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Post Your Moriarty Theories (Spoilers)

Jim Moriarty

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I agree he's a great character.  But I don't see how they could possibly explain bringing that actual character back.  I'm perfectly willing to accept his evil twin, though!


For me, it's just the opposite: I'd be just barely able to accept Moriarty's head shot not to have been fatal after all (Sherlock never really checked whether he was dead, did he?) and him returning after two years of treatment and rehab than the existence of a twin brother. I have an aversion to identical twins as plot devices, just like I disapprove strongly of split personalities and extremely lifelike masks and such like.


Of course, if it turned out that there were hints all along that Moriarty was always two people, I'd be a little more resigned to the idea, especially since he does have a brother in canon, who might not look the same but has the same name (probably due to some mistake or indifference towards his creation on Doyle's part).


"Evil" twin... well, how much more evil than the Moriarty we have met can you be?


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... if it turned out that there were hints all along that Moriarty was always two people, I'd be a little more resigned to the idea, especially since he does have a brother in canon, who might not look the same but has the same name (probably due to some mistake or indifference towards his creation on Doyle's part).


"Evil" twin... well, how much more evil than the Moriarty we have met can you be?


Sorry! That was an attempt at humor on my part, since "evil twin" is such a soap-opera cliche.


I think we can take it as given that "there were hints all along," seeing as how (as you mention) it's canon that Professor Moriarty had at least one brother, and Moftiss have already mentioned the other James in one of the commentaries ("Great Game," I assume). As for in-universe hints (prior to the ad blitz at the end of "Last Vow"), I can't offhand think of any. But it seems like a lot of things that we take for random details turn out to be hints -- we just don't notice them as such till they pan out.


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Well, how about a "good" twin, then?

That'd be a plot twist.


And to show Sherlock that he's not angry at him for being involved in his brother's suicide, he sent out the message to keep him in England.

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Oh, hey, that'd be different!  In "The Empty House," the brother who's attacking Holmes's memory is called Colonel Moriarty -- so in this alternative-universe version, he's maybe a colonel in the Salvation Army?


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I like it. Sherlock keeps trying to thwart him, and all the time he's just trying to help people. A consulting philanthropist!

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I was just thinking... I actually expect Moriarty will turn out to be alive, because they want to bring the character (and the actor) back, but if he wasn't - wouldn't it be fun if it was Anderson behind the broadcast? He'd be just the person to do something like that, of course he'd want to keep Sherlock in the country and I bet there's a number of nerds in his "fan club" who would be capable of hacking a few media networks...

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Yeah that would be fun but... did Anderson know that Sherlock was about to be sent to exile? But I think this is something Mofftiss would do so I wouldn't be suprised if it turned out to be true.

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Yeah that would be fun but... did Anderson know that Sherlock was about to be sent to exile? But I think this is something Mofftiss would do so I wouldn't be suprised if it turned out to be true.


Anderson probably wasn't supposed to know, but he might well have found it out on his own. After all, he had been stalking Sherlock - pardon, "following".


I would really like that solution, but I don't think it's likely. I'm pretty sure we'll get the "real" Moriarty back. Oh well... Better than Magnussen any day. Now, if he turns out to be alive as well, I will really throw a fit!


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Agreed!  :angry:


But so far we don't even know whether Moriarty is supposed to be alive or not, so no point in getting all worked up just yet, I suppose.


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Oh, but it's fun getting worked up and we have at least two years to tide over...

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Hey guys, I'm new here, so hopefully this being my first post isn't an infraction of sorts  ;)


But anyway, I am thinking that Moriarty showing up on the cameras at the end is caused by one of several possibilities.


A. It's caused by someone who is NOT Moriarty

  1. Sherlock? When he shoots CAM, it seems as if it is because he was outwitted by him. However, Sherlock might have planned this beforehand and used the distraction to be kept in England.
  2. Irene Adler? Giving Sherlock a hand after he saved her life? Possible, but not probably in my opinion, as I doubt she would have suddenly become a "good guy", which she would need to be in future episodes after we find out its her.
  3. Someone related to Moriarty in some way, or a future villain. This seems like the most reasonable solution. Its someone who wants to distract the country with Moriarty while working on another purpose.
  4. Others. It would have to be someone tech-savvy, which narrows the list down drastically.

