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Series 5 Rumors, Speculation, and Wish Lists


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Been away for awhile and was trying to search for discussion about season 5 rumors, will there be a season 5, etc. I'm pretty sure it must have been discussed somewhere but I can't find any.

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Welcome back, Ozgood!


The potential Series 5 has been discussed here and there in assorted threads. What it all boils down to is, apparently nobody (including Moftiss) knows for sure at this time.


But it'd sure be nice to have a specific place to discuss rumors, speculation, wish lists, etc. -- so here it is! (I have changed the title and moved the thread accordingly.)

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Wish list.  I've said this one somewhere else (maybe the John thread), but it goes here.


I'd like S5 or future episodes/movies to have stand-alone mysteries.  I'd like one of those to be a John-centric medical mystery where Sherlock is important, but he wouldn't be able to solve the case without John's medical knowledge.

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I'd like S5 or future episodes/movies to have stand-alone mysteries.  I'd like one of those to be a John-centric medical mystery where Sherlock is important, but he wouldn't be able to solve the case without John's medical knowledge.


Can I like that idea twice?  :applause:

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I would like a scene between Sherlock and Molly that answers the TFP phone call ramifications for their friendship.

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I do too but I'm doubtful it would happen. What are the odds it's addressed you think?


ETA my hope for a season 5 is a lack of ridiculous OTT all knowing supervillians. Not all villians need to be Moriarty or Eurus. The cab driver was also effective and his motive complicated. Just less of the extremes.

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Oh gosh. I haven't even thought about what I'd like to see. Erm ... more of Nick Hurran as director, please. More of the secondary characters and less of Mycroft. Proper skin tones. :p

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Wish list.  I've said this one somewhere else (maybe the John thread), but it goes here.


I'd like S5 or future episodes/movies to have stand-alone mysteries.  I'd like one of those to be a John-centric medical mystery where Sherlock is important, but he wouldn't be able to solve the case without John's medical knowledge.


Love this idea! I am hoping for a regular mystery. Th ep starts with some Baker street domesticity, then a client walks in and tells them a story and off they go dashing around London looking for clues. No Mary/Moriarty or Eurus. 

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Oof, finally someone started the thread I wanted but never got round to open.


I am not sure if I want another season. They found a nice ending with S4, why spoil that? I really, really like finished works. The reason I don't usually watch series and prefer movies is that I don't deal very well with stories that are unfinished or get dragged out just for the sake of more episodes.


I guess a season 5 that I would like would be very dull because it would simply show the happily ever after: John and Sherlock are best friends solve cases together. The focus would have to shift away from character development and their relationship towards more typical plot- / case- driven detective fiction. I know many people would like that but it would just become less special.

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Oh, not necessarily. I think there's still plenty of room for character development without violating the current ending. (Of course, there's probably even more ways to screw it up. :D) It doesn't have to include conflict between Sherlock and John. In fact, I think John is still owed a big moment ... a moment to show that he would do as much for Sherlock as Sherlock has done for him. I'd like to see that, actually. 


Isn't there a famous ACD story where Holmes arranges to have a silhouette of himself propped up in 221B for a sniper to shoot at? I'd like to see their take on that too, it's always stuck in my mind as one of the more, er, memorable moments.

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That was The Empty House, which the show did as The Empty Hearse, but without that scene.  Some people think the Last Vow scene in the fake house on Leinster Gardens was their take on that, with John in place of the dummy.

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Oh. Hmmm. I don't like that. Do it over, Moftiss! :d


So the gunman in the original would've been Moran? (Dredging to bring up my tiny bit of ACD knowledge here... :smile:)

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I hope that if they return, nothing bad will happen to Rosie. Please, please do not use the poor kid for extra drama. Let her be a cute minor character, a female version of little Archie and leave it at that.

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I still don't understand why she was introduced into the story.


I'd like to see another really good chase scene. On foot, I mean. And another fun fight, like the one from TBB. And I still want to see Sherlock out-deduce Mycroft. I'd like the blog to come back, and I'd like to know who theimprobableone is.


And I still want to see Mary, Molly and Mrs. H gang up on the boys, and completely befuddle them. But I guess it will have to be just Molly and Mrs. H, now. Maybe they can recruit Janine.

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I still don't understand why she was introduced into the story.


I'd like to see another really good chase scene. On foot, I mean. And another fun fight, like the one from TBB. And I still want to see Sherlock out-deduce Mycroft. I'd like the blog to come back, and I'd like to know who theimprobableone is.


