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Another excellent show I want to blabber about: Lucifer!

I was hooked since the beginning, and after binge watching for three seasons, I'm so glad that Netflix picks it up for another season after it's being cancelled. Geez, who does that?? Cancelling good show. Pfft. Wait, it happens all the time while crappy shows stay around forever.

I think the show idea is interesting, it manages to keep it fresh even after three season procedural + strong main story. (imho, concept that works very well when it's handled well). I like how they introduce the characters and makes the relationship believable enough. I have quite a lot of rare lol moments, and I meant it really cracked me up and made me produce loud laughing noises at unexpected times, sometimes the joke is so smart that it took me awhile to come into realization. And as other shows that captivate me, is the way the character's emotions relate to real life. (Damn human!) I root for the Devil.

The main character, Lucifer. How do I put this; British, annoying, arrogant, clueless about social interactions. Ring a bell? And he is tall. Tall-er!!   Tallllll. I love those tallies, I remember the first few things I noticed about opposite gender are smarts and heights.

Watching him, I have this very weird realization.  I worked with a Brit consultant very closely for one and a half years. We dealt with each other almost everyday and basically bonded on talking crap about other's imbecile, especially the systems and bosses. I even introduced Sherlock to him and he loved it (what are the odds that you have to introduce Sherlock to a Brit?)

He is shorter than the actor, but other that that, he actually looked, sounded almost exactly like Tom Ellis, Lucifer's actor. The way he was talking, accent, body language and all, even the way he crooked his head, the way he was being frustrated with others, the glint and the grin, the resemblance is uncanny.. Holy moly, only now I realize that he is actually quite attractive. Bahahaha.

Anyway, the show, recommended. Maybe not everyone cup of tea, but I think they handle the divine thingy well and subtly. It sounds weird but a lot of good shows that I like have their characters my age, so I don't feel old and stubbornly think that of course that means the world revolves around my taste of show. 😛 (wait.. that might speaks something about why shows that I like always seem to be on the edge of cancellation...) .godammit.


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I tried watching it a few times but couldn't get into it. But that describes almost everything these days … I think the only thing I'm watching on a regular basis anymore is … ummmm…...

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^ Same.

I am occasionally trying new shows on streaming services, but most of those have very short seasons and aren't really all that captivating.


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We sure are a difficult-to-please bunch, aren't we? :smile: 

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I’ve been trying out “American Gods”, based on the novel by Neil Gaiman.

So weird...

I never read the novel, but I know a lot of mythology, so seeing their little twists on things has been the most fun so far.


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But Gaiman is English, isn't he?  Odd that he wouldn't write about English Gods.  OK, looked him up, and he now lives in the US, so maybe that explains it.

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I've read the novel American Gods but haven't watched the series. If I recall he wrote it after moving to the US. It's a good novel but not his best. The idea behind American gods is that they are brought to America by immigrants that worship them and gods that have been created in the mean time in America.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/11/2019 at 8:30 AM, Arcadia said:

We sure are a difficult-to-please bunch, aren't we? :smile: 

You think???? :P

I know there is no use asking, but anyone watches Making a Murderer 2?

There was a fantastic sleuthing job by the new lawyer.

Gee, I hope everything will be settled the way it should be, it's heartbroken to see Steven Avery's aging parents.

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9 hours ago, Van Buren Supernova said:

You think???? :P

I know there is no use asking, but anyone watches Making a Murderer 2?

There was a fantastic sleuthing job by the new lawyer.

Gee, I hope everything will be settled the way it should be, it's heartbroken to see Steven Avery's aging parents.

I love Sherlock Holmes and good mystery programmes, however, I don't like true crime stories. Knowing that it's real puts me right off.

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23 hours ago, Sheerluck said:

I love Sherlock Holmes and good mystery programmes, however, I don't like true crime stories. Knowing that it's real puts me right off.

Are you referring to documentaries?  What if it's a drama based on a true story?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Lucifer (which got dropped by Fox after S3 but picked up by Netflix) starts S4 in a week and half. Here's a brief recap of S1-3 (spoilers, obviously):



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Can't wait to see that smug face.

Hope it's as good as Season 2, my favorite. But I'm interested on how they take it from Season 3 finale. I hope it doesn't turn into mushy cliche. 

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Yeah, there are many ways they can [censor] this up (and they demonstrated some of them in S3, sigh). But given how they handled the Deckerstar episode, I'm cautiously optimistic. :smile:

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You meant the episode name Deckerstar? The penultimate one instead of the finale 'A Devil of My word'? Because I'm trying to think why the first is worth more mentioning than the latter. Oh wait, is it the name of the ship?  Or whatever they call those term such as Sherlolly? (I remember in Hannibal thread someone mentioned about Hannigram and I didn't know what the heck it's supposed to be until much later). Alright got it.