B. It's Moriarty

  1. Moriarty never died from the gunshot wound. Highly, highly, doubt this. Sherlock, while destroying his network, would definitely have made sure that Moriarty was dead.
  2. The person on the rooftop wasn't Moriarty. Moriarty was able to find a close lookalike of Sherlock, so why couldn't he find one of himself? But this theory seems too farfetched, albeit more credible than Moriarty surviving the rooftop. There is little reason that Moriarty would send some lookalike of himself to confront Sherlock before his intended suicide. Of course, Moriarty could be some completely different person from Richard Brook, and he was an actor all the time. But this would make the brilliant acting of Andrew Scott seem like a waste.


These are just a few thoughts of mine  :) wanted to get them off my mind.

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Welcome to the forum, and thanks for sharing! I think you've summed up your thoughts quite nicely, and I agree with most of your points. To me it's "impossible" that Moriarty survived a shot to the head, so however improbable, :) it's got to be one of the other explanations. I'm probably wrong.....

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Hello CanuckFan and welcome to the forum! :wave:


As you can see from the sheer length of this thread, theories on whodunnit abound. Personally, I'm still holding out for Mummy Holmes, because I want to see her go absolutely monstrous :smile:.

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Hello CanuckFan and welcome to the forum! :wave:


As you can see from the sheer length of this thread, theories on whodunnit abound. Personally, I'm still holding out for Mummy Holmes, because I want to see her go absolutely monstrous :smile:.

Mummy Holmes as the real Moriarty??? OMG!!!!!!  :D

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Well, she did write that suspiciously-titled book....


Welcome to the forum, CanuckFan!  And back to your original questions:


Hey guys, I'm new here, so hopefully this being my first post isn't an infraction of sorts  ;)
But anyway, I am thinking that Moriarty showing up on the cameras at the end is caused by one of several possibilities.
A. It's caused by someone who is NOT Moriarty
B. It's Moriarty


Nope, not an infraction at all.  In fact, you're helping to keep the forum active by diving right in!


Regarding who that was actually on-camera at the very end, I prefer


C.  It was Andrew Scott, doing sort of a promo for Series 4.  (And my reply is, Yes, I've missed you -- but I sure hope Moftiss don't expect me to believe that Moriarty ate a bullet and survived!)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi there iron-bell! I read your theory, and I must say it's as likely as any others I've seen! It makes sense, although I don't really hear the spray sound, but I don't have really good speakers either. But I can see how it might work. No idea if it's even close to being right, though! :)

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I have two theories as of yet -


- It wasn't Moriarty. We haven't even seen the real Moriarty yet. Andrew Scott's Moriarty was indeed an actor/criminal hired by the real

Moriarty to pose as him.


- It was Mycroft. He hacked the nationwide screens (he has the power) and created the Moriarty gag so that Sheflock is called back.

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Btw, I also think that Moriarty's body went missing after Sherlock jumped.


Because according to Anderson's theory they disguised Moriarty's corpse as Sherlock's.


So obviously, that means Moriarty's body wasn't found on the rooftop and somehow went missing - which Anderson molded into his (false) theory.

Not sure if I explained that right.


Or I am just getting too deep in this! :P

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I have two theories as of yet -


- It wasn't Moriarty. We haven't even seen the real Moriarty yet. Andrew Scott's Moriarty was indeed an actor/criminal hired by the real

Moriarty to pose as him.


- It was Mycroft. He hacked the nationwide screens (he has the power) and created the Moriarty gag so that Sheflock is called back.



Well there is that theory going about that the journalist was the real Moriarty,  and I actually think that there could be some credence behind that theory.  


Oh and I like the Mycroft idea as well. 

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The Mycroft idea was my first theory, but I can't really see how they'd use Andrew Scott again if that were the case. Unless everything's done in flashback? Hmmmmm....


Actually, I don't have another theory! I'm not devious enough to think of one that works... :)

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I find the female Moriarty theory interesting. And is a good possibility.

Though I may not really be happy about it. Too much of a deviation from canon. How's Elementary any different then?


Well, Scott may not have an active role in the coming series. He might as well be used in flashbacks or daydreams...

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I just noticed your dragon's outfit. :D


Nah, we don't want to see a repeat of Elementary, do we? But I like the flashback idea -- except it doesn't explain "Miss me?"  So somebody has to be doing something in the present. Two Moriarty's, one in the past, one in the present? No, wait, didn't Star Trek do that already? :) Urgh, everytime I get lured into thinking about this my head explodes....

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