And I still want to see Mary, Molly and Mrs. H gang up on the boys, and completely befuddle them. But I guess it will have to be just Molly and Mrs. H, now. Maybe they can recruit Janine.

As cliche as it might be considered, Mary could still help out via DVD. Or after Molly & Mrs H gang up, they could always reveal how Mary was involved. Maybe something was being planned before Mary's demise, but got put on hold.

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God no more Mary DVDs!!! That would be so annoying. Brings me to a wish for season 5 though, spend more time on the living secondary characters than the dead ones from prior seasons (Moriarty, Mary). I don't know what's with this show's fascination with milking characters they kill off.

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I still don't understand why she was introduced into the story.




And I still want to see Mary, Molly and Mrs. H gang up on the boys, and completely befuddle them. But I guess it will have to be just Molly and Mrs. H, now. Maybe they can recruit Janine.



Yes, please, on the more Janine!   :D


In any event, I agree that Rosie's intro is a mystery to me.  Of all things, it would be reasonable to assume that ACD Watson was left with a child at some point after 2+ marriages, what with the state of Victorian birth control and all.  But there was absolutely no reason in 2014 Sherlock-land to have a 40 year old woman fall accidentally pregnant.  So, I must vote for as little Rosie as possible; just a mention of picking her up or dropping her off somewhere, and be done.

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... Rosie's intro is a mystery to me.  Of all things, it would be reasonable to assume that ACD Watson was left with a child at some point after 2+ marriages, what with the state of Victorian birth control and all.  But there was absolutely no reason in 2014 Sherlock-land to have a 40 year old woman fall accidentally pregnant.  So, I must vote for as little Rosie as possible; just a mention of picking her up or dropping her off somewhere, and be done.


ACD Watson may well have had a dozen children, but of course we'd never see them -- that's what nannies were for.


I find it interesting that Victorian Mary was not pregnant in Sherlock's head.  No idea what it means, though.


I personally would not be too eager to push Rosie into the background.  Moftiss may actually have had a reason for introducing her, beyond what we've already seen.  Or not.  And/or they may come up with something new for her, something really terrific.  I wouldn't be surprised in any case.

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... Rosie's intro is a mystery to me.  Of all things, it would be reasonable to assume that ACD Watson was left with a child at some point after 2+ marriages, what with the state of Victorian birth control and all.  But there was absolutely no reason in 2014 Sherlock-land to have a 40 year old woman fall accidentally pregnant.  So, I must vote for as little Rosie as possible; just a mention of picking her up or dropping her off somewhere, and be done.


ACD Watson may well have had a dozen children, but of course we'd never see them -- that's what nannies were for.


I find it interesting that Victorian Mary was not pregnant in Sherlock's head.  No idea what it means, though.


I personally would not be too eager to push Rosie into the background.  Moftiss may actually have had a reason for introducing her, beyond what we've already seen.  Or not.  And/or they may come up with something new for her, something really terrific.  I wouldn't be surprised in any case.



And maybe ACD was just cleverly realizing that Watson would not insert that into his own memoirs, and Holmes would never comment on it, so that's why we don't read it.  Since ACD had such a clever understanding of the back stories and motivations of his characters.   :wacko:  :D


Yes, I still think the non-pregnant Victorian Mary was a clue to something, but I don't know what.  I also read her attire as mourning attire, what with the veil and the jet beading, and I don't think it can be passed off as "well, most Victorian women were in mourning for someone or other."  That looked pretty fresh.  I've always worried it was Rosie, but I don't think they can effectively do that now that modern John has lost Mary, and I don't want to watch it regardless.


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I also read her attire as mourning attire, what with the veil and the jet beading, and I don't think it can be passed off as "well, most Victorian women were in mourning for someone or other." That looked pretty fresh.


That may have just been an attempt at historical accuracy. Black was a popular color for women's dress in Victorian times, because that's what Queen Victoria wore for the rest of her life after the death of her husband. Women tried to emulate the Queen in their fashion choices.


It may also have been some nostalgia injected by Moftiss. The older "Sherlock Holmes" films often featured mysterious women in dark veils.

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Yeah, that's how I take it too -- Mary was in disguise as a "client," so she couldn't very well wear something her husband would be likely to recognize.

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It was also a little stab at John - he was gone so much she was practically widowed.

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Which was also interesting, that Sherlock would see it that way.

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