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Favorite Quotes (All Series)


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Yes, I loved that too.  :D


Hello, Datseer -- welcome to Sherlock Forum!  :welcome:  I hope you're enjoying yourself here!


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Hello Datseer and welcome to the forum! :wave: Yeah, that line was perfect.

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My favorite one just has to be from Sherlock. I loved this scene so much.


"Lestrade, we've had a break in at baker street. Send your least irritating officers and an ambulance. Oh no no no, we're fine. No, it's the burgular. He's got himself rather badly injured. A few broken ribs, fractured skull, suspected punctured lung. He fell out of a window."

"And exactly how many times did he fall out of a window?"

"Oh, it's all a bit of a blur, detective inspector. I lost count."

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Oh yes, that's great! I always felt it spoke volumes about Sherlock and Lestrade's friendship or partnership, whatever you want to call it, that Lestrade just accepts Sherlock's actions. It was remarked in another thread that no one in 'Sherlock' seems to be normal... and I'm starting to think it's true. A "normal" cop would/should not accept assault, but Lestrade just seems to accept Sherlock's judgement. Actually, now I come to think of it, maybe he doesn't have much choice, because he is going against the law himself by letting Sherlock in on cases.

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Actually, now I come to think of it, maybe he doesn't have much choice, because he is going against the law himself by letting Sherlock in on cases.


   That does seem to be the case and is touched on in "TRF".

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Of course, Lestrade wasn't there.  Any police officer who didn't actually witness the events would have to take Sherlock's word that there was a break-in.  And of course when Sherlock came home and found him there, he tried to flee the scene by jumping out of a window.  Several times -- well, I will admit that the logic does start to break down there.


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Yeah, I believe it shows that Lestrade has complete trust in Sherlock. He knows that Sherlock knows what he's doing, and I think he feels that he can't question Sherlock. If they don't trust each other completely, I feel that Lestrade has complete faith in Sherlock.

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There are so many wonderful lines from all three series, it is difficult to choose favourites.....I do like Mycroft's: "You are in Buckingham Palace, the very heart of the British nation. Sherlock Holmes, put your trousers on!"


Sherlock himself probably gets the best lines, though Benedict's delivery obviously enhances them. Lines such as "Brilliant! Yes! Four serial suicides and now a note! It's Christmas!" or "And contrast is, after all, God's own plan to enhance the beauty of his creation - or it would be, If God were not a ludicrous fantasy designed to provide a career opportunity for the family idiot." Followed by a shot of the vicar, looking startled.

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Guest enda

England would fall!




My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?

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My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?


Indeed. It's an interesting line, isn't it? It's like we should be able to deduce something about Sherlock's heart from Mycroft's words, and yet not quite. It's a mystery :)

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Maybe Mycroft says that to John in hopes that John can actually give him an answer -- since hearts aren't exactly Mycroft's area.


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"Anderson don't talk out loud, you'll lower the IQ of the whole street"


Even more fun considering my brothers surname is Anderson & he thinks he is the human version of Google.

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This has to be one of my favorite Mycroft quotes.  :lol:


Sherlock Holmes: Dominatrix... 

Mycroft Holmes: Don't be alarmed. It's to do with sex. 

Sherlock Holmes: Sex doesn't alarm me. 

Mycroft Holmes: How would you know? 

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I found that quip a bit unfair and quite illogical, actually. You needn't have had sex to know whether it alarms you, after all. I mean, I'm fairly alarmed by the thought of a shark attacking me if I swim in the open sea, and I've never been munched on by one either.

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It was a perfect example of how snarky Mycroft can be, tho!

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Well the reason I like that quote is that it seems to show that Mycroft has a wide range of personalities, from grave and serious, competitive and biting, to banter and sarcasm. Probably is one of the most complex characters in the show IMO. I would love to have an episode in Season 4 reveal more about him.

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Moftiss have been saying that they want to give more attention to the female characters in Series 4, so Mycroft may have to wait till Series 5.  Then again, if Mummy Holmes gets some of that attention, it may shed some light on Mycroft as well.


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My memory for exact quotes sucks, but it was something like this:


Mycroft:  If you go against Magnusson you will go up against ME.

Sherlock:  I'll let you know if I notice. 



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Next time you're groping for a quote, Redbeard, you can check Ariane DeVere's Sherlock transcripts.  The dear woman has actually written down every single word from every single episode.


She has that quote from "His Last Vow" as follows:


MYCROFT (quietly, ominously): If you go against Magnussen, then you will find yourself going against me.
SHERLOCK (nonchalantly): Okay. I’ll let you know if I notice.


You were really close!


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"I'll tell you what you can do. You can stop being dead."




Nice little trickery with the words, there ;)

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And that strangly motion he makes with his hands when he mentions Mycroft .... I know it doesn't qualify as a quote, but it's priceless. Should we have a "favorite gestures" thread?


Ooooooh, favorite gestures! How awesome! How come every gesture I immediately think of is Sherlock's? Hmmm...


Aside from the (dreamy) hair rustle and elegant putting-on-my-coat-and-turning-my-collar-up moves, these come to mind:

  • Sherlock's smile in TBB when he's just told Amanda what her hair pin is worth.
  • His jump over the table at John's wedding.
  • His jump and spin in ASiP when he says "Ah, it's Christmas."
  • His mimics in TGG when saying "...round and round the garden like a teddy bear."
  • How he elegantly pulls his gun on Moriarty in one smooth move in the pool scene.

Or, you know, basically anything Sherlock (Cumberbatch) does!

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Yes! And...


Flopping on the couch in a sulk.

Walking straight over the table after said sulk.

Curling up resentfully in his chair when he's high.

Jumping over the fence, leaving poor John to scramble over as best he can....

Flipping the gun in the "Vatican cameos" scene.

That thing he does with his hands when he's telling the women "Not you. Not you. Not you."


I think I just figured out why I like this show so much..... :wub:

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I love Sherlock's response, in HLV, when John says "But it's Christmas!". He grins happily and says, "I feel the same." but looks disappointed then and adds,, "Oh, you mean it's actually Christmas.". Trust Sherlock to be joyful about danger but indifferent to the festive season!

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