Anyway, thanks again for the news, I knew nothing about the air date and sure would only try to check about it much later than...two days ago! Because you told me, and I had binged it as soon as I got my hand on it.

I put everything in spoiler box because for me, even by someone saying about liking it or hating it could affect my enjoyment, if it's obvious enough about the preference of the person. So, just in case.

But before that, there are two devil jokes that never grow old to me.

1. Lucifer was trying to sweet talk a woman. She was blushing, clearly taken by his charm, fanning herself and blurted out," Oh my God." To which Lucifer snapped, demeanour changed 180 and yelled at her, "You really have to ruin that, don't you?!???!?"

2. A scene in season 4 without spoiling, a character was reacting to Lucifer's behavior, "Oh my god, Lucifer!" To which he replied, "That is an oxymoron." 

Get me every time. :lol5:

Actually, Season is pretty good. Love it. I'm amazed that they are able to pull it off, from what it seems like a death sentence to a drama, it's great! In fact, all episodes of season 4 rank 9.5 and above in Imdb, the only two episodes with that score in all of previous seasons are the two we mentioned above.

I think a lot of it comes from streamlining the season down to 10 episodes compared to 24 (26) of season 3. Nothing feel draggy, no filler, no annoying plots, and they deliver. Emotional moments are done well and it's still as funny as the predecessors. Whether or not they are renewed for Season 5 I'm fine. I like if this is the finale, and I have faith that they would deliver if there is another season.

Low points:

- Chloe's face is distracting at the beginning. I suppose the actress got some job done or something. But it's okay later in the season (or I got used to it)

- Detective Douche is a bit way too douchey that for some moments it feels too much, he is not the likeable character we know  most of the time this season tbh, although I'm okay at the end.

- I would snap at Eve earlier than Maze.

- Still don't like the way they do bacon face.


High points:

- The devil has been working out, and I have never imagined that I would enjoy looking at a man's behind on national television. Multiple times. Hooba hooba. :P

- Tom Ellis singing! Great beginning montage. And who would have guessed Maze is great singer too.

- Hillarious superbad boyfriend montage.

- Always enjoy brother backing up each other beating up people and Lucifer's fight scene.

- Amenadiel is very adorable this season.


Many many others that I would list had I not already spent two hour plus here writing only two posts and forum kicks me out everytime.

Hope you enjoy season 4 like I do.

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I'm only two episodes in, but loving it so far. The new format and quality is amazing, as are the performances. Takes a lot of self control to pace myself and not binge the rest. :D

eta: Three episodes now. Impossible as it may seem, I love Maze even more now. :cheers:

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You certainly have a lot of self constrain! 😃

But I agree that should be a better way to enjoy it.



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The scene in ep5 where Chloe talks to Amenadiel has to be the most adorable one ever. :wub:

Amenadiel (an angel, for those not watching), after something Chloe said: No wonder your dad is so proud of you.

Chloe: Ah, that's sweet, but, you know, my dad, he, uh ... (exhales) He ...
(her dad, also a cop, was fatally shot fifteen years ago)

(Amenadiel smiling gently and giving her a knowing look)

Chloe (realizing who she's talking to): Oh.

(Amenadiel smiling a bit broader and nodding)

Chloe: (laughs softly): Right.

(Amenadiel nodding again)

Chloe (smiling gratefully): Thank you. (bites her lip, then looks upwards with tears in her eyes)

Really, *all* of the cast have been knocking it out of the park this season so far, imo.

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Agree to all cast, although detective Douche could be a bit too much earlier.

I like every scenes with Amenadiel this season.

And it always cracks me up on how simple but spot-on Lucifer describes him "the one with very very serious face". :lol5:

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Saw the last episode of S4 today. This is how you do a "bittersweet" ending, if you feel you have to. *sniffle* One that leaves your viewers full of feels and not rage.

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Indeed, sorry for the confusion. I don't want to spoiler anything here, so it's a bit hard to talk about the ending, but while I obviously hope for a S5 (and signs are looking good *fingerscrossed*), the way they finished S4 works as a finale, at least for me. A sad one :cry: but it makes a sad poetic sort of sense.

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Me too.

*dazed at Lucifer's stare*

My desire is... to have season 5 as good as season 4, and unlimited supply of cake...

(special explanation to those who don't know, the devil's specialty is to make you confess about your desire)

Anyway, I'm so glad that we have this great finale, unlike *huh*. Although I barely want to know actors outside their roles, I actually watched their reunion talk in the Youtube (forget how to include youtube video here) and very happy to see the cast's real chemistry, and they really look good in rl too (have I mentioned I like men with spec more) and it's nice that they appreciate their fans and their show.

I was very lucky to find this show just recently, so it spared me disappointment when it were cancelled.

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