Series 3 Episode
    The Empty Hearse

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Detective Sergeant

Detective Sergeant (3/8)



  1. how are "walking dead" and "breaking bad" received in england?
  2. okay, so who here has moffat's ear....................carol?
  3. yes, that was a beautiful episode. the smaller the case the more detailed focus on character relationships. the bigger cases swallow up the characters in favor of pizzazz. balancing big themes with detailed personal characterizations is not easy in any format, but especially not in an 1.5 hr tv episode. everybody here talks about sh + molly or sh + dw or sh getting irate when they hurt mrs hudson.... let james bond handle the world. i mean REALLY,,,, exiling sh to a suicide mission in the middle east? WHAT??%$@!!*}
  4. Oh no. Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman have both said they're in for the long haul. As long as Moffat and Gatiss want to write and produce Sherlock episodes. And they still have tons of material to plumb before they run out. And Moffat said in an interview he would give up Doctor Who before he would stop working on "Sherlock". Besides, Sherlock can't retire now. Janine bought his cottage on the Sussex Downs and got rid of the bees! then if they're in it for the long haul, they certainly can't up the ante all the time with earth shattering crimes to solve.
  5. For me, the whole series 3 felt sad. There was a lot of comedy on the surface of things, but underneath, there was this continual feeling that The Fall really was "the end of an era" and things will never, ever be the same again. I felt that Sherlock summed it all up when he said: "The game is never over, John. But there may be some new players now. It’s okay. The East Wind takes us all in the end." ... and that should go straight in my favorite quotes collection, too. the problem with writers is they always want to take the plot into a new direction. yeah, that's okay if a series has been around for years and it starts repeating itself, but here we are at only the 9th episode. and sh can't keep dealing with super villains all the time because you end up trying to outdo yourself. personally i like the quieter episodes because the characters are what's driving this series. hell if they're going the route of the super villain, they may as well do a movie where sh saves the world, and close the book on this thing! the seasons have ended with,,,jw in danger > sh is dead > sh is exiled to certain doom. they're painting themselves into a corner. the writers should starting thinking about how they want to end the series, sopranos or breaking bad - will the characters continue on or will there be some finality for everyone involved,,,and start to fill in the episodes leading to it's end. didn't they say something about 2 or 3 more years?
  6. is it a spoiler if i mention the ending....so,,SPOILER ALERT . . . . . . . . if moriarty is still alive, i will feel cheated. you simply don't fool sh like that. and you can't stick a gun in your mouth, even blanks, and do what moriarty did and survive. i will be very disappointed if moriarty is still alive,,,,unless it's as postulated that sh and jm are gay lovers.
  7. Oh phew. In that case, Sherlock and Molly are unlikely to be the next wedded couple in this series. I have the impression that if series 3 was "about" anything, it was how the tables were turned for Sherlock, relationship-wise, after he came back "from the dead". Before, the few people whom he loved orbited around him. Molly had a crush on him and would do anything for a cheap compliment. John lived in his flat, did the shopping and all other "boring" stuff along with Mrs Hudson and rushed across London to find Sherlock wanted his phone or a pen. Then Sherlock was gone for two years and suddenly, his "planets" found how well their lives went on without him, meaning when he comes back, he is suddenly behind things and realizes, (too?) late, just how much the people whose loyalty he used to take for granted mean to him and how lost he would be without them. the thing is, if it is as moffat says, he made things more interesting by having molly break it off with her boyfriend
  8. sh has feelings for molly as one would a loving sibling. he has feeling for adler like i have feelings for julie christie
  9. I do that ,too; Focus on the background and what's happening with the reactions of the rest of the cast . Molly seems torn between jealousy and reason. She herself has a date for the wedding but she can't help wondering what it is that makes Sherlock "interested" in other girls. he's only been interested in adler. he wasn't so much interested in the moh other than she was the moh and kind of confiscated sherlock
  10. i love moffat's perspective of holmes. kind of sad in a way. i have a little twist to that. some people are just who they are but don't want to be because they don't like not fitting in. but because they are who they are and cannot help themselves, some of them purposefully reinforce people's perception of them by acting even more so. my own corollary to moffat's holmes. btw, sad though sh found himself without a partner in the end (wasn't he rehearsing dance steps with the moh), he left,,,,,and the slo-mo parting shot of him sweeping his coat over himself as he walked past the party was pure nobility. loved it...loved the whole damned episode.
  11. For all who like Molly, I can really recommend re-watching this episode and focusing on her. Her face is a running commentary on the whole wedding and it's wonderful. YES she is. and like when sh tosses the flowers to the maid of honor and molly is standing next to her. you don't see molly's reaction right then but seconds later when the camera pans around you catch a glimpse of molly, face partially turned away i think, and she don't look happy. MUCH more effective than if the camera showed molly just as the moh catches the flowers.
  12. the only inconsistency in logic (not yours, but the writers, if that's the storyline) here is why would she have any reason to tell the photographer that sholto was on the invite. BTW, did anyone notice when the party stands in front of the church for the photo shoot, and the guests start throwing confetti just as the picture is taken, and the camera pans around,,,there's a brief glimpse of molly looking sullen as she looks at the best man & maid of honor the writers think of everything.
  13. i thought sholto was a loner who lived in timbuktoo and points east. anyway, if she knew sholto and saw the invite, that wouldn't mean sholto's life was in danger. i can't connect the dots right now,,,but if the mayfly man was the killer, then the girl had to have seen the invite through him??? girl knows jw's middle name > girl saw middle name on invite > if girls saw the invite then the killer is at the wedding. this is as far as i can take it,,,i'm having brain freeze.
  14. was it about the knowledge of watson's middle name? must watch again. Sorry, I don't remember the photographer being the one who knew John's middle name. Did he? i thought it was something like the girl(who dated the ghost) knew his middle name and the only way she could have known it was from the photographer who photographed the wedding party(groomsmen, maids of honor etc) because watson's middle name was on the wedding invite. ?????
  15. was it about the knowledge of watson's middle name? must watch again.
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