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Favorite Quotes (All Series)


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John (triumphantly): "Yes, oh yes!"

Sherlock (smugly): "You think it was the cat; it wasn't the cat." And shortly thereafter (sarcastically): "Lovely idea."

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Does John's glare at the end of that scene count as a favorite quote?  :D

Sure, why not?  John's reactions are wonderful, aren't they?




Whenever I hear someone say "fascinating!" or even think it, I hear drunken Sherlock the way he said it to Tessa in Tso3.

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Does John's glare at the end of that scene count as a favorite quote?  :D

Sure, why not?  John's reactions are wonderful, aren't they?




Whenever I hear someone say "fascinating!" or even think it, I hear drunken Sherlock the way he said it to Tessa in Tso3.



Ah, yes! Love that one. Especially the way he changes from "boring, boring, boring" to "No. Fascinating!"


And John's facial expressions are always priceless! Oh, that reminds me of his reaction to Sherlock's apology to Molly in ASiB.

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Oh, heavens, yes!  Most actors are happy to do a mere double-take, but Freeman pulled off a quadruple there -- and so smoothly that I didn't realize it till I'd seen the episode umpteen times and was watching in analytical mode.


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Okay, if reactiion shots count as quotes! --- then definitely number one on my list is John's reaction to Sherlock kissing Janine. :) OMG, I almost died.

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Okay, if reactiion shots count as quotes! --- then definitely number one on my list is John's reaction to Sherlock kissing Janine. :) OMG, I almost died.


Oh yes, that was priceless. Mmm, so many of Sherlock's little moments are my favorites. Let me think... The look at the empty chair in The Sign of Three with the little facial twitch must be among them. Then also almost anything his face does during the pool scenes (still and always my personal highlight on this show). His smile as Sebastian's secretary realizes how valuable her hair pin is. Hmmm... I'm sure I can think of a lot more!


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And of course his expression when Sebastion says "we all hated him..."  ..... and the expression when Sherlock realizes he doesn't have anyone to dance with at the wedding.... aww, I'm sniffly just thinking about it.

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And in His Last Vow when Magnussen is flicking John's face :( Grrr! Or when Sherlock finds out that the vaults are not real. Gosh, that look will break any heart!


But, yeah, Sherlock's facial twist in the pool scene are great. Oh, have to go back and watch it more carefully now.


Added: And I just did. Aw, I can understand why it's so many's favorite. Funny enough, this was the first time it actually gave me goosebumps when John takes hold of Moriarty. The scene has always stood out as great, but not one of my absolute favorites, until maybe now. I guess I always thought it was a bit pointless of John to throttle Moriarty, as if Sherlock would just up and leave. Nevermind that, though; it's mainly Sherlock's reaction that's great.

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Speaking of grins, this might be my favorite one ...


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Another one of Sherlock's faces I love is the one he makes when he gets back to Baker St in The Blind Baker and sees the cipher on the wall there.

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Okay, this one, right here....




This is the moment just before Sherlock takes John's gun and shoots Magnussen. It moves me deeply; but what is it? At first I thought it was "goodbye," and later I thought it was sorrow, or maybe "I'm sorry." But the last time I saw it, I wondered if it might simply be love. It helps to see it in motion; there are nuances to it.


Whatever it is, it breaks my heart, the more so because John is wholly unaware of it.


Thoughts, anyone?

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Ugh, to think that a picture can evoke such emotion... but you're right, Arcadia, it certainly does. I think the answer to your question might be 'all of the above'. The way I see it is that Sherlock is making up his mind to shoot Magnussen in this moment (I know some people think he already has decided that earlier, but I respectfully think otherwise), and so his gaze fixes on John, as if to take a good look before he changes things forever. He's counting the cost in this moment, saying goodbye, and maybe "I'm sorry for what I have to do that will make me have to leave you again". And love is the whole reason for what he's going to do, so that would be readable as well, but I do think there's a lot of "goodbye" in it.

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Yes, "things will never be the same for us" ..... there's a lot of that in there too, isn't there? Pardon me, but damn, that Cumberbatch can ACT.

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He certainly can. I'm amazed at his ability to take on every role with such realism. It feels like he has his heart in all of it, and owns the roles. Pretty incredible, isn't it.

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I see determination most of all, I think. As if he decided at that point that yes, he really will shoot that creep.

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Ah. I see it. But why then does it make my heart weep? :cry:

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:D  Well, if the photo told me that Sherlock is thinking, "Yes, I'm gonna shoot that creep," my heart would probably weep, too. Of course, that's exactly what I think he's making his mind up to do here, but I rather hope his inner voice isn't using those exact words. Though it might very well. Shooting someone to kill takes quite an amount of coldness, after all. At least in that very moment of decision.


By the way, another look of Sherlock's that makes me want to both smile and cry is from the airport scene, just after he's made the joke about his name. That teary half-smile morphing back into sad realisation...

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Ugh, and this one: Sherlock's face while saying these words to Henry Knight, "You were just a child. You couldn't cope." It's earlier in the show, before it got so sentimental (meant fondly), so it always held such weight in my eyes (or, rather, ears).

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:D  Well, if the photo told me that Sherlock is thinking, "Yes, I'm gonna shoot that creep," my heart would probably weep, too. Of course, that's exactly what I think he's making his mind up to do here, but I rather hope his inner voice isn't using those exact words. Though it might very well. Shooting someone to kill takes quite an amount of coldness, after all. At least in that very moment of decision.


I suppose Sherlock's brain would use more refined language. But I do "read" him in a way that yes, he can be very cold and hard if he wants or thinks he needs to. And besides, I like to think that given the courage, skill and opportunity, I would have killed Magnussen as well. And Moriarty, too. They aren't real people. They're villains. Evil villains. What else are you supposed to do about the problem of their existence?


Oh dear, that sounds awful. Again, I'd never even consider this in real life, but then, I don't believe villains really exist. I wish they wouldn't in fiction, either. They're kind of boring. I prefer characters like Sherlock (yes, or Mary) who might do horrible things but are still people. Even the cabbie in episode 1 was a person. He was an interesting character, come to think of it. I want more antagonists like that.